View Full Version : Need some tips

02-13-2006, 11:39 PM
I have never been much of a chicken fan but since the medication I am on tends to boost your cholestrol levels I need some new ways to eat the stuff. The foreman grill and and white rice only goes so far.
Oh god help a hurting man taste buds.

02-13-2006, 11:44 PM
My favorite kind of chicken is totally easy:

put equal parts of cooking oil (vegatable or whatever kind you use) and soy sauce into a bowl, along with your chicken. You'll need enough soy/oil mix to submerge the chicken totally. Mix the stuff up every once in a while, since the soy will settle at the bottom.

Let it soak for about 2 hours, then cook like any other chicken - I prefer it be grilled, but i've had it fried, etc and it's still fine that way too.

I love this stuff! :thumbs:

02-13-2006, 11:48 PM
Cajun chicken You can either pound a breas flat or chunk it up and cover in cajun seasoning and bake or pan fry add mushrooms when its almost done and put over your rice.:D You will have to adjust how much seasoning depending on your taste buds. My daughter loves lemon-pepper chicken done the same way. To me its okay but she really likes it. Also look up marsala wine sauce (cant remeber how to make it. Saute a chicken breast and cover with sauce. The first two require a little butter to prevent burning, very minimal. I dont know the cholestrol content but its better than plain chicken:D

02-13-2006, 11:56 PM
What I did last night was pan fry it in Lemons. That was good with bit of pepper.

Tonight I did the pan fry with some Teryacki (sp) sauce. Was good.

02-14-2006, 12:04 AM
If you are a salad eater then a chef salad is a nice change of pace. Throw in all the veggies you like, the more kinds the better There are lot's of pretty good tasting low/no-cholestrol salad dressing. Through in some croutons and maybe some non-bacon bacon bits. Maybe even some non-dairy cheese. Top with lots of chopped boiled/crockpot chicken (nice and tender) - pure heaven. You can also use canned tuna in water, but I'm not sure how much cholestrol is in tuna.

02-14-2006, 12:07 AM
Get yourself a nice wok, and stirfry along with a bunch of veggies..Keep it moving, chicken cooks pretty fast..

02-14-2006, 12:10 AM
Krazy kind of hit on what I was going to suggest. Cajun style blackened chicken is good, Grilled with the stuff below is awesome.

I use this stuff on everthing in place of salt and pepper!


02-14-2006, 12:13 AM
My cholestrol is 231 right now. I sure it will go down since I stopped eating fast ffod. No more Wendy's for me. The medication I am on is called Actutane. To be exact Sotret is the name. Basically it is used to treat Nodular type zips. Except in my place I continue to get cysts behind my ear. My doctor told me by taking this I will never get a zit or a cyst again. Four months of this.

Sotret is for the most part a huge dose of Vitamin A. Which means no sun for me.

02-14-2006, 12:13 AM
P.S thanks for the cooking tips keep em coming please.

02-14-2006, 12:20 AM
Dude mine was 264 last time I gave blood. I've gone back to working out since then and cut out the white things like flour, potatoes, sugar out of my diet so this thread is good for me too. Since i've cut flour and most fried foods, an alternative to frying chicken is to use bread crumbs or Shake and Bake and bake it.

02-14-2006, 12:49 AM
lol KFC or McD's much easier than doing it yourself.......

02-14-2006, 12:56 AM
stir fry

use olive oil ... wok like NB says ... use breast mmmm.. dice size...

heat high... wait till oil is hot .... keep on high ..add chicken .always stir .. it browns

when ready but check... dont overcook... remove chicken and strain put aside

heat high... wait till oil is hot .... keep on high andadd green peppers and oignons

in long thin slices ... dont cook too long (3 -4 minutes) ... lower heat to med ..add low salt soyas auce

add chicken... a bit more soy sauce

and a tablespoon all natural chunky peanut butter ... mix well ... serve

02-14-2006, 02:05 AM
I like to marinate chicken breast 99% fat free in vegatable sauce.

My favorite is pimento and tomato sauce. Cook up a nice sauce and then throw roasted pimentos in there and let cool. Then let the chicken just sitin the sauce for a day or two and you will enjoy.

You can try this with lots of veggies for what ever your taste buds like.