View Full Version : Have any of you

02-26-2006, 10:58 PM
looked and read the crash course from Radio Shack linked above?

I think it holds a lot of good information for anyone looking to buy into the hd scheme of things. I have been dealing with this stuff for a few years now and it seems the full potential as not been touched yet and appears too many companies are ripping the people off. I have had several arguments with sales staff at best buy and such regarding the tems HD and they are too busy looking for a quick sale.

So if you have not read the PDF and download for yourself, I suggest do so. I actually sent the file out to many people in contact list.

P.S. I like that Radio Shack has done this but if they read any of these comments I want them to know to get real on some of their cabling part prices in store. I suggest If they really want to get people back into their store they should reorganize their approach. The only time I step foot in a Radio Shack is when I am desperate and know I have to buy a cable that cost 5 dollars online and pay 35 bucks for it at their store. It still amazes me they are in business. Eventually living on the supply and demand scheme will put you out of business.

02-27-2006, 12:18 AM
what is it 2009 or 2012 that all TV must be in HD? Until then to me it's just not worth it.

02-27-2006, 12:40 AM
2009 is the current deadline. It could still get pushed back (It was 2006 initially, I think) but I have a feeling it may stick this time.


02-27-2006, 12:44 AM
Stupid television companies are too cheap to spend a few bucks on some cameras. That and 99% of the people on tv are probally really horrid looking in HD.

02-27-2006, 01:07 AM
I'll be buying an HDTV this fall when the PS3 comes out and the new DLP is available.

02-27-2006, 04:17 AM
My wife and I were planning to get one this past Christmas but finances were tight so we pushed it off. I have many friends that have Plasmas and LCD's but they did not ask me for my help when they bought them. they were not happy when I told them they were not true HD yet they did not believe me. It was a pleasure to e-mail them the PDF.

Wait until they bring BlueRay or HD DVD to the scene and they will not be able to play them in full quality. Even our computer screens will not be able to play this do to the monitor and the video card. Nothing like the reality of our 500-600-800 dollar video cards not having the ability to do this no matter what they say about being able to play HD. It's all BS and I believe it will byte them all on their arse when consumers realize it. Worst of all, the industry will stumble further.

The original deadline was 2006. I remember designing the WFC with their plasma's and the were considering HD. In 2001 there was no standard and they held off with going the extra mile. Very smart.

If I was to buy today and even though I chose LCD's back in the day, plasma is the way to go as long as it is 8th generation. Panasonic would be the brand I go with. Although LCD is the better technology, it is moving to slow where a plasma has moved forward. No burn in, brighter screens even better then they were, and most of all very well priced.

02-27-2006, 05:54 AM
Radioshack is good if you have to have something, but otherwise I loath going into that store. HD I have not been that impressed with, at 32'', imo you may need a bigger screen, i also don't like how it is mixed with regular content in a boxed format. Remember all, the technology to be on the lookout for is SED, it will blow everything else away. SED is like a CRT, but instead of an electron gun at the end of a huge tube it does it on a per pixel basis, so it is thin, has wide viewing angle, no flicker, rich colors and blacks (100000 to 1) and no expensive bulb to burn out. i think practical/cheap units are still a couple of years away, but that will be the technology to be on the lookout for.
