View Full Version : Did you know

03-10-2006, 06:19 AM
That 1 in 7 women get breast Cancer? I was shocked to learn this considering that these are some pretty high numbers. This is something I probably would not have payed attention to as with many other things I am experiencing these days (healthcare in america).

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is to maybe if you are a woman or have a sister or just hanging out with your mom one day, have a discussion and ask if they routinely get checked and also consider a mamogram. The chances of remmision is far better if caught early. Also learning this, Ovarion Cancer and Breast Cancer are related as both are harmone driven. My wife's mother passed away from Ovarion Cancer on the night of our wedding. When we got to our Hotel room, we got the phone call. This was expected anywat which was why we pushed up the wedding in the first place because her mom wanted to see here daughters get married before she passed. Not to bring you down with the details but after that my wife was getting checkups routinely as it run in the family. The thing we learned was that the two were connected which pissed my wife off becuase she was never told by the OB which totally dropped the ball as they never caught the cancer in time and it spread into her bones. Becuase she is only 34 (35 in April) a mammogram is not usually given to a woman until she is late 30's -40's. Insurance companies will not pay for the test either.

So what's the point I am trying to make here? It's not to feel sorry but be aware of things before you ever have to deal with them. I bring this up along with making a bumper sticker for the car because these are very high numbers that should really be taken more serious. It could be gods way of you learni8ng about them through me but what ever. Do not take any chances and go get a check up and pay for the mamogram if youy have to. Don't take feeling for lumps as security because they can miss it. Don't take a chance because in 1 year without my wife knowing regardless of here tests, they missed it. Something that can be treated very good today if caught in time has been missed and now my wife is in stage 4 with a roller coaster for a spine.

03-10-2006, 07:04 AM
Good advice Biggs :thumbs: fortunately i haven't lost anyone in my family to this, but it is quite staggering and sad numbers of occurrence :(

Health Insurance LOL NXT, health insurance in this country is not health insurance anymore.....its turned into after the fact on what they cover (if you can get any insurance at all, considering theres no insurance for pre-existing conditions).......its turned to what i would call pure catastrophe or only major medical insurance. That will only cover small percentage of procedures. It almost is to the point that if it hasn't ( medical procedures) been done for at least last 20 or more years...they will not cover it :confused: :mad:

And another reason i say we dont have health insurance in this country anymore is that the patients medical deductible is so high, that unless its a major medical expense, versus your routine medical costs, it wont pay any $$ on patients medical expenses :mad: