View Full Version : Commandos: Strike Force demo review

02-22-2006, 06:16 AM
This title is one of the first from the "Shooters of 2006" that I posted earlier to release a demo. I've got to say, I was fairly impressed.

From what I gather from that article, the "Commandos" franchise has been around for a while, but this is the first time it has surfaced as a FPS. The game is a WW2 shooter, and feels pretty similar to CoD, MOH & others in the genre.

the selling point of CSF is that you control up to 3 units, depending on the map/mission. The demo comes equipped w/ 2 missions. In the first, you're assaulting the Germans in a small village on a riverbank. In this level, you have both the Green Beret & the Sniper @ your disposal. The Green Beret comes defaulted w/ a knife, pistol, shotgun & machine gun. The Sniper comes w/ a knife, pistol & sniper rifle.

You can switch between the 2 units by pressing tab at any time. When you start the first level, you start as the Green Beret. You run up the bank, kill a few guys, and you're behind a building. When you step out, enemies from overhead are shooting at you. The right thing to do at this point is to take control of the Sniper & take these units on before continuing w/ the GB. Very kewl.

Also, when you get "killed", you actually get wounded. If another of the controllable units isn't wounded, you'll take control of them. You can then go heal your wounded unit. Then you can continue to play.

Health packs were fairly plentiful in the first level, and can either be used to heal yourself, or heal a downed comrade.

Like most games in this genre, you cannot carry an infinite number of different guns, but rather can swap out a gun that you have for a gun that an enemy dropped, should you choose to. You only switch within a category, though: pistol for pistol, rifle for rifle, etc.

The second level showed off the spy's stuff. The level itself is only a partial of a full level, and some of the movie clips made it obvious that in the full level, not only would you be able to control all 3, but it would be crucial to completing the mission - awesome!

However, for the demo, you only control the Spy in mission 2. The spy's only default weapon is a pianowire-style neck-slicer - fun fun! After you slice an enemy's neck, you can steal his uniform. From then, enemie's of a lower rank will ignore you, enemies of the same rank will suspect you, but will take 5 or 10 seconds to attack, and superiors will attack instantly. You'll get a couple different outfits in the level. You'll also have a "coin" item, which you can throw to distract someone, giving you time to either slip by them, or at least slice their throat! (I opted for option 2 :D )

All in all, it's not the best game I've ever played. The graphics & sound were nice, but CoD they were not. It is, however, fun, and the unique gameplay makes it interesting.

I was slightly put off by the fact that only 1/2 of the options for video were editable. Included in the options that you couldn't change was the resolution! How silly! I quickly played around and found that /folder/config/juegover.cfg is where resolution is and you can change it there :D

I cranked the game up to 1024x768 and turned everything to high, and really didn't see much of a difference from the defaulted 800x600 on medium settings. Oh well.

The game looks and feels and sounds like pretty much every other WW2 shooter that I've played. If you like the genre, I'm sure you'll enjoy this one.

I really enjoyed being able to play as multiple units, especially since I could just switch on the fly. I'm not sure if that's been done before, but it got my attention.

Overall I recommend downloading the demo and giving it a whirl - see what ya'll think! :thumbs: