View Full Version : Godfather The Game

03-26-2006, 11:13 AM
anyone got this game is it any good ?

saw some movies looks nice and violent :D

03-26-2006, 02:59 PM
The reviews that I read said that the gameplay isn't too bad, but if you've watched the movies you won't enjoy it, as Pacino doesn't do his character's voice.

Dangerous Dan
03-26-2006, 07:10 PM
despite the encouraginng reviews, i still think it looks like a EA liscence cash-in and GTA clone.

solid snake295
03-26-2006, 10:33 PM
i picked it up the day it came out and have been playing it non stop. its a great game. its nothing like gta. the fact that pacino dosent play the voice of michael didnt really bother me because you really dont see him all that much in the game. the graphics are great, the gameplay is addictive, the controls take a little bit of patience but once you get used to them you'll be wackin mofos in no time. you can almost fully customize your character, not as detailed as tiger woods game face but still very good. when ever you complete missions you gain respect points, get enough and you level up gaining a point to put towards your character skills like fighting, shooting, health, speed, street smarts. real gangstas need money, and to get money you can rob banks, crash deals that other gangs are doing, or take over small buisnesses. when taking over buisnesses you can just go in and beat the hell out of the owner and demand that he pays you every week or you can play it cool and try to reason with him, if he doesnt listen, smash open the cash register with his head or break a window and lean him over the edge untill he cooperates. the fighting is more then just punching. you can grab onto someone and push them around, throw them or choke them, also you can use you mouse to attack them kinda like the total punch control in the fight night games. driving can be a little bit tricky only because your using the keyboard to steer, its very touchy at low speeds but once you get moving its alright. the voice acting is done very well and the music isnt too bad either.
i would highly reccomend this game to anyone that has a little bit of patience to get used to the different controls because it is a great game and very much worth it. i would rate it an 8.5/10


03-27-2006, 01:01 AM
Hmmm, so do you think that the controls would be easier on PS2? Never watched any of the GodFather movies (yes, I know they are teh awesomeness and everything, never got the time), so will I enjoy this as much?

solid snake295
03-27-2006, 02:57 AM
i would guess that it wouldnt be as good on the ps2, shooting is always so much easier with a mouse and theres alot of different controls that the keyboard does a good job of mapping out properly, i think it might get a bit compilcated on a ps2 controller. driving would probably be easier though.
you should go with the PC version.

03-27-2006, 03:47 PM
i guess i might have to take a closer look at this game then anyone heard of a demo comming out ? and when ?

03-27-2006, 08:20 PM
Well, in the latest issue of CGW there is a demo of it on the disc. Still haven't gotten around to installing it.

EDIT: Ack, it isn't a demo, sorry. Just a vid.

03-28-2006, 12:52 AM
my rate:
1 point for some new ideas and corrupted police
1 point for... i dunno maybe cuz they actually made it
thats it,,, 2/10
i found it very booring and cars would have look better.. even mafia had more interesting and easier gameplay plus all graphics was better... all this game has as extra is better looking character models with facial expressions, thats it.. rest of game is tipical bull :-)