View Full Version : What is the fastest way to text message?

02-14-2006, 01:23 AM
What do you think? I ask because I had a sidekick forever that I just dropped in a glass of water about a month ago, and now I'm back to a regualar phone. I used to think that QWERTY keyboards were da bomb, and that nothing was easier or faster, but now I've discovered predictive text and gotten good at it (I use T9, they have a tutorial to help with speed, here: www.textfast.t9.com).

02-14-2006, 02:20 AM
I usually write something on a piece of paper and get this...

I then take the pice of paper witht he message and make a plane out of it. 1-2-3, a quick throw and you got a text message:thumbs:

02-14-2006, 02:24 AM
I usually write something on a piece of paper and get this...

I then take the pice of paper witht he message and make a plane out of it. 1-2-3, a quick throw and you got a text message:thumbs:

ROFL! Nice. :thumbs:

As far as the question goes, I'd go w/ a T-9 style solution anyday, b/c the cheaper phones do those. Given infinite money, there's no way i'd get rid of ol' qwerty. Frankly, I'm one of those nerds that, given a good amount of cash, would have a PDA cell phone...when I wanted to text, i'd hook up my portable keyboard...

Heck, can you get a bluetooth keyboard for your phone now??

02-14-2006, 04:23 AM
I have a PPC6700 which has a full QWERTY slide out keyboard. I don't think I could ever use a different cell phone to message or write emails ever again.

02-14-2006, 04:59 AM
I usually write something on a piece of paper and get this...

I then take the pice of paper witht he message and make a plane out of it. 1-2-3, a quick throw and you got a text message:thumbs:


When I read the title to this thread that's exactly the same thing I thought, lol. You beat me to it. :P

Die Hard
02-14-2006, 07:41 AM
Predictive text all the way. I send about 300 text messages a month!

02-15-2006, 11:00 PM
As far as the question goes, I'd go w/ a T-9 style solution anyday, b/c the cheaper phones do those. Given infinite money, there's no way i'd get rid of ol' qwerty. Frankly, I'm one of those nerds that, given a good amount of cash, would have a PDA cell phone...when I wanted to text, i'd hook up my portable keyboard...

Heck, can you get a bluetooth keyboard for your phone now??

If I had infinite money, I probably wouldn't text message at all. Alas, I have no money, and that's why I text so much (no landline, 300 minutes a month, and only $5 for unlimited texting....). Yeah, I think that I prefer T9 to everything but a real keyboard, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were a bluetooth option for that, but it's still probably smaller than normal.