View Full Version : Stream Sirius to your Windows Mobile device

02-08-2006, 03:26 PM
I found this great little app that streams Sirius satelite radio to your Windows Mobile device for free (the software is free, you have to be a Sirius customer to get the stream though).


It will stream any of the channels that Sirius has web enabled. I just started using this to stream Sirius to my PPC6700 phone. Very cool.

02-09-2006, 05:05 AM
i canceled my account in november due to money being tight but most of all i just couldnt take it not being able to receive signal all the time. i think having this unit in ny is a waste from my experience.

my wife bought it for me for fathers day last year and now i have a 150 dollar paper wieght on the dash board.:mad: