View Full Version : Server Monitor

02-04-2006, 05:57 PM
The was some talk in a previous thread about adding something at the bottom of the forum's main page to show who was on the Q4 server. See if this will help.

Q4mon - http://www.dev1ance.net/download/
A site that tells some more about it and where it's being used - http://www.qxmon.net/q4mon-browser.pl

BTW Until then if you guys would just get the FREE X-Fire server browser it tells you who is on and where they are playing so you can join in. ;) You can launch the game from it, you can send messages to them or even start a voice chat channel (which sounds ok, but sucks at times). You can save friends and servers in your favorites list. Once one of your friends logs onto X-Fire it pops up a little message to tell you if you are out of game. If in game you only hear the sound it makes.

There are several of us already using it so come on slackers and jump on board! :P
sprhghotpt1 is my username

02-04-2006, 06:18 PM
my x-fire is bobtheckroach

02-05-2006, 02:28 AM
Here's some more names for you to add. Ignore the ones that are not familiar to you, those are more than likely my CoD2 buds.

Pure how did you get your name in caps? Also, Term was trying to add you to his and when he did the search, your name didn't come up.

02-05-2006, 05:07 AM

02-05-2006, 05:55 AM
You can't search for Pure_Evil and find him, because that's not his username - it's his Display Name. For instance, my username is bobtheckroach, but my Display name is BobtheCkroach. Well, pure's username is totally different than his display name. I know his username, but in the off-hand chance that he doesn't want it posted, i'll leave it to him to share it.

02-05-2006, 05:57 AM
ooh...doh! Now that I actually look @ your picture I notice that it lists his real username, not the display name, so you already knew all that...Oops! :banghead:

02-05-2006, 02:47 PM
Here's some more names for you to add. Ignore the ones that are not familiar to you, those are more than likely my CoD2 buds.

Pure how did you get your name in caps? Also, Term was trying to add you to his and when he did the search, your name didn't come up.

errrr. I typed it.......:dunno:

02-07-2006, 02:42 PM
LOL funny Pure...... :rolleyes:

Guy's try this ----> http://downwardspiral.org/ds/index.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=2
