View Full Version : HAs anyone been getting spammed

02-22-2006, 10:39 PM
That is a silly question or dumb one but Lately I hyave been getting weird e-mails sent to an e-mail account I use that nobody knows but a few. The weirdness has to do with the code along with a gif file that is attached. I am considering forwarding it to the FBI just to make sure it is not something serious to the country because some of the code I figured has messages in it. I received a few of these e-mails a while ago but dismissed them but it bothered me I did so because it is not the usual spam I get. Other then the weird code, the e-mails have a dumb story that makes no sense. What has me concerned is the other text above this story.

02-22-2006, 10:43 PM
Can't say that I have BIGG, though over the last 10 days, 4 different "women" have offered to help me w/ the size of my penis...that's definitely unusual, but not of the variety that you're describing.

Are you noticing any recurring subjects for the emails? Your description is a bit vague - have some subject name example would be good!

02-22-2006, 11:16 PM
I cracked it and it is a false alarm. I did call the FBI where I could forward it to and to be honest I did not feel they were interested. They probably get a million a day so it may be understandable but the lack of control from this Gov't is retarded which makes them useless.

Anyway, because of my security settings It was blocking certain things which showed codes. the weird thing was when I looked into it further and saw the message it did not and does not display the firsst line of text which is all letters that have words that can be made out.

example of one
capricorndistinguisheavesdroppedectodermconfidenti alalicebusyaerobacteraliastauntserviceableegregiou sdietrichapplauseeducatetransposablediachronicknic kisentropiccosmetic

Not sure how this set of text gets mixed in the spam part of the e-mail which shows stock crap which is the gif picture. The story is there also when shown but no where can that line of text be found.

I know it is probably nothing but it is always possible it could be some sort of message. I am going to decode some words just for fun and see if anything happens in the future that has those words in it. Call me weird but what the hell.

02-22-2006, 11:17 PM
It's funny you mention this, because today I was poking around my webspace cpanel, and I noticed that the email server was turned on and there was some email storage space being taken. There are two pre-made admin email accounts, and both had spam (with attachments)! WTF? I have never used those email addresses, and they are not posted anywhere. How did they get to them? :confused:

Needless to say I turned the email server off. I didn't even open the emails because I could tell just from the titles that they were spam, so I don't know what was in them. Damn, the spammers are getting aggressive. :down:

02-22-2006, 11:24 PM
the junk text is just a method to get spam past various types of filtering software. for instance there is bayesian (or something like that) filters you can that evaluate spam based on text. ergo the random text strings, subject lines, etc. and sirc, j00 should be surprised, a domain will come with regular defined mailboxes (admin, etc), and then a dump account where everything else goes (unless that is turned off)... anyway they are bastards. if though you are seeing gifs, that may be a problem. the ones included in a message are fine, the http links will actually pass an identifier that validates your email address. outlook 2000 could turn html email display off with a registry hack, in 2003 it can either turn off the links or html. i view all my email as text. no exploits there.

02-23-2006, 12:24 AM
Outlook 2003 is great and I also view it all in text. we live in a screwed up world not to.

I just wish ISP's would be held responsible for all the spam these days. I really think they need to have all e-mail setup as secure digital id's and nothing less. It is too easy to create an account for people to do what they want. I am sure the only solution the country will figure is to start charging for each e-mail which will not work or be a solution to the problem.

02-23-2006, 01:31 AM
I've gotten no such spam Biggs, not yet anyway. But thanks for the headsup, I'll take a careful look at what kind of spam I am getting before I delete it.

02-23-2006, 04:18 AM
I just wish ISP's would be held responsible for all the spam these days.
you can't really do that unfortunately. spam costs isps tons and tons of money. people want to receive their email and people want to send email, possibly to big lists of other people. some enjoy getting spam. there are a few competing techniques for validating the senders, but even if that succeeds you have other problems. there are hoards of zombie computers available that can and are programmed to shoot out spam. the spam would go out as authenticated email because it is from a major isp. In other cases you have groups ordering dialup service from an isp, connecting, then spoofing the ip address to use a broadband connection to shoot out thousands of emails. those are just a few scenarios. the spammers are every bit as clever as any other type of scum on this earth...