View Full Version : Major Bug Found In Windows Media Player

02-15-2006, 03:22 AM
You all need to goto MS Update and download patches. Especially those who enjoy there porn:D .

No wonder I got a windows advisory today as I ignored it. Caught the alert here http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=29698

02-15-2006, 06:13 AM
Wow, thanks for the warning BIGG! :thumbs:

And for God's sake, I can't believe they are still finding huge security holes in XP. Remember when it first came out? It was advertised as the most secure Windows OS ever. LOL. What was it, a week before they realized that there was a major vulnerablity in it and everyone had to scramble to patch it.

Oh yeah, you can bet I'll be running right out and buying Vista the moment it is released. :thumbs: :rolleyes:

I wish they'd hurry up and bring Linux into the mainstream so we don't have to keep dealing with this ****ed-up monopoly that MS has.

02-15-2006, 07:04 AM
Wow, thanks for the warning BIGG! :thumbs:

And for God's sake, I can't believe they are still finding huge security holes in XP. Remember when it first came out? It was advertised as the most secure Windows OS ever. LOL. What was it, a week before they realized that there was a major vulnerablity in it and everyone had to scramble to patch it.

Oh yeah, you can bet I'll be running right out and buying Vista the moment it is released. :thumbs: :rolleyes:

I wish they'd hurry up and bring Linux into the mainstream so we don't have to keep dealing with this ****ed-up monopoly that MS has.

First...xp IS the most secure windows OS ever...regardless of the implications that has one way or the other. Second, while I love Linux and cherish the thought of buying games that run on it, ditching windows, etc, the moment it gets mainstream, I think you'll find a huge increase in holes found in linux, too. It's probably still safer overall than windows, but part of it's secureness is its obscurity.

02-15-2006, 07:35 AM
Bob is right. Anyone who bashes Microsoft is really not aware of anything else. If one considers the user base for it and the amount of people trying to attack it I would have to say it does ok. The pc is the best thing since sliced bread no matter how many people hate it or bad mouth it. The OS is very cheap for the user and it is usually included in a system that is purchased. You have to also remember that most of the MS software gets updated for free. That is pretty fair regardless if it is also includes patches and better software. I never have any problems with any of my systems. The major problems come when people are unaware or not able to configure there own system. Things are getting better and people are getting smarter. Let's not forget that 10 years ago almost nobody had a computer in their home. Now most have 2-3. I have too many:o . The next move is set top boxes where a user will not have to configure anything. It will be based on firmware with a subscription to your os. Like a cable bill or phone bill. This is what the home will use to get on the web, print their pics, and e-mail their family. I think if the world could get their head out of its ass we could really see some pretty neat stuff.

02-15-2006, 02:36 PM
I think if Linux had as many users as Windows, we'd see the same amount of security holes. It just comes with the territory. Think about how advanced these OSes are, naturally they are going to have problems.

BTW, GoogleOS for teh w1n.

02-16-2006, 05:02 PM
I think if Linux had as many users as Windows, we'd see the same amount of security holes. It just comes with the territory. Think about how advanced these OSes are, naturally they are going to have problems.

BTW, GoogleOS for teh w1n.

When's that due out?