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Seriously Deadly
03-24-2006, 12:25 AM
i wanted to see if i made the transperantly right. so im testing now


Seriously Deadly
03-24-2006, 12:26 AM
nope. didnt do it right

03-24-2006, 01:10 AM

That is the tut that taught me how to do them, hope it helps bud.

Seriously Deadly
03-24-2006, 01:35 AM

03-24-2006, 06:24 AM
for tranparency in most graphcal programs, the checker background is used to see where your background will be invisible/opaque, and default formats is:
#1 gif - 256 colors, non-smoothed edges (looks like chainsaw lol), low img size, accepted by most websites/forums
#2 PNG - true color, smooth edges, big img size, acepted by most forum boards
#3 TGA - 24/32 bit, smooth edges, big img size, accepted by most game engines, extra options with alpha channel (forth that comes after R, G and B) you can even make ur image to be multi tranpared, like even 20% of image = 80% tranparent, 50% = 20% and rest of image 100% transparent,,, or whatever u like. TGA have to be exported as 32-bit image. Is used by serious engine, if modeling or making levels (good example is - church coloured windows, they are good to be multiple transparent, so u can have frames non-tranparent and glass transparent acoording to colors)

hope this explains alot and helps not only for you ;)