View Full Version : anyone know of anything

02-21-2006, 04:58 AM
with some voice software? Looking to type and here voice for audio waves. Such as robotic similiar to voices of UT or others like that.

Thanks in advance if can help.

02-21-2006, 07:25 AM
Erm, XP comes with text to voice built in. Supposedly it comes with voice to text built in too since they make you go through the voice learning process. Oh no, wait, they have nothing that does voice to text and it's all a waste.

Damn I'm glad I was forced to move from Win2K to teh bloated XP BS just to get my SLI working. :rolleyes:

Go linux, go linux, go linux! :thumbs:

Caged Anger
02-21-2006, 03:57 PM
I used one for a bit Biggs, its called :


02-21-2006, 07:34 PM
Erm, XP comes with text to voice built in. Supposedly it comes with voice to text built in too since they make you go through the voice learning process. Oh no, wait, they have nothing that does voice to text and it's all a waste.

Damn I'm glad I was forced to move from Win2K to teh bloated XP BS just to get my SLI working. :rolleyes:

Go linux, go linux, go linux! :thumbs:

Makes you go through voice learning process? What are you talking about? I set up XP machines all the time - for myself constantly, and for clients. I've only 1 time done it, and that was when I installed Office and foolishly said yes to doing it. I've never seen XP even offer that, except when I installed word. It definitely doesn't force you to go through it.

02-21-2006, 11:52 PM
I used one for a bit Biggs, its called :


This is exactly what I am looking for but I am not crazy about the voices which seem to be pretty much the same as the accesibility software that comes with windows. I did notice that I could purchase other voices which the offer one that seemed pretty good (kelly) but it cost 24.95 and before I do that, I want to see if there are other options.

I am looking for something more crispier and professional sounding. The UT voices sound great but the voice from Office 2003 and office xp sound the best which is what I am looking for.

Thanks Caged for the find and may have to use this if I do not find another solution.:thumbs:

Caged Anger
02-23-2006, 02:05 PM
np bud, anytime