View Full Version : Guitar Hero

02-13-2006, 07:59 PM
I've always wanted this game but was always wondering if I should, due to its $70 price tag. I finally decided to pick it up today for $80 (EB raised the price :() and I must say its pretty good. The guitar controller was defective so I had to return it to get a new one, but when I started playing I loved it.

The guitar controller is probably 50%-75% smaller than a real one, depending on which real guitar you compare it to. It has 5 fret bars with different colors and a strum bar that you hit while holding down the colored fret bar displayed on the screen. Here is an example:


There are some notes that look like a star, which fill up your star power. When you get enough star power hold your guitar upright and it'll double the score you get for like 10 seconds. Occasionly, there will be notes that you will have to hold, like in DDR. If its a star, there is a whammy bar that is like a stick near the strut bar. While holding down the note, move the whammy bar back and fourth to get even more star power.

The game is pretty easy to pick up but its VERY difficult. Some songs on medium feel extremely hard. I've heard many people suggest start on easy, but I'm gonna tough it out and keep practicing on medium. While all the songs are covers, they are good none the less. I can tell I am going to constantly be playing this game. Definately seems like a good party game, so if you constantly have parties and guests over (me), you should get another controller.

Well worth the $80! :thumbs:

02-14-2006, 01:25 AM
Cool, thanks for that, I've looked at this game but not known whether it was worth it. Gonna pick it up now.

Asian Invasian
02-14-2006, 03:17 AM
dude taht game is so amazing haha

02-15-2006, 11:28 PM
Just beated the Medium difficulty, took me probably around 10 hours. Was very fun. Just started hard mode and man, I barely made the second song.