View Full Version : Hey Northen Folks

02-12-2006, 04:41 PM
Payback is a bitch. Enjoy the two feet of snow while I open my windows and enjoy the 57 degree weather.

02-12-2006, 04:56 PM
Ouch :rofl:

02-12-2006, 05:12 PM
Here in Mass we've only got about 6 inches so far and it's really light stuff. It's not snowing that hard anymore so I cant imagine we'll get too much more. I'll take that over a hurricane any day because snowblowing and a day or two watching it melt is a much easier recovery. :)

This winter has been incredibly mild for us having 30-45 degree weather. (and low 50's at times). This is our first real snow of the season so it's kind of nice. (Wow, being a snow hater I cant believe I just said that)

02-12-2006, 05:13 PM
Heh, we only got about an inch, so we didn't have to nail plywood over all of our windows, evacuate the state, and make people drive in the same direction on both sides of the highway like the people in Maryland and New York did. I hope their homes are still there when they're allowed back. :rolleyes:

Snow = snow day! :thumbs:

:P :D

02-12-2006, 05:30 PM
This is what it's like now. Temp isnt too bad either actually. The horses water buckets didnt even have any ice.

Now, this is what it was like ALL last winter. Now THAT's a bitch.

Today is nothing for our northerners :P

Caged Anger
02-12-2006, 05:43 PM
Payback is a bitch. Enjoy the two feet of snow while I open my windows and enjoy the 57 degree weather.

Oh man, thats cold....:D

02-12-2006, 06:12 PM
Payback is a bitch. Enjoy the two feet of snow while I open my windows and enjoy the 57 degree weather.

:tounge: :bawling:

02-12-2006, 06:53 PM
Last edited by NightBreed : Today at 12:17 PM. Reason: Doh..forgot attachment..brain frozen..:D


02-12-2006, 07:18 PM
Only got about a foot here in PA. Time to break out the blackberry brandy and make a nice fresh snowcone. :)

It was about 60 degrees last week and has been one of the mildest winters here that I remember. I think I've put on my big winter coat twice this season.

02-12-2006, 07:50 PM
I finally bought a snow-thrower 2 weeks ago. I am waiting for it to stop snowing before attacking. We have about a foot now and expecting up to 18".

02-12-2006, 08:08 PM
Where the hell are the young kids today that want to earn a buck:bawling: .

It is still snowing here on Long Island and along with the wind, I am dreading shoveling.

This morning I asked my wife how she was feeling and when she said ok, I said well the driveway was going to shovel itself:D . Ofcourse it was a joke and her response was get off your ass and go shovel the driveway.

02-12-2006, 08:21 PM
A little over a feet here in PA. Shoveling took forever.

I was hoping Church services would be canceled.

They aren't. :/

02-12-2006, 08:56 PM
Here in Ludington, MI, we already had a foot of snow fall in a matter of 1.5 hours. It's still falling, and is expected to keep up all night and all morning tomorrow. While we were driving from church we kept fishtailing, almost sideswipping a parked car at one point. This weather blows. Prolly gonna get a snow day tomorrow if this keeps up.

02-13-2006, 02:50 AM
You picked the wrong year to mock us. We got like 3" today, but even if we had gotten 2' of snow, this is still the weakest winter that I can remember ever. I have never seen so little snow during the course of a winter in my life. I was wearing shorts until december, and I've worn shorts a couple times this january. It's pretty darn tame here. This is a godsend.

If winter's keep being like this, I may stop hating Michigan.

"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" - what a crock. This year's totally green and devoid of snow Christmas was awesome.

02-13-2006, 03:36 AM
Where the hell are the young kids today that want to earn a buck:bawling: .

It is still snowing here on Long Island and along with the wind, I am dreading shoveling.

This morning I asked my wife how she was feeling and when she said ok, I said well the driveway was going to shovel itself:D . Ofcourse it was a joke and her response was get off your ass and go shovel the driveway.


You know, she's going to remember that and take you out for seemingly no reason at all later on when she's feeling good again. And then when you wake up she'll remind you. Even now, she's moving slowly and quietly, so I'd hide the frying pans if I were you. :P

Glad to hear that some good-natured kidding is going on in your house Dan. Treat your wife as an invalid, and she will be an invlalid. Treat her normally and have fun with her, and she will respond to that very favorably. Nice call Dan. She's lucky to have you there for her. :thumbs:

Die Hard
02-13-2006, 09:20 AM
Never bloody snows in London :(

solid snake295
02-13-2006, 10:39 AM
Never bloody snows in London :(

porkie pies! of course theres cheryl crow in London! just have a captain cook at this letterbox.

:D threw in some cockney fer the ol' geezer, lets see if he knows how to rhyme shall we? maybe all this taters in the mold is making me brain go down the drain and now im going david blain!

(im bored... and drunk.... here. http://www.cockneyrhymingslang.co.uk/ ...there recommened by the BBC world service and the gaurdian newspaper!)

Die Hard
02-13-2006, 10:44 AM
Aha, well when I said it never snows I meant: It seldom ever snows. And when it does we rarely get more than half an inch. :P

Okay, my old china plate :D

02-13-2006, 12:24 PM
got over 24" of snow yesterday.

Was on standby at the firehouse from midnight to 7 pm... and I have to do snow removal there too http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/2.gif