View Full Version : Cool Online Site/Tool

02-10-2006, 11:48 PM
I've been messing around with this page for quite a while now, and I've really been impressed with it.

the URL is www.protopage.com

If you want to see my specific page, it's www.protopage.com/bobtheckroach

The site is running using AJAX (in one of the best examples of ajax that i've ever seen!)

You can set the site up any way you want, and rather than coding, you simply drop and drag like a regular window/application, and it'll save it (provided you're logged in and it's your page). You guys can mess around w/ mine - move windows, resize them, etc. It won't save the changes you make since you're not logged in.

You can add widgets (right now just 1, weather), sticky notes, links panels, RSS feeds and more. I've found this really awesome for certain things. Whenever I'm trying to fix a computer or reinstall an OS on a computer, this site is great! I have added all my links that I might use - drivers,spyware,anti-virus, etc. So all the links are there no searching required. My GM feed is there, so it's a quick stop for me to see what's going on if I want to while I'm doing other stuff. All my common links for sports, news, gaming, etc are all there (all the links in the "gaming" tab are the ones I use mainly for getting information to post in the PC Gaming section)

All in all, most of this could be done on any other site. You could create an account at a free site, like yahoo or geocities or whatever to do this. It's easy to create a txt file with links, etc But the fact of the matter is, that this is just SO darn easy and the interface is slick - you can log in, make the changes, and be gone lickety split! The argument that your favorites will do the same thing is true, until the moment you're not at your computer. It's just so customizeable and pretty!

You can create multiple pages, and allow certain ones to the public and certain to private. I believe you can even make some pages editable by visitors, too. You can also edit all of the colors and add a background image to the page if you'd like.

Anyways, I'm sure it'll appeal to some of you and some of you will thinks it's no big thing. To those that are interested, though, it's really quite handy!


02-11-2006, 01:32 AM
Very cool! Def' gonna use it.

Geez, how do you find these stuff?

02-11-2006, 06:16 AM
Very cool! Def' gonna use it.

Geez, how do you find these stuff?

I'm a web developer - AJAX is the latest web development buzzword. I dork around trying to find out about AJAX, I end up with this site...:P