View Full Version : War Rock

Seriously Deadly
02-15-2006, 05:33 AM
I just found out about this game war rock, it is very cool. it is like a military game. it has weapons and tanks and stuff lol

here a site, http://www.warrock.net

btw its a free download :D

02-15-2006, 06:01 AM
The screenshots there do not look so hot because it's raining in all of them, the trailer gives you a much better idea of what the game looks like.

I might have to try some of these freebies.

02-15-2006, 03:59 PM
That's for the link, SD! :thumbs:

I downloaded it last night, and I'll be checking it out after work today!

Seriously Deadly
02-15-2006, 11:21 PM
:D it hard 2 get good at i have had it about 4 days now and still suck :P

02-15-2006, 11:35 PM
So anyone else try it yet? I don't know if its worht the d/l, cause a lot of the time I play games for a week or two and then stop.

EDIT: Ack, apparently its an open beta and I'm betting it'll cost money when the beta closes.

EDIT (again): So I tried it about and I don't really like it. I know its free and all but the graphics suck, even on high for everything. The gameplay is pretty unrealistic and boring as well. Horrible text translation, whoever did it. Plus, from the servers I went to there aren't really any good people. The first game I went to I was the 2nd best player by the end. I guess the game is ok for a free game.

02-17-2006, 03:27 PM
Agreed. I didn't care for it. First of all, it's got the Battlefield style control the points idea, which I absolutely loathe. Most of what Soul said I would totally agree with, though.

I played about a 3rd of a round and uninstalled it.