View Full Version : Gamer Flick : Stay Alive

Caged Anger
03-14-2006, 12:57 AM
Seems like a rather dry storyline but...who knows...


03-14-2006, 01:10 AM
It might have some potential.

I got a kick out of the Yellow Pages ad that showed before the movie of a guy wiping up a spill with his dog. :D

03-14-2006, 01:28 AM
uh...I won't be watching that until after I hear many other people tell me that everything I think about it is wrong...

03-14-2006, 03:10 AM
Looks pretty corny and looks like a cheap knockoff of Cronenberg's gaming reality film, eXistenZ.


03-14-2006, 07:49 AM
Looks pretty corny and looks like a cheap knockoff of Cronenberg's gaming reality film, eXistenZ.


Dude, you freaking amaze me at times:thumbs: Where do you store all of this info? I mean to post that it sounds like a knock off of another movie I never heard of but to provide a damn link is unbelieveable. I am going to look to rent that movie existenz. From the link you provided, it sounded like a good movie from what others were saying.

As far as the original thread topic, I like those kind of movies even if they are corny. I prefer the dvd over movie theatre though so may wait.

03-14-2006, 08:23 AM
uh...I won't be watching that until after I hear many other people tell me that everything I think about it is wrong...

Everything you think about it is wrong.

There's one. How many is many? :P :D

03-14-2006, 01:42 PM
Everything you think about it is wrong.

There's one. How many is many? :P :D

Let me give you an idea - I require more people telling me that I'm wrong than you have spam posts...

:eek: :P

03-14-2006, 08:31 PM
Dude, you freaking amaze me at times:thumbs: Where do you store all of this info? I mean to post that it sounds like a knock off of another movie I never heard of but to provide a damn link is unbelieveable. I am going to look to rent that movie existenz. From the link you provided, it sounded like a good movie from what others were saying.

As far as the original thread topic, I like those kind of movies even if they are corny. I prefer the dvd over movie theatre though so may wait.
Well I am sorta film savvy. :P
I browse IMDB alot as well, and after seeing A History of Violence I was intrigued by the guy who directed the movie. (David Cronenberg) I've actually never seen eXistenZ except for the trailer but those kind of movies sort of turn me off.

03-14-2006, 09:37 PM
Well I am sorta film savvy. :P
I browse IMDB alot as well, and after seeing A History of Violence I was intrigued by the guy who directed the movie. (David Cronenberg) I've actually never seen eXistenZ except for the trailer but those kind of movies sort of turn me off.

How was HOV? I've been wanting to see that since it hit the theaters.

03-14-2006, 09:41 PM
How was HOV? I've been wanting to see that since it hit the theaters.
Came out today on DVD actually. I saw it in the theaters.

I liked it, it's a very powerful film. There is some strong brutal violence and pretty explicit sex scenes. Not quite your ordinary film, moves at pretty fast pace too.

03-14-2006, 11:08 PM
uh...I won't be watching that until after I hear many other people tell me that everything I think about it is wrong...


03-18-2006, 04:15 AM
Came out today on DVD actually. I saw it in the theaters.

I liked it, it's a very powerful film. There is some strong brutal violence and pretty explicit sex scenes. Not quite your ordinary film, moves at pretty fast pace too. Yeah, just saw it a couple of hours ago. Great film! The violence is definately gruesome and sticks in your mind. It didn't seem like the sex scenes were too explicit, as we skipped over them (was watching it with mom) and didn't see anything too bad.

Or maybe while it was fast forwarding it skipped past the bad frames...

Despite the fact that it was 136 min. long, it seemed to end so fast. The ending was a bit...sudden, but for some reason I still liked it. Either way, I highly recommend this movie if you can stomache the violence.

03-18-2006, 04:41 AM
yep, yep, I saw it 2 nights ago, too. The violence was somewhat gruesome, but i've seen worse, and violence doesn't generally get to me. You didn't see anything in the sex scenes - they were just very raw, not done to be "artistic" - just done as pure sexuality - I think that's what Exe was referring to.

It was pretty good. I didn't like how it ended - I've had enough of implied endings from Hollywood...they work sometimes, they don't in others. I would have preferred a more concrete ending to this one, but still, very good.