View Full Version : Weekend from hell !!

Die Hard
03-12-2006, 07:48 PM
So, Thursday night I flew back from Denmark. At the airport I got into the wrong taxi and had to go back to the airport to start again!!

Friday was my birthday (thanks everyone for your kind wishes) and I had to stay overnight near my work and go out to dinner with a bunch of boring tards.

On Saturday i had to host a sales meeting so set the alarm on my mobile for 7am to be in the office for 8. My alarm went off and i got up and drove to the office. It wasn't until i got into my car and saw the time that i realised my mobile was still on Denmark time so i had actually got up at 5am and was in the office for 06:45am!!

I eventually got home very late on saturday and today I have just driven for 5 and a half hours from London to Newcastle. Its snowing like hell here too!

Ho hum...................

M a T R o X
03-12-2006, 07:51 PM
So, Thursday night I flew back from Denmark. At the airport I got into the wrong taxi and had to go back to the airport to start again!!

Friday was my birthday (thanks everyone for your kind wishes) and I had to stay overnight near my work and go out to dinner with a bunch of boring tards.

On Saturday i had to host a sales meeting so set the alarm on my mobile for 7am to be in the office for 8. My alarm went off and i got up and drove to the office. It wasn't until i got into my car and saw the time that i realised my mobile was still on Denmark time so i had actually got up at 5am and was in the office for 06:45am!!

I eventually got home very late on saturday and today I have just driven for 5 and a half hours from London to Newcastle. Its snowing like hell here too!

Ho hum...................
Woota a damn nice week DH :P

LOL, it's damn much snow here too in Sweden.. :( I'm really tired of it.

03-12-2006, 09:40 PM
Man sounds like nothing went right:bawling: Hope the meeting went well:thumbs:

03-12-2006, 10:07 PM
What krazy said.. :thumbs:

03-12-2006, 10:28 PM
:rofl: Sorry DH. Sounds like ya need to go on Holiday!

03-14-2006, 01:05 AM
What a trip :eek: Sounds like DH needs to find his happy place :D