View Full Version : Kudos to Auran Games

03-14-2006, 04:40 AM
I get a lot of press clippings in my mailbox from developers hyping their product, but this one from Auran Games about Galactic Civ II is something I wanted to share just because I want other devs to follow suit...

"With the full support of the developers, Auran is publishing this game with NO COPY PPROTECTION, instead relying on a quality product that provides registered users with frequent updates, additional features and outstanding support to create a best-seller."

Other devs need to stop worrying about so much about copy protection, and start worrying about the level of suck in their games.

03-14-2006, 05:02 AM
"With the full support of the developers, Auran is publishing this game with NO COPY PPROTECTION, instead relying on a quality product that provides registered users with frequent updates, additional features and outstanding support to create a best-seller."

Other devs need to stop worrying about so much about copy protection, and start worrying about the level of suck in their games.

Hint: For the peeps using the GameMecca Skin w/o Blogs, that Black print on the Blue background is impossible to see unless you swipe over it. :)

03-14-2006, 05:25 AM
Other devs need to stop worrying about so much about copy protection, and start worrying about the level of suck in their games.

Amen. Two :thumbs: to these guys!

03-14-2006, 08:39 PM