View Full Version : Shooters in 2006

01-31-2006, 05:31 AM

I found this article on IGN. It discusses about 20 or 25 shooters that are either slotted as 2006 releases, or could be. Mostly ones that I'd heard of, but a few new ones as well.

One of them mentioned, TimeShift, just had a demo released. I'll be playing that and giving a short review soon.

01-31-2006, 05:44 AM
I doubt that Timeshift will be any good. Basing a game off the ability to slow down and manipulate time (aka slow-mo) is overplayed. Crysis looks incredible and I wonder what kind of specs it will take to run it.
But besided UT2k7, Quake Wars, and MAYBE the SiN game, everything else doesn't look too great.

Duke Nukem Forever.... And the RTCW sequel prolly won't make it in this year.

01-31-2006, 03:48 PM
It sure looks like gamers will have a varied selection to choose from in '06 with all the sequels, expansion packs and new games. The future looks good.

01-31-2006, 04:27 PM
I doubt that Timeshift will be any good. Basing a game off the ability to slow down and manipulate time (aka slow-mo) is overplayed. Crysis looks incredible and I wonder what kind of specs it will take to run it.
But besided UT2k7, Quake Wars, and MAYBE the SiN game, everything else doesn't look too great.

Duke Nukem Forever.... And the RTCW sequel prolly won't make it in this year.

I agree that it probably won't be good, but it's worth a shot. I personally tend to love games that utilize slow-mo stuff. Max Payne & its sequel remain 2 of my favorite games. Crysis definitely does look incredible, I agree. I'm not sure about the SiN thing, except that it said that every episode will be 6 hours of game play, and will cost 15-20 bucks! Sounds like a HUGE ripoff (you'll download the ep from Steam).

In case any one doesn't know about Crysis, it's made by Crytek, the same people that made FarCry (one of the most underappreciated games of 2004, despite its accolades). You can find an absolutely stunning video here:


01-31-2006, 06:59 PM
Those graphics in that video were really impressive

01-31-2006, 07:01 PM
Those graphics in that video were really impressive

I'm drooling over the movable foliage. Sure, it's not gonna make the gameplay any better, but DANG!

02-02-2006, 05:47 AM
Hmmm....Ok, so I played TimeShift. I was definitely less than impressed. The controls seemed very sluggish and hard to be good/accurate with. I hate a really hard time aiming at people. I move the mouse settings quite a bit and couldn't really get what I wanted.

That said, the game seems like it could be fun if they could get rid of that. I was enjoying what it had to offer. In addition to standard slow-down time manipulation, you could also stop time completely or reverse time. Both proved interesting. While I didn't do it, some stuff I read claimed that if you stopped time, you could actually run up and steal someone's gun and kill them with it - awesome! Reversing time allowed you to run in guns-a-blazin' and then save your butt if it turned out to be a bad idea. All in all, I didn't care for the controls, but teh gameplay seemed to have potential.

I know that there have been a slew of complaints about this, involving the game not working right, and in some cases, not even installing correctly. Hopefully this will bring forth massive changes and a new demo, and maybe that one will provide a better game.

Until then, I think not to this game...

Die Hard
02-02-2006, 12:15 PM
Thanks for the reviews Bob. I read them with interest and they definitely help me make a decision with my next game purchase.

02-02-2006, 02:17 PM
Thanks for the reviews Bob. I read them with interest and they definitely help me make a decision with my next game purchase.

Glad to hear it! :thumbs: