View Full Version : Far Cry

02-05-2006, 09:49 PM
Anyone play this?
I tried it when it first came out, but my system was not stout enough, and the game appeared to be too difficult.

I am actually playing through the game now, and I am like wow. this has got to be one of the best and most realistic games ever. The game is so vast and open ended. No invisible walls here. :) It is amazing what they were able to do. I am really looking forward to the next installment.

02-05-2006, 09:51 PM
Oh, i mean SP only.... MP may be there, but I am not interested enough to find out.

02-05-2006, 10:02 PM
Far Cry SP is AWESOME!! The tropical island enviornment is beautiful, the weapons are great, and the AI is not stupid.
The hang gliders are totally cool. I would highly recommend this game, especially now that can be bought for $20 or so.:thumbs:
I checked the MP maps and they look awesome as well but I don't know if there were any servers up.

02-06-2006, 03:56 AM
Very awesome game, though I never did get all the way through the SP. I love the MP - i actually bought the game more for that than anything. If you're waiting for the next installment, check my "Shooters of 2006" post in the PC Gaming section - either exe or I posted a link to the trailer for "Crysis", the next game being developed by the team that did Far Cry. Looks very hot.

02-09-2006, 05:02 AM
are there different versions of this game? I got one free when i bought my 6800 card over a year ago but i dont think i ever played it. is it possible it is the same version?

02-09-2006, 05:43 AM
are there different versions of this game? I got one free when i bought my 6800 card over a year ago but i dont think i ever played it. is it possible it is the same version?

You probably have the same one we're talking about. After it's initial release, teh company was big on supporting 64 bit technology, etc. it became a very common game to be bundled free w/ 64 bit cpu/mobo combos, as well as video cards.

The only difference is that you most likely got a DVD version, whereas commercially it was only released in 4 or 5 CD format.

02-09-2006, 05:49 AM
actually it is several cd's that i have. I can't believe thi sgame would get good ratings after being over a year old. I read awhile back that i could get a free 64 bit update to it but the only 64 bit system i have is server03.

02-09-2006, 06:05 AM
Farcry was an awsome SP game. I never did get to try the multiplayer on it though. The only thing about that was the cheesy lines coming from the soldiers like "i got a bullet with your name on it" or the ever so popular "im gonna lay the smack down on ya" (I see the developers are rock fans) or the no nonsense line "im gonna kick your ass" award winning writing if you ask me. I especially love the endings dialouge that was TOTALLY worth beating the game for. = P

02-09-2006, 06:07 AM
Yeah, it's probably not gonna run at all on Server03 (at least, from my experience, games don't...)

but yeah, the game got overshadowed, as it came out dead in the middle of the doom3/half-life2 race.

It's really quite good, and looks absolutely gorgeous. The singleplayer is absolutely immersive, but I enjoy the MP quite a lot too.

The AI's pretty smart too, some of the best I've played.

02-09-2006, 06:21 AM
ok, i am going to have to install this. I just do not remember if i ever did or not or if i played it before. i want to try out the mp definetly.

02-09-2006, 06:56 AM
i was playing the other day and had just cleared out a section. i was going around collecting pickups. suddenly a guy stepped out of some brush and started shooting. it scared the hell out of me, it was so unexpected. i thought my reaction was pretty funny...;

02-09-2006, 07:09 AM
I've been playing single player since it came out and I'm still in awe of the graphics and game play, and I still get my arse shot up because the AI will react differently every time you replay a map.
I'll put this on the top of my list of FirstPersonShooters.

02-09-2006, 09:55 PM
I've only played around an hour of it and thought it was good, but not the best. I was never really interested in SP in FPS games. My harddrive got wiped and I lost the cd so maybe I'll buy it sometime and try it again.

BTW, shouldn't this be in the PC Gaming section?