View Full Version : so what cellphones/carriers do you guys use?

02-27-2006, 06:40 AM
With a 2 year contract lapsed, I started another with verizon, and picked up 3 razr phones. Mine was free, the others cheap. There's other better stuff out there, IF I wanted to listen to music through my cellphone, or IF I wanted to use it to take a bunch of digital photos, but overall it's a pretty good phone. One thing I hate though is how verizon attempts to cripple media access to the phone. I swear, they want to nickle and dime you over these useless features (like vcast, as if I wanted to watch TV on my cellphone (or iPod for that matter)) and worst is that they lock out multimedia content. The phone takes mini-usb cables and can charge from it - if you buy the motorola software, which also locks out media content. I have a cable that works, and a few internet searches later, that problem is fixed.... So I am wondering what everyone else is using?

02-27-2006, 06:53 AM
Alltel. Frankly, it's based mostly on the fact that they provide good coverage in west michigan, which no one else seems to be able to do. I have the very basic - voice and a bit of text messaging, so I can't attest to any other features or lackthereof.

02-27-2006, 08:53 AM
I use a Samsung D500 with o2.

Die Hard
02-27-2006, 09:18 AM
I used to have the Nokia 6630 3G phone. It is the new 3rd generation that lets you make video calls. Absolute load of rubbish. The technology is no where near ready and the battery would run out in a day.

Now I have the Samsung D600 and this phone is the best I've ever had. Small, packed full of features (except 3G), has a 2mp camera that takes great shots. Also charges via the usb to pc. All conatcts can be loaded onto my pc and it can also sinc with Outlook and the battery lasts for days.

It's also an mp3 player but the songs take an eternity to load onto the phone.

My network is 02 in the UK.

02-27-2006, 01:34 PM
Motorola V 170 with T-Mobile..... not bad, not great.

02-27-2006, 02:15 PM
Tracfone is the way to go in my situation. (prepaid phone for those who never heard of it) I only use my phone occasionally when I'm out with the kids and just basically keep it on me for emergency purposes.

You can choose from a number of different phone models and you buy minutes as you need them. You still get a voicemail box, all regular phone options, downloadable ringtones, games etc. http://www.tracfone.com/phone_documentation.jsp?nextPage=phone_documentati on.jsp&task=phonedoc

With a service plan, I had to pay for the full $ amount even if I only used it for 2 or 3 quick phone calls that month, and it just wasnt worth it for me. Now, I only pay for what I use. At Christmas, I think I had an hour and a half of time on my phone and I still have about 50ish minutes left. When I get down to about 30 mins, I'll throw another 60 min card on it.

I dont have music, pictures, video or anything like that but I could care less lol I only need my phone to make a phone call home. :P

02-27-2006, 03:11 PM
I use Sprint with a PPC6700. They have the cheapest unlimited data plan by far @ just $15/month compared to $50 at Verizon. They also have the EVDO network here which is close to DSL speeds. I use my phone a lot to terminal server into our staging servers or emergency FTPs to production so this phone has saved my ass many, many times.

02-27-2006, 07:00 PM
I have a phone with a hacked chip in it. I get it updated every month from uncle vinny:rolleyes: . Remember those days?;)

I currently have a cingular account which I just renewed for 2 years which is way too long for any mobil contract. It does not allow you to shop around for 2 years. I think there should be a law that does not require anyone to have a contract on a cell phone due to the problems every has with no signal. I have to say that I like the phone I got though "sony ericsson" because my service has been pretty solid for once.

As far as the phone goes, it has lots of feature I will never use such as mp3, video, 4x zoom pics blah blah blah. I actually find it insulting that they try to sell us on those dumb features which are crap considering quality or the charge if you want to send or stream video. Personaly I use my phone for work and that's it. I do make my own ring tones though and e-mail the file to my phone. I find paying for a stupid song or clip to be a waste of money.

on a side note
I still owe money to t-mobile or so they say becuase I quit the contract due to the lack of service and the f'ing phone just did not work. They were the worst I ever had and when you called for support or to complain the service sucked. You would get a person that only knew ebonics. It felt like I was talking to a thug. I refuse to pay them and told them to sue me as I could not wait for that day in court. Right now cingular seems to be pretty solid for me and that's all I ask.

02-27-2006, 07:26 PM
I just got a cell about 6 months ago. I use virgin mobile and their pay per call service. My plan is $.25 for the first 10 minutes a day and then $.10 a minute for the rest of the day. I only use it for long distance or quick calls and that plan works great for me. I only have to put a minimum of $20 on it every three months to keep it active. Text messages are going to go to .05 per message to send next month and they are free to recieve.

I never thought I would have a cell as I wouldn't use it enough to get my moneys worth for $600+ a year. My phone I can scrape by and the minimum for the year would be $80.
:thumbs: :thumbs: :D

02-27-2006, 08:18 PM
lol, t-mobile. yeah, they were fun. they had roaming. I could make calls on the highway when I was travelling to charlotte, my wife would receive them, but then we couldn't talk or hear anything. nice service..... :thumbs: