View Full Version : Why do I hav3e to

02-25-2006, 10:33 PM
set the settings for every server I go to. I think the game is ok but nothing special so far. It seems that you have to every thing manually and that is probably why there isnt alot of people on the servers.

So what do I have to do to set it once and forget it like every other game has?

02-25-2006, 11:29 PM
You gotta make one ideal config and use it for all servers. Granted some cfg commands are not compatible with all mods/gametypes (e.g. brightskins command, vertex lighting, and several others)

Basically make sure you either only join servers running Q4MAX, or make your baseq4 folder Quake4Config.cfg file the same as the Q4MAX folder one. I could make a cfg for you if you want, set all weapon binds, speech binds, etc. But I assume you'll want to do it yourself.

Most servers also require that you download maps for them. There are maps being made and released everyday. Most servers will provide you with a link directing you to what maps you need and where to download them from.

02-26-2006, 12:03 AM
All of the settings are stored in a file called Quake4Config.cfg and it is stored in the Q4base folder. When ever you install a mod like Q4Max (the one running on the DS server) and copy of the Quake4Config.cfg is copied to that mod's folder when you fire it up the first time and you settings should be already set.

What has happened to you is that you did not start Quake4 and setup your setting before you installed Q4max and whenever you go to something new it's coping the original version of the Quake4Config.cfg file which does not have your settings.

Here is how you fix it.
1) Temproraily move the Q4max folder to your desktop.
2) Look in the Q4base folder and move the following three files to your desktop q4max071.pk4, q4max071w.pk4, q4max071l.pk4.
3) Fire up Quake 4 and setup your settings/name/etc ....
4) Go into multiplayer and run a server to make sure they are setup like you want, then shutdown the game.
5) Go into the Q4Max folder on your desktop and delete the old Quake4Config.cfg file.
6) Move those 3 files back to the Q4base folder and then move the Q4max folder back to the Quake4 directory and you are done.

Once you get used to how Quake works, there is a better more advanced way to save those settings. You can make a Autoexec.cfg and place it into the Q4base folder. When Quake starts it reads both Quake4Config.cfg & Autoexec.cfg files, the Autoexec.cfg takes precidence over the Quake4config.cfg so what changes it makes are what is done.

In your Q4base folder make a .txt file named autoexec.txt, open it and copy these in to get you started:
com_allowConsole 1 // enables the console
bind F10 toggle com_showFPS // toggle the FPS display
seta net_clientLagOMeter "1" // turns on the lag meter
set cg_enemyColor "0 255 0" // makes the enemy players green

The first part is the command, the // makes quake stop reading that line and go to the next line. The stuff after the // is what that command does.

Once you have those commands in the autoexec.txt file, hit save as and save it as autoexec.txt, then right click on it and change the extension to .cfg. If you ever need to add more commands, you can open that .cfg file with notepad.

Here are 2 articles to read about the .cfg files and commands:
http://www.tweakguides.com/Quake4_1.html (starts on page 7)

03-02-2006, 05:53 AM
Bigg did that get you fixed up?