View Full Version : Quake 4 v1.1 PR Available

03-29-2006, 01:01 AM
Ok so the patch has gone out of beta.

You can get it here.

http://www.planetquake4.net/download.php?op=fileid&lid=2285 - Q4 v1.1 PR

Also the NEW Q4MAX version is also available, although it seems that this was a rushed release, since the dev team wanted to make their release coincide with the patch and id gave them that opportunity.

http://www.planetquake4.net/download.php?op=fileid&lid=2282 - Q4Max .73

The patch seems to fix almost every issue including gameplay and network. Plus the voice chat now seems to be working.
ID also threw in some maps.

03-29-2006, 01:47 AM
Fixes & Updates in 1.1:


Corrected an issue with skipping the ending cinematic.
Pentium(r) M processors will now be properly detected.
When using right-click to lower the video quality, the user will be prompted to apply the change immediately.
Corrected a stability issue related to old sound drivers.
Added doImpulse and doButton commands to support button actions and impulses via the console. For example:
bind l "doButton +_moveup; wait 5; doButton -_moveup;"
bind l "doImpulse _impulse1; wait 10; doImpulse _impulse5"
Several sound issues have been corrected.
Added mouse acceleration functionality with the m_accel cvar. This is only available through the console. Higher values give more acceleration.
Video option changes can be applied immediately instead of restarting the game.
Widescreen option will no longer affect the menus adversely.
The FOV (g_fov) can now be adjusted higher than 110. We do not recommend values higher than 110.
Application stability improved when setting the Sound Device to General Software with a Creative X-Fi sound card.
Implemented an AddOn PK4 system similar to Doom 3(tm) v1.3. Please see http://www.iddevnet.com/quake4/LevelEditor_MPMapDefs (http://www.iddevnet.com/quake4/LevelEditor_MPMapDefs) for more info.
Resolved an issue with the level editor not working correctly with SMP enabled.
Corrected a few localized string errors.
Added a new cvar for adjusting the look speed while zoomed: pm_zoomedSlow (defaults to 100). This can be adjusted from 1 to 100: lower numbers are slower.
Finalized network demos: replay client or server recordings of network game or run performance tests. Please see http://www.iddevnet.com/quake4/NetworkDemos (http://www.iddevnet.com/quake4/NetworkDemos) for more info.


New Features:

Brightskins added! Pro models for Marine and Strogg have been added. They can be selected from the Multiplayer menu. Their names are "Pro Marine" and "Pro Strogg".
When Ready mode is enabled, player's Ready state now shows on the Scoreboard screen.
Voice chat for Multiplayer is now available! To use voice chat, a microphone must be present and working on the system. After setting up the microphone correctly in your operating system, a Voice Chat key must be set in the Settings/Controls/Other tab, which is accessed from the Main Menu. Configuration of the voice chat options such as Mic Input Volume, Receive Volume, etc can only be accessed in the ESC menu’s "Voice Config" option once you have successfully loaded into a multiplayer match. When in any team game (TeamDM/CTF/ArenaCTF), only teammates can hear the speaker. When in a non-team game, all players can hear the speaker.
Added sorting functionality for the Multiplayer Friends List.
Added a forcemodel option. Typing one of the three commands below and using tab complete will bring up a list of usable models for that command:
g_forceModel forces all players displayed on the client machine to one of the models listed below, in non-team gameplay modes. The available models are:
g_forceMarineModel will force all Marine players displayed on the client machine to one of the models listed below, in team gameplay modes. The available models are:
g_forceStroggModel will force all Strogg players displayed on the client machine to one of the models listed below, in team gameplay modes. The available models are:
Variables for private clients have been implemented. All of these options must be set from the console or in config scripts:
si_privatePlayers: This is the number of private player slots reserved on the server. It subtracts from si_maxPlayers, so a server with si_maxPlayers 16 and 4 private player slots will only allow 12 public players to connect.
g_privatePassword: This is the server-side password setting.
privatePassword: This is the client password used to access a server's private player slots. This must be set from the console.
Added a voting option to shuffle teams. PLEASE NOTE: If auto-balance is on, use the shuffle teams function to redistribute players evenly. Only restarting the map will not shuffle players.
Added a one-minute warning for tournament matches.
Added a server-side console variable that will allow enabling or disabling of voting options. si_voteFlags (which defaults to 0, meaning nothing disabled) is the variable, and it uses a bit mask system:
bit 0 (+1) restart map
bit 1 (+2) min players
bit 2 (+4) auto balance teams
bit 3 (+8) shuffle teams
bit 4 (+16) kick player
bit 5 (+32) change map
bit 6 (+64) change gametype
bit 7 (+128) time limit
bit 8 (+256) tourney round limit
bit 9 (+512) capture limit
bit 10 (+1024) frag limit
Sum the total of the parenthetical numbers for each of the vote options you want to disable. For example, to disable voting on "kick player," "change gametype," and "frag limit," add the numbers: 16, 64, and 1024 (total of 1104), and set on the server: si_voteFlags 1104. Please note that any changes will not take effect until after a map restart, and anyone viewing the voting options during that transitory phase will not see the changes unless they back out to the game and then enter the shell again.
When aiming at a teammate in a team game, their health and armor level shows under their name.
When spectating and following, viewing the MP Statistics (default key 'Z') now shows the stats of whoever you are following.
The Game Browser now has scroll bar arrows to scroll through one server at a time.
Players will be notified when teams are rebalanced.
There is a new system by which players may anonymously report their usage statistics to the developers, such as type of video card, amount of system RAM, the presence of a DVD drive, etc. After installing the 1.1 patch, the first time the game starts, a confirmation window will appear. At this point, the player may choose to enable anonymous usage statistic reporting. Alternately, this may be set ahead of time with a cvar, net_reportUsageStatistics.
Added a "simple items" cvar so that item pickups will appear as icon representations instead of the actual model. Use g_simpleitems 1/0 to enable and disable. This is only available in the console.

The variables pm_bobpitch, pm_bobroll, pm_bobup, pm_crouchbob, pm_runbob, pm_runpitch, pm_runroll and pm_walkbob are no longer cheat protected but clients will not be able to override the server settings.
Selecting a screen size or aspect ratio that cannot be supported on a system will revert to safe defaults and display the correct safe settings values in the System menu.
NetDemo playbacks have gotten a little bit easier with "tab completion". The playNetDemo command now uses tab complete to show available demos.
The serverInfo command will now report more accurate data.
After playing a Multiplayer game and disconnecting, the Game Browser will be displayed instead of the Main Menu.
Name coloring in team game death messages is now disabled.
The dedicated server executable no longer requires a sound card or a pixel shader-capable video card.
With Weapon Stay enabled, a notifying sound will play when running over a weapon you already possess.
Player spawn code has been adjusted to mimic the spawn style of Quake III Team Arena.
Strafe-jumping on stairs is smoother.
When under 25 health, the player will hear a different pain grunt to indicate that health is especially low.
Increased the volume of the sound that plays when you hit an opponent in Multiplayer.
Slightly increased the volume of other player's Lightning Gun and Railgun hum noises to make them easier to hear.
Spectators will no longer be counted as "on a team" for auto-balancing purposes.
The CTF "Defense" award has been adjusted to provide the achievement within a larger radius from any team flag and enemy flags carried by a teammate.
Improved Gametype selections to properly display the appropriate map types in the map selection pane of the Create Server menu.
Adjusted the text "You are not ready" when ready mode is enabled so that it is more obvious to players.
Spectator players will only see chat messages from other spectators, and will not see team chat.

The Lightning gun idle sound will not drop unexpectedly due to weapon viewmodel cvar binds.
Shotgun animation will play its full cycle before the new weapon selection begins.
Players falling into a void will die properly.
The "Sudden Death" message will not spam all arenas still conducting matches.
Intermittent highlighting and de-highlighting of the Voice Config tab is fixed.
Colored names now appear correctly in the Multiplayer lobby.
Voice Chat functions properly when enabled during a match in progress.
Cycling through player models after death will now properly decay both the head and body models.
Game stability improved when switching maps and gametypes through vote or server admin menus.
Fixed an intermittent issue with ACTF powerup effects not centering on players correctly.
The Multiple CPU/Core selection in the Advanced System Options will now highlight when mousing over it.
The Friends List will now properly accept names containing the characters "{" and "}".
Name capitalization changes will now take effect immediately in game.
Fixed an issue with certain performance awards being improperly given to players based on the accumulation of enemy and team kills.
Armor status when looking at teammates will now display correctly.
The screenshotJPEG command will correctly increment from the last indexed screenshot image residing in the default screenshots folder of the game installation.
Client calling a map vote will receive an appropriate message if the map that is called does not reside on the server.
Spanish clients will see player names properly during a vote to kick a player whose name includes a space.
Spanish clients will see the correct models for teammates and enemies.
When a player disconnects from a Tournament match early, the server will now seed the remaining players correctly for the remainder of the match.
PunkBuster(tm) now properly enables and disables in the server setup screen.
Muted icons now display properly on the scoreboard tab of the End-Game Summary window.
The Ammo Regen powerup now functions correctly when using the Machinegun.
The Invisibility powerup sound no longer carries over to arena 1 from other arenas.
A Dedicated server will no longer crash if warmup is off and all players disconnect from the server.
Tournament mode matches will enter sudden death properly after players reach the frag limit simultaneously.
Corrected an inconsistency with falling damage in Multiplayer.
PunkBuster rcon output will now be displayed properly to connected clients.
Projectiles will no longer appear to travel through map geometry on clients with slower internet connections.
Jump sounds will no longer get stuck occasionally when gibbing someone.
The "One Minute Warning" will no longer be heard during warm up.
Projectiles will no longer fly sideways through teleporters.
Player corpses will not disappear so suddenly if the player force respawns.
Item effects will now always be aligned with the item pickup.
Icons no longer lag behind the player model.
Players will no longer hear old countdown announcements when spawning into a new tournament arena.
Powerups in tournament games no longer drop into the wrong arenas.
Switching between the Summary and Statistics screens of the End-Game Summary window will no longer reset the Statistics to 0.
Items will not bob so quickly after a server has been active for a long while.
Improved server stability.
In Tournament games, gibs from other arenas will no longer be visible.
Corrected an issue dealing with connecting to password-protected servers while running the game in windowed mode.
The video settings should no longer revert to default when connecting to servers while running the game in windowed mode.
Clicking "Get New List" in the Game Browser will no longer create phantom servers in the list.
Fixed call vote stability for clients running a Spanish or French version of the game.
Playing back net demos will no longer cause a crash.
When playing back a net demo with a mapchange in it, the game will no longer attempt to connect to the server on which the game was recorded.
Fixed announcer not understanding zero fraglimit setting when negative numbers are expressed from client suicides.
Gametype can be changed to CTF with the RCON command.
The number of votes will be displayed correctly for the player calling for the vote.
If a spectating player votes at the end of a tourney, the vote announcement will be properly heard.
The map list will properly display when calling a vote to change the map.
Addressed issue with crusher on the Xaero Gravity (q4ctf5) map not crushing players when activated.
Map performance increased in Relativity (q4ctf4).
Corrected a possible geometry exploit in the Xaero Gravity (q4ctf5) map.
Corrected a geometry exploit in the Sandstorm (q4dm2) map.
Corrected two possible geometry exploits in the Tremors (q4ctf7) map.
Thanks Exe!!:thumbs:

03-29-2006, 02:26 AM
Awesome. Let us know when the DS server is updated.

03-29-2006, 02:29 PM
Do not install this patch! It has just been recalled:

"Please take down your mirror for the Quake 4 1.1 beta and/or final. There is a problem with the widescreen functionality that may harm a user's monitor. We are working on a re-release and will make it available as soon as possible. Please advise your viewers that may be using the current 1.1 beta and/or final to NOT enable widescreen or disable widescreen if they are currently using it."

03-29-2006, 06:59 PM
Do not install this patch! It has just been recalled:

"Please take down your mirror for the Quake 4 1.1 beta and/or final. There is a problem with the widescreen functionality that may harm a user's monitor. We are working on a re-release and will make it available as soon as possible. Please advise your viewers that may be using the current 1.1 beta and/or final to NOT enable widescreen or disable widescreen if they are currently using it."
"The bug doesn't even sound like a big deal, but I guess they have to cover all their bases.

The problem doesn't even occur when you are on that monitor and you force it into widescreen (which it doesn't support). The problem occurs when you attempt to force it into widescreen, ignore the warning message "Video Mode not Supported" and keep clicking the toggle over and over. As in nearly a hundred times. THEN after all that time, it is causing this one model of monitor to get damaged. In otherwords, they have no clue if it even has to do with the game. It may just be poor manufacturing and rapidly changing modes over and over cause the monitor to fail."

03-29-2006, 07:21 PM
Hmm..... I will update to q4max 73 tonight and will wait for the fix on the point release. what do you guy's think.

03-29-2006, 07:52 PM
If the bug is that small, I would say go ahead and update everything. What do the rest of you think?

03-29-2006, 08:13 PM
Well if you're stupid enough to try and force the game into widescreen on a non-wide screen monitor then you shouldn't even be installing patches.

It doesn't seem to have any other problem so I would go ahead and install.

03-30-2006, 01:54 AM
Update both, please.:)

03-30-2006, 06:24 PM

I updated q4max to 73. now correct me if am wrong but when I installed the 4.1.1 point release (on my home rig) it created a second folder. Is this what happen to the rest of you? I did not update the server because I need to find a .zip version of the update to upload to the server.

03-30-2006, 07:59 PM
Second Folder of what?
q4base? No second folders for me, you sure you installed to the right directory?

03-31-2006, 12:53 AM
aaaa...... dont mind me I had a brain fart. :)

Can anyone join the q4 server?

03-31-2006, 01:44 AM
Frag I do not see it in either the ingame browser or using xfire.

03-31-2006, 02:17 AM
I don't see it either using Quake Echelon.

03-31-2006, 04:31 AM
ok Ill change it back to q4max 72

03-31-2006, 04:34 AM
ok Ill change it back to q4max 72

Ok i'm confused, why do that?

03-31-2006, 05:12 AM
Well for some reason when I install q4max 73 on my rig I get dumped back to my desktop. I even tried it with a fresh install of q4. I switched back to 72 and it runs fine? I think the server didn’t like it ether and was looping. I changed the server and my rig back to version 72 and all is fine now. the server is up and I can join. Go figure

03-31-2006, 06:44 AM
After unzipping the q4max zip file, you did take the three files below out of the q4max folder and place them in the q4base folder right?

You can get rid of the 72 versions of those files

I kept getting dropped back to my desktop (IIRC initialization failed msg) too until I remembered to do that.

03-31-2006, 12:40 PM
Hmm... if you read the info in the doc folder it read

Setup Problems
I seem to have installed q4max wrong? What should be where?
Files you should have:


Files you should NOT have, and should delete if present:

Having sorted that out, you should have a working install of Q4Max.

I can try it?

03-31-2006, 07:39 PM
I also read this

Download Q4Max 0.73 (Requires Quake 4 Point Release 1.1 beta or final)

once the final is releasted Ill have the server patched

03-31-2006, 11:52 PM
I also read this

Download Q4Max 0.73 (Requires Quake 4 Point Release 1.1 beta or final)

once the final is releasted Ill have the server patched
LOL! This is what the thread is about.
Check the download link to get the PR 1.1 Final.

04-01-2006, 01:12 AM
Yes EXE I know but I cant update the server because the PR is an EXE file not a zip.

04-01-2006, 01:58 AM
I will download, ZIP, and upload to our servers so you can get it Frag. Give me a couple of hours.

04-01-2006, 04:40 AM
Frag I just sent you a PM with the location.

04-02-2006, 01:33 PM
I'm having trouble getting in touch with the server provider about this :mad:

been some weird stuff going on lately, lost both TS2 servers yesterday, both from different providers :confused:

04-02-2006, 02:25 PM
looks like it might be updated? Is this the right version.

Quake4 Final V1.0.5.0 beta 2b Build 2147 win-x86 Dec 21 2005

shows up on the server monitor.


04-02-2006, 10:29 PM
OK I got it now :)

This is the version we are looking for

Quake4 Final V1.1.11.2380 Build 2380 win-x86 Mar 15 2006

I setup a server from home and updated everything and it works sweet. Not sure if you can join? but try any way

Setup like {DS} server but updated 1.11 PR and q4max 73 pass = dsc ip =

Still no word from Fatpipe servers :(

04-02-2006, 11:31 PM
I can not connect, I get a missing pak files msg and directs me to http://www.q4max.com/wiki/index.php/FAQ and my files are where that webpage says they should be.

Do you have some maps installed on the server that are not listed on the Q4 Info page here?

04-02-2006, 11:45 PM
I got the "Quake 4 has encountered an error and needs to close" message.:(

04-02-2006, 11:52 PM
After unzipping the q4max zip file, you did take the three files below out of the q4max folder and place them in the q4base folder right?

You can get rid of the 72 versions of those files

I kept getting dropped back to my desktop (IIRC initialization failed msg) too until I remembered to do that.

BTW I was wrong about moving those files to the q4base folder like in the .071 version, in this version of q4max they go in the q4max folder just in case some of you are having trouble and moved them.

How they should look:

04-03-2006, 02:19 AM
Copy of the server baseq4 folder

04-03-2006, 02:53 AM
These are the files (red dots) that I do not have.


04-03-2006, 03:44 AM
I found those files here:

map_swq4dm1_final.pk4 Phrantic
map_swq4dm2beta4.pk4 Better Than Nothing
pro_bliptourney1.pk4 ArmouredCore Lab #1(Blip)

(when downloaded from that site it adds a .zip to the end of the file name, rename it and drop the .zip part)

I installed them and I still get the missing pak files msg, except it locks up there. I had to hit the Windows button and close Q4.

04-03-2006, 05:09 AM
Frag, you can setup autodownload now instead of everyone having the same maps:


04-03-2006, 11:50 AM
Ok thanks Slik

I dont know were I got those maps? I thought this server was a copy of our DS server. Sorry.... still know word from Fatpipe servers.

04-03-2006, 05:57 PM
Guy's it looks a little tricky to setup a redirect server. You need to make your own pk4 - addon files for each map and then setup a web server. Should I remove the maps that Sho pointed out or.......

On a better note I did find this. It will be sweet once they get this server on line.


04-03-2006, 07:16 PM
I don't think deleting those files is still going to fix it because I added those three and I still got the missing pak files msg. I'll go over that list again tonight just to double check to see if I missed some.

Just to make sure ... you are using Q4max version .073 now and have deleted the .072s and .071s right?

Yeah that redirect service would be nice. It would awesome if they would just tell you what files you are missing, but that would be too easy. :P

04-03-2006, 08:07 PM

I will check my q4base folder with the ds server folder tonight. Here’s what I did. (I setup these servers to run at our LAN party) I made a copy of the quake 4 folder. Then deleted the old q4max folder(ver72). then I ran the point release. then copied the new q4max folder to the quake 4 folder.
I did the same thing on my rig. From there I tried to join and did with out a hitch. My rig has the same files as you guy's do because that’s the one I used to get to the ds server before all this stuff started to change. I will double check everything tonight. Boy things were much simpler with q3

04-04-2006, 05:45 PM
http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/8.gifcan't connect to my own server anymore!!!http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/8.gif

04-04-2006, 05:57 PM
http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/8.gifcan't connect to my own server anymore!!!http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/8.gif

autodownload probably hasn't been setup by Frag yet.

04-04-2006, 06:43 PM
well unless fatpipe updated it you should be able to. nothing changed.

the server I posted is the one I am hosting from home. (it's down right now tho)

04-04-2006, 07:22 PM
well unless fatpipe updated it you should be able to. nothing changed.

the server I posted is the one I am hosting from home. (it's down right now tho)oh ****, beasause I updated my quake.....

04-04-2006, 10:49 PM
fatpipe will update the server tonight.

04-05-2006, 01:34 PM
from fatpipe

We spoke on the phone yesterday.
Support has informed me the 1.1 patch has been recalled, we are awaiting
the new release which should be forthcoming shortly.
Thx for contacting FatPipe.