View Full Version : Time to Un-Pimp Zee Auto...

solid snake295
03-02-2006, 04:12 AM
these new VW comercials are hilarious, check em out. :D


03-02-2006, 04:32 AM
The videos didn't load for me. :(

I did see a commercial the other day and it did have that green and yellow car being destroyed, i'm not sure if it's one of the ones you are talking about, but that new GTI looks pretty good.

03-02-2006, 04:40 AM
Love the commercials. Hate the company.

<-- Former Jetta Turbo owner.

03-02-2006, 06:12 AM

Those commercials were great (this coming from a late 60s-early 70s muscle car fan)!

SNAP! :rofl:

Teh Germans just pwned every single one of the American ricers. :D

You get an "F"! :doh: :P

03-02-2006, 08:15 AM
Sirc, those muscle cars are coming back. You gotta love the charger, Mustang etc. Nothing can compete with American Muscle:thumbs:

03-02-2006, 02:05 PM
At this VW site you can setup your VW Golf GTI Mk V and then you can take that specific setup for a spin with ze German lady next to u V dub :wootrock:


btw SAL why do you dislike the VW company...is it because of poor support in the US?

Die Hard
03-02-2006, 02:07 PM
Serves you right Sal. Jetta!! :P

03-02-2006, 03:00 PM
I had a lot of quality problems with my Jetta. It seemed like it was in the shop every 3-4 months with a new issue. In the time I had it, I had these problems:

- Heated seats burned through the seat and my jeans
- Passenger window fell in the door
- Numerous recalls
- Bad keyfobs
- Trunk wouldn't open
- Radio stopped working. Twice
- Center console broke
- Left front speaker was broke

...and that was all in a 3 1/2 year lease.

Now I have an Infiniti FX and although it only has 1500 miles on it. It has been a fantastic car so far.

03-02-2006, 04:04 PM
I had a lot of quality problems with my Jetta. It seemed like it was in the shop every 3-4 months with a new issue. In the time I had it, I had these problems:

- Heated seats burned through the seat and my jeans
- Passenger window fell in the door
- Numerous recalls
- Bad keyfobs
- Trunk wouldn't open
- Radio stopped working. Twice
- Center console broke
- Left front speaker was broke

...and that was all in a 3 1/2 year lease.

Now I have an Infiniti FX and although it only has 1500 miles on it. It has been a fantastic car so far.

First of, WTH is a "keyfob"?

Second, how long have you had that car? and you've only got 1500 miles on it! Sheesh, I drive too much...that's what I get for driving 50 miles to school & back 3 times a week and 170 miles to and from work 2x a week...I put over 1500 on the car each month...

03-02-2006, 04:50 PM
The keyfob is the key/alarm remote on your keychain. And my new car only has 1500 miles because I've only had it 4 weeks. :)

03-02-2006, 07:11 PM
The keyfob is the key/alarm remote on your keychain. And my new car only has 1500 miles because I've only had it 4 weeks. :)

Ah...ok...I thought you'd had it longer than that...feels like it's been a long time since that thread was up.