View Full Version : Madden only?

Seriously Deadly
03-17-2006, 08:59 PM
I read a while ago that madden bought the right to make the only NFL game anymore for some amount of years. I think it is stupid. to me it means that they could make there games now suck and not update them from year to year but still make there money for having only NFL game. i liked the ESPN NFL Games a whole lot. I hope all the other people that make football games will go make up there own league, or make arena football games or something like that.

03-17-2006, 09:03 PM
Arena football is an option, though I wanna say I heard that someone bought out exclusive rights to that too, maybe?

Rugby isn't really an option, b/c it's so foreign to us Americans, but there are Rugby games out there.

Others are developing fictional leagues - there was a game that came out a few months ago called "Blitz: The League" that's about a made-up league. I'm not a console guy much, so I haven't played it, but it's out there. I think given time, you'll see Madden lose a lot of popularity, and the NFL will get ticked. Hopefully every major sport sees the error is this idea and doesn't give in to it from here out.

03-18-2006, 04:03 AM
Arena football is an option, though I wanna say I heard that someone bought out exclusive rights to that too, maybe?

Rugby isn't really an option, b/c it's so foreign to us Americans, but there are Rugby games out there.

Others are developing fictional leagues - there was a game that came out a few months ago called "Blitz: The League" that's about a made-up league. I'm not a console guy much, so I haven't played it, but it's out there. I think given time, you'll see Madden lose a lot of popularity, and the NFL will get ticked. Hopefully every major sport sees the error is this idea and doesn't give in to it from here out.
EA bought the rights to Arena Football as well....:rolleyes:

Seriously Deadly
03-18-2006, 04:08 AM
EA bought the rights to Arena Football as well....:rolleyes:
are you motherf**king serious!?!? :down: :down:

03-18-2006, 04:18 AM
are you motherf**king serious!?!? :down: :down:
Yup, happenned awhile ago. Found the link:


Seriously Deadly
03-18-2006, 04:19 AM
well i figure they will lose there popularity and money and NFL will pay em back there money for the rights and ESPN will make nfl again

03-18-2006, 04:43 AM
Um...it's a contract, I'm sure, SD - unless both parties agree to cut the deal, one side can't just cut it. That means that EA has to want to cut it, so, uh...good luck with that.

Seriously Deadly
03-18-2006, 05:01 AM

Seriously Deadly
03-18-2006, 05:01 AM
well i need to learn about stuff like thats still

03-18-2006, 08:25 AM
Yes they are the only company that canmake a game with pro NFL team which kills off all competition.

With the first year, they killed Madden and the teams were all screwed up along with the wrong rosters. For those like me who have been playing friends and family football since techno bowl is now stuck with only one option. It also allows EA to control pricing. You either pay for it or you don't play a game with the pro NFL teams. If you go to Madden Nation forums, you will see how many people are pissed of and disgusted. The majority of the threads are relating to problems and BS but they get no response. I feel ripped of with purchasing 06 but I do not plan on ever buying Madden again;) . This goes for the rest of the crew that I usually play for years.

03-18-2006, 09:26 AM
Yes they are the only company that canmake a game with pro NFL team which kills off all competition.

With the first year, they killed Madden and the teams were all screwed up along with the wrong rosters. For those like me who have been playing friends and family football since techno bowl is now stuck with only one option. It also allows EA to control pricing. You either pay for it or you don't play a game with the pro NFL teams. If you go to Madden Nation forums, you will see how many people are pissed of and disgusted. The majority of the threads are relating to problems and BS but they get no response. I feel ripped of with purchasing 06 but I do not plan on ever buying Madden again;) . This goes for the rest of the crew that I usually play for years.

who likes monopoly!?! :down: :down: :down:

again...EA...die in a mo$@%# $&^%ing fire