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04-06-2006, 10:11 PM
About the Mckinney incident?

I am going to tell you that it sickens and pisses me off. I hope they don't drop this and press charges. I think that since she made this a racial incident she should also be sued for that. I am sick and tired of this racial crap when it is clear that these are the people that are racial in every aspect of their life. To think this woman is part of congress scares the hell out of me. If I was black I would be pissed off at her statements more then I am as a white person. This is a clear message how this woman thinks and should not be part of our Government. I hope the people of GA give her the boot. I am sure she will claim that she was voted off because she was black.

I am starting to hate this country more and more for what it is trully standing for:down: .

04-06-2006, 11:10 PM
There are very few poeple in our goverment that deserve to be there. for second I thought you were gonna talk about David Lee Roth's Ratings.

04-06-2006, 11:10 PM
McKinney, 51, scuffled with a police officer on March 29 when she entered a House office building without her identifying lapel pin and did not stop when asked. Several police sources said the officer, who was not identified, asked her three times to stop. When she kept going, he placed a hand somewhere on her and she hit him, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

McKinney issued a statement of regret for the incident but no apology. She and her lawyers have repeatedly declared that she was a victim of inappropriate touching and racism and said they were considering pursuing civil action against the officer.

Asked Monday why she didn't stop as the uniformed officer asked, McKinney framed the matter in terms of race.

"The issue is racial profiling," she said on a major news network Monday night.

Taken from:

She should have stopped when the officer asked her to the first time and it was reported he asked three times and she still continued on. With the way things are today with these suicide bombers, she better count herself lucky that all he did was grab her in an attempt to stop her.

Tactics like playing the race card, rallying up NAACP support and bringing in famous persons to show support is S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) in these incidences, well I have my own set of initials for it, B.S. and I know you can figure out what they stand for. ;)

Seriously Deadly
04-06-2006, 11:48 PM
ok. i think this makes black people look bad. I think this becuase, this lady is trying to blame it on racism. that makes no sence. she is making it sound like anytime something happens with a black person and white person it is racism. :down: @ her

04-07-2006, 12:28 AM
About the Mckinney incident?

I am going to tell you that it sickens and pisses me off. I hope they don't drop this and press charges. I think that since she made this a racial incident she should also be sued for that. I am sick and tired of this racial crap when it is clear that these are the people that are racial in every aspect of their life. To think this woman is part of congress scares the hell out of me. If I was black I would be pissed off at her statements more then I am as a white person. This is a clear message how this woman thinks and should not be part of our Government. I hope the people of GA give her the boot. I am sure she will claim that she was voted off because she was black.

I am starting to hate this country more and more for what it is trully standing for:down: .

:thumbs: Agree 100 % !!

04-07-2006, 12:49 AM
Considering she is or hold a very high position in this country and then screams racism is disgusting. I mean today you will have ignorance but that act is on all nationalities. This does not prevent someone in this country from being succesful as there are over 25 people in congress that are black. In todays society, I do not think it is impossible to have a non white president.

The thing about this is not that this will make black people look bad but cause more hate because people like me am so sick of tired of seeing this type of thing. I swear she thinks she's Rodney king for crying out loud. It just causes racism in a day racism should be considered acts of an individual and not a whole race against another. Those days are long gone and can not be brought back even if they wanted it.

I agree 100% on equal rights to all people. I do not believe in affirmtive action becuase it is not needed today and defeats the pupose of equal rights. This causes racism or allows it to linger. My question is can anyone define minority?

04-07-2006, 12:51 AM
The moment she walked in without going throught the metal detectors, resisted the security officer's attempt to stop and identify her, and she turned around and assaulted him, he should have put her face right down on the floor, cuffed her, and and pulled his gun. Just like he would have done to anyone else. If anything she got off pretty easy - it's the freakin capital building for crimmy's sake. Way to represent biatch.

From CNN: "Members of the Congressional Black Caucus, which has declined to comment because the facts of the case are in dispute, met Wednesday evening to discuss the incident. McKinney was in attendance."

This is what really pisses me off. What did the members of the Congressional White Caucus do? Oh wait, there is none. God forbid anyone should try to start one. The NAACP is an organization that soley exists to advance the interests of non-whites at the expense of whites. The NAAWP is the KKK.

The university I work for has a chapter of the Society for Black Engineers. God forbid anyone try to start a Society for White Engineers. The university I work for is required to consider and select minority vendors, and even though they may not come in with the lowest bid, they have priority if they can bid within 15% of a non-minority vendor. When my lab is looking for a $70,000 piece of equiment, that can be a significant difference. And the additional cost comes out of our division's equipment fund. If both a white person and a minority person apply for the same job where I work, and they both have similar qualifications, we are obligated to hire the person of color because we do government work and have to abide by the governments affirmative action policies. Thank you very much. Isn't equality great?

Erm, that's enough. I could get myself in a lot of trouble here if I haven't already. And that would be so unlike me. :P

04-07-2006, 12:59 AM
Sirc, that is exactlt what I mean but if you say something, there are people that will consider you a racist. I have been called it many times but all I want is equal right across the board. I am sure I never owned any slaves or my great grand parents. I am Irish and it seems everyone forgot how we were treated when entering this country. Where is my meal ticket.

Regardless, it is these things that will never make things right or equal. It's a shame that no matter what part of europe you come from, if your skin is white and you enter this country regardless of knowing english, you are not considered a minority. Something seems F'd up with that.

04-07-2006, 12:59 AM
The university I work for has a chapter of the Society for Black Engineers. God forbid anyone try to start a Society for White Engineers. The university I work for is required to consider and select minority vendors, and even though they may not come in with the lowest bid, they have priority if they can bid within 15% of a non-minority vendor. When my lab is looking for a $70,000 piece of equiment, that can be a significant difference. And the additional cost comes out of our division's equipment fund. If both a white person and a minority person apply for the same job where I work, and they both have similar qualifications, we are obligated to hire the person of color because we do government work and have to abide by the governments affirmative action policies. Thank you very much. Isn't equality great?

:( Damn...that ain't right...at all..

04-07-2006, 01:44 AM
:( Damn...that ain't right...at all..

And get this - members of the Society for Black Engineers are eligible for scholarships that whites aren't eligible for. Nice, eh? :thumbs:

Honestly, I'm not racist. I have black friends, and I have black co-workers. They are good people and are smart as whips, and they are a valuable asset to the university. I've never looked at gender or color as a reason to judge anyone. I just don't see either justice or equality in the system that I work in. I'm trying to stay neutral as best that I can, but it's tough when I see the favoritism and the unfair practices being followed. It doesn't make me hate the people, it makes me hate the F'd up system.

04-07-2006, 02:21 AM
Okay, I've read you guys' statement on this McKinney case, and one thing I agree on is she should've obeyed that security officer's instructions and provided the right identification and everything would've been alright. Unfortunately it didn't go that way. Now she's claiming racial profiling, which I disagree with; plain and simple, she didn't wear her ID badge, so obviously the officer didn't know her from Adam & Eve. He felt there had to be some physical contact to deter her from entering further into a government building.

As for affirmative action is concerned... unless you're black... you're just not getting it. Without this, a LOT of smart, intelligent black men and women WOULD NOT get the same shot at that "brass ring" that white america take for granted. And I can say there are a lot of blacks that climb that ladder of success ON THIER OWN MERITS. Young White America says there's no more racism in this country? Ha! There's this show on FX that's been airing for the past few weeks called "Black White", where they take a white family, turn them black, take a black family, turn them white, place them is racially different enviroments, and see how they interact with people of the opposite race, and vice versa. It's very interesting. If you want to check it out for yourselves, the season finale airs next Wednesday (April 12) on FX. Check your local listings. Trust me, racism still exists... just harder to detect.

I'm stepping down from my soapbox now.... thank you, and goodnight.

04-07-2006, 02:28 AM
Oh, and one more thing.... if this country (USA) was TRULY "racism-free", there would be NO NEED for affirmative action. And I seriously doubt racism will ever go away completely.... not in our lifetime anyway....

04-07-2006, 03:12 AM
I understand where everyone is coming from. Is one way more fair than another , Doubt it. There will never be a truly fair way. And as far as racism is concerned, you cant hold an entire ethnic group to blame. There is bigotry in all groups. It needs to be dealt with on an individual basis. My neighborhood in TX is probably the most diverse and friendly group I have ever encountered bar none. There was Korean, Chinese, African, Mexican and me and my daughter. It was excellent, all the kids played together (there were squabbles, there kids) but I was happy there and the parents considered each other not acquaintances but friends. As far as the congresswoman goes, she should have been treated like anyone that disobeys an officer. Im sure a black officer would have treated her the same way. They are doing a job and are resposible for safety of everyone in that building including her. I guess it goes back to individuality, base your opinon on a person not a race.

04-07-2006, 03:21 AM
There's this show on FX that's been airing for the past few weeks called "Black White", where they take a white family, turn them black, take a black family, turn them white, place them is racially different enviroments, and see how they interact with people of the opposite race, and vice versa.
I couldnt fit in with a city family whether they were white or black. Hell its hard enough when my brother and his family come to stay for a few weeks:D I know I could fit in with you just by talking to you. We have similar morals and attitudes and would be fine. Tv dramatizes things. They try to make it awkward or nobody would watch. How interesting would it be to film us sitting around doing odd jobs around the house, having a few beers and maybe some sam and meeting new friends. Boring tv but sounds nice and enjoyable to me:thumbs:

04-07-2006, 03:25 AM
Let's not forget that not ALL African American's fall into these categories. There are more than a few who think they are ABOVE equality and should receive special priviliges and they attain those privilages through the NAAWP and other interest groups. But most of the African Americans probably do not feel that their rights are being challeged and/or restricted. Same goes for all of the minority groups.

I also found this about Rep. McKinney off of wikipedia.

"After an incident in 1993 when she had an altercation with an United States Capitol Police officer, a picture of her was posted for all officers since she refuses to wear a security pin identifying her as a member of Congress. There have been four more incidents since, including one involving a complaint that White House security officials mistook her 23-year-old white aide for her."

That last part is pretty funny, but the repeated instances of her BELIEVING that she is ABOVE everyone else who walks into the door of that biulding is ridiculous.

However, politicians may do these things to generate publicity for themselves. Which is what I think is happening here.

04-07-2006, 03:31 AM
I can understand rascism very well. I've lost job opportunities because I was a white male, even being #2 on a list that had 3 openings. :down:

affirmative action is now exploited, it used to serve a purpose, now it gets slanted to discriminate against whites......

04-07-2006, 05:07 AM
As for affirmative action is concerned... unless you're black... you're just not getting it. Without this, a LOT of smart, intelligent black men and women WOULD NOT get the same shot at that "brass ring" that white america take for granted. And I can say there are a lot of blacks that climb that ladder of success ON THIER OWN MERITS. Young White America says there's no more racism in this country? Ha! There's this show on FX that's been airing for the past few weeks called "Black White", where they take a white family, turn them black, take a black family, turn them white, place them is racially different enviroments, and see how they interact with people of the opposite race, and vice versa. It's very interesting. If you want to check it out for yourselves, the season finale airs next Wednesday (April 12) on FX. Check your local listings. Trust me, racism still exists... just harder to detect.

You reap what you sow, you get what you earn. Handing out freebies to people based on their color is not earning anything, and all of those smart, intelligent white men and women who get screwed because of it IS NOT helping racial harmony, and it's certainly not fair or unbiased. Anyone can climb the ladder of success on their own merits. What's your point? You mean doing it after they've received the unfair advantage of affirmative action? Pffft. That's hardly doing it on their own merits.

According to your profile, you're the same age as I am. The fact that you are actually trying to form some basis for an argument from a TV show that survives soley on it's ratings and therefore necessarily sensationalizes everything, and I'll bet also fabricates/arranges most of the situations portrayed....I mean.....jeez, I don't even want to talk to you about this until you get some real-world experience. That's just sad. Turn off the TV and spend some time in the real world and see the truth, and stop believing what some stupid prime-time fictional 30/60 minute moron-fest feeds you. I bet you're a Jerry Springer fan too and believe that nothing in that show is fabricated or rehearsed. Oprah loves ya buddy! :thumbs:

Okay, I'm done with this thread. Sirc's got a large blip on his moron detector and that's never a good thing. Going into stealth mode now and initiating evasive maneuvers....:P :D :wave:

04-07-2006, 05:10 AM
Mpulse, if you believe anything on TV you are nuts. They dramatize everything. You see you said it was interesting. Would it be interesting if there was no racism on the show? I don't watch it so I really can talk about it and have no clue what it's about. I have seen the commercials and when I see it, I usually say that show looks stupid. Think about it. What is their agenda with it? You are almost saying the real life reality show is really real life. There was a comedian that once said, "you want reality, I am 35 years old and I still live with my parents". Point being, if you honestly believe anything you don't see in real life, your crazy bud.

As for affirmitive action and that if it was not here, blacks would be cheated. If that is true, you are being racial and saying the majority of blacks such as Condeleza Rice or Gen Powell, etc got there because of affirmitive action. This action is racist toward white people. It is not equal therefor it is against the law. The reality is that Whites are the minority group in this country becuase if you consider what a minority is and then compare the amount of minorities to whites, we are minorities. I feel if anyone wants equal rights, it should be equal to all.

As far as racism goes, I live in NY and have friends of all ethnic back grounds. I know for a fact that white people are the least racist. I do think fear to some white people get blamed as racisism but honestly, who is putting the images where. I wish people would not consider racism as not liking a groups way or way they live. Live here in NY and see what the streets are like and the gangs that do nothing but terrorize schools. A bunch of punks that would not last one minute in a fight unless they have their weapons or crew. It keeps growing becuase of the excuses, the crutches and the burdens put on people. Be a white person and walk around some of the streets here and then come and talk about racism. There is a good reason I have many assualt rifles where I live. Every neighborhood is being corroded with roaches as this cancer grows in America. It's all over America too.

04-07-2006, 08:09 AM
I bet you're a Jerry Springer fan too and believe that nothing in that show is fabricated or rehearsed. Oprah loves ya buddy! :thumbs:

Okay, I'm done with this thread. Sirc's got a large blip on his moron detector and that's never a good thing. Going into stealth mode now and initiating evasive maneuvers....:P :D :wave:

Sirc I'm glad to hear you are done with this thread. It's one thing to attack someones opinion, but attacking someone personally is another and you probably need to go do something else and avoid this thread.

Die Hard
04-07-2006, 09:50 AM
The university I work for has a chapter of the Society for Black Engineers. God forbid anyone try to start a Society for White Engineers. The university I work for is required to consider and select minority vendors, and even though they may not come in with the lowest bid, they have priority if they can bid within 15% of a non-minority vendor. When my lab is looking for a $70,000 piece of equiment, that can be a significant difference. And the additional cost comes out of our division's equipment fund. If both a white person and a minority person apply for the same job where I work, and they both have similar qualifications, we are obligated to hire the person of color because we do government work and have to abide by the governments affirmative action policies. Thank you very much. Isn't equality great?You may not like it and it's tough but but we have to address the balance of our society.

04-07-2006, 11:05 AM
Look you guys.... (sigh!).... I'm not saying I base my life on a tv show (yes, I'm talking to YOU, Sirc), al I'm saying is that project shows that there are REAL people in this country that have their preconcieved notions of how others races act/recact to certain situations. As far as affirmative action taking a slant against whites... maybe this is something "a long time coming" for minorities as a whole. Martin L King has a dream of a world (hell, this country), where everyone can live, learn, work and advance purely by their own merits, and not by the color of their skin. That dream still hasn't come true yet, so in the meantime we need affirmative action to level this "acial field".

Unless you're born black, or any other minority living in this country, Sirc and that guy who started this thread, then you can only sit back, scratch your head, and constantly complain about stuff you really don't know about. BY the way... the other day a friend of mine were pulled over in an all white neighborhood (by white cops) in a nice Lexus. Ahhhhh.... just another day in a "no racist" country.....

04-07-2006, 12:33 PM
I couldnt fit in with a city family whether they were white or black. Hell its hard enough when my brother and his family come to stay for a few weeks:D I know I could fit in with you just by talking to you. We have similar morals and attitudes and would be fine. Tv dramatizes things. They try to make it awkward or nobody would watch. How interesting would it be to film us sitting around doing odd jobs around the house, having a few beers and maybe some sam and meeting new friends. Boring tv but sounds nice and enjoyable to me:thumbs:

You're so right, Krazy... too bad opposing people couldn't just hash out their squabbles over a SSSE deathmatch! :D LOL! Be kinda like Rollerball...

Seeya later tonight...

04-07-2006, 03:36 PM
"Unless you're born black, or any other minority living in this country, Sirc and that guy who started this thread, then you can only sit back, scratch your head, and constantly complain about stuff you really don't know about. BY the way... the other day a friend of mine were pulled over in an all white neighborhood (by white cops) in a nice Lexus. Ahhhhh.... just another day in a "no racist" country....."

MPpulse, lets be honest here for a second. You keep saying unless you are born black we would not understand. I thing that is hogwash. You see everything is based on color in your eyes s you said your friend got pulled over because he was in a white neighborhood driving a Lexus. You already claimed that the reason he was pulled over was because he was black. This seems to be the excuse for every black person who gets in trouble. Not only that it puts fear in some police becaus e they have to deal with lawsuits. Now I am not saying that there are no racist cops becuase each person is an individual and should be held accountable for there actions but being realistic, if you got pulled over by a cop, there is a reason. I can not speculate on your friend because I was not there and can not get both sides of thje story. It's just the same excuse.

Now as far as being born black, I feel this is such a BS excuse to those that are weak and use a crutch in there everyday life. Unless you are handicapped for real, I do not want to hear any excuses. This is America and the purpose of America is to be a melting pot. You judge white skin without realizing that evry person who is white comes from a different country and speaks different languages. There are many white skinned people that have very different life styles yet because they are white they get treated as one group which is racist. By the way, what color are most Jews? I can not think of any other white skinned people that are hated so much not only in America but the whole world. I don't see these people crying out and saying they are being held down. If I was born Black, I would be pissed off that it was my own people that were hurting my race. Like Bill Cosby said when he spoke up about the rap music and street talk. He said to become doctors and lawyers to black people and speak english. Do you know what the black groups said to him or how they treated him? The truth is it appears to be legal for racism as long as it's not white on black. It's on all media.

As far racism goes, every persons ancestors that came to this country had dealt with it. You will never hear about it because they are white. You wont get a white history month to show how the Irish, the Italians were treated. I love the ignorance when I hear that the blacks are being held down because the truth is the Irish were the lowest form on earth and treated that way in their own country and in America. The difference is that they worked hard, did what they had to do and made something of a life in America which all nationalities are to do as they adapt there new country and become a citizen.

I am tired as a white man being held responsible for crimes I did not commit and paying for others that are not related to me. I am tired of hearing excuses as if I myself and children will be the blame for a past that those who complain were not even part of themself. Those who cry racism who are themself a racist. Like congress woman Mckinney, she is a racist pig who should have no control in this country and be charged with the crimes she did commit. Until these things are fixed, racism will exist and never be defeated.

04-07-2006, 03:39 PM
I apologize this wasnt meant to spam to this thread, just turned out to be multi-post of same reply, system errOr

04-07-2006, 03:39 PM

04-07-2006, 03:39 PM
Couldn't help myself from weighing in on this :rolleyes:

Does racism exist today? It most certainly does! Should it exist today, the answer to that would be most definitely no, it should NOT !! Imo in these times it has no present basis for existence other than those that would seek to perpetuate it !!

If you play the "racism card", then you are a racist in the pure sense of its meaning and its definition !! You do NOTHING for the ADVANCEMENT of PEOPLE'S individual rights or for what should be for all people's rights,freedoms and equality's !! And thats what we "all are" , were just people, of different ethnic origins, be it black, white, green, blue, yellow, brown.... whatever color or nationality we all may be !!

There are numerous laws protecting against these types of things such as discrimination and profiling etc. that have these racial tones to them! And there should be laws to protect against that, and we all know there are laws to protect against that !! Racism should only come into play when ONES rights have been violated because it can be Proven as such, that racism was the motivation !! Not to perpetuate racism it but to exonerate it !!

As long as there are those that cry race(ism) or those that do seek to perpetuate its existence for their sole race(s) benefit(s) or perceived, imagined or manufactured races disadvantage, it will exist in its most biased ,unfair,unequal and unjust forms one can imagine !! And does nothing to help eliminate that which they, or any of us would call racism !! If anything, it can only create a backlash that would again, ONLY perpetuate this spot of blight on humanity called racism !! IMO that which surely has no practical place, reason or grounds for existance today !!

04-07-2006, 03:42 PM

04-07-2006, 03:50 PM

04-07-2006, 04:43 PM
Biggs i'm sure some people here echo your fustrations about this subject and just do not choose to speak up because maybe this isn't the time and place for them to do so and that is OK.

I've watched that "Black White" show, it is pretty good and it exposes that there is racism from both the Black and the White races. It is fixing to end it's run for this season so if you want to watch it, you might check to see when it airs.

In a related story about racism, the press also adds to the race problem and when it can't find some news, NBC Dateline in this case tried to make some and found out that the "Good 'ol boys" are not as racist as they thought they were. ;) BTW NBC is one of the networks that shows the NASCAR races, I do not understand how they can try to butcher a sport and then turn around and air in too. Dumbasses! :rolleyes:

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- NASCAR's governing body called a network television news magazine "outrageous" on Wednesday, saying it tried to provoke anti-Muslim reactions from spectators at last week's race for a story about growing U.S. sentiment against Islam.

NASCAR said NBC's Dateline NBC confirmed it was sending Muslim-looking men to a race, along with a camera crew to film fans' reactions. The NBC crew was "apparently on site in Martinsville, Virginia, walked around and no one bothered them," NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston said Wednesday.
Taken from: http://www.nascar.com/2006/news/headlines/cup/04/06/nbc.dateline/index.html

If you will remember ...
1) It was also NBC that staged the reporter in the canoe in those floods in New York and then the people came walking by.

2) And it was also NBC that also staged a GM pickup truck exploding

04-07-2006, 06:38 PM
Couldn't help myself from weighing in on this :rolleyes:

Does racism exist today? It most certainly does! Should it exist today, the answer to that would be most definitely no, it should NOT !! Imo in these times it has no present basis for existence other than those that would seek to perpetuate it !!

If you play the "racism card", then you are a racist in the pure sense of its meaning and its definition !! You do NOTHING for the ADVANCEMENT of PEOPLE'S individual rights or for what should be for all people's rights,freedoms and equality's !! And thats what we "all are" , were just people, of different ethnic origins, be it black, white, green, blue, yellow, brown.... whatever color or nationality we all may be !!

There are numerous laws protecting against these types of things such as discrimination and profiling etc. that have these racial tones to them! And there should be laws to protect against that, and we all know there are laws to protect against that !! Racism should only come into play when ONES rights have been violated because it can be Proven as such, that racism was the motivation !! Not to perpetuate racism it but to exonerate it !!

As long as there are those that cry race(ism) or those that do seek to perpetuate its existence for their sole race(s) benefit(s) or perceived, imagined or manufactured races disadvantage, it will exist in its most biased ,unfair,unequal and unjust forms one can imagine !! And does nothing to help eliminate that which they, or any of us would call racism !! If anything, it can only create a backlash that would again, ONLY perpetuate this spot of blight on humanity called racism !! IMO that which surely has no practical place, reason or grounds for existance today !!

THAT'S what I've been trying to say all this time, TIK! (Thank you); I am through with this conversation and this thread... bottom line: people are gonna believe what they wanna believe. 'Nuff said.

04-07-2006, 06:42 PM
Biggs i'm sure some people here echo your fustrations about this subject and just do not choose to speak up because maybe this isn't the time and place for them to do so and that is OK.

I've watched that "Black White" show, it is pretty good and it exposes that there is racism from both the Black and the White races. It is fixing to end it's run for this season so if you want to watch it, you might check to see when it airs.

In a related story about racism, the press also adds to the race problem and when it can't find some news, NBC Dateline in this case tried to make some and found out that the "Good 'ol boys" are not as racist as they thought they were. ;) BTW NBC is one of the networks that shows the NASCAR races, I do not understand how they can try to butcher a sport and then turn around and air in too. Dumbasses! :rolleyes:

Taken from: http://www.nascar.com/2006/news/headlines/cup/04/06/nbc.dateline/index.html

If you will remember ...
1) It was also NBC that staged the reporter in the canoe in those floods in New York and then the people came walking by.

2) And it was also NBC that also staged a GM pickup truck exploding

See?? Shogun watched the show, too. I'm done with all this sh-- in this thread.... I'm going back to talking gaming and posting screenies... :banghead:

04-07-2006, 07:55 PM
Don't run off or be afraid to 'discuss' stuff here, that opens up lines of communication and gives others a point of view that they might not have seen or heard before.

We all are pretty much adults and I feel we can handle discussing the tough topics here and if it gets out of hand well ..... we can handle that too. :D

04-07-2006, 08:02 PM
Don't run off or be afraid to 'discuss' stuff here, that opens up lines of communication and gives others a point of view that they might not have seen or heard before.

We all are pretty much adults and I feel we can handle discussing the tough topics here and if it gets out of hand well ..... we can handle that too. :D

Thanks, Shogun... maybe I'll come back to this area, but on another topic...

04-07-2006, 09:51 PM
Most of the time, and i see it over here Biggs.... The ones that claim racism, are the ones that are dishing it out....

04-07-2006, 10:30 PM
Look you guys.... (sigh!).... I'm not saying I base my life on a tv show (yes, I'm talking to YOU, Sirc), al I'm saying is that project shows that there are REAL people in this country that have their preconcieved notions of how others races act/recact to certain situations. As far as affirmative action taking a slant against whites... maybe this is something "a long time coming" for minorities as a whole. Martin L King has a dream of a world (hell, this country), where everyone can live, learn, work and advance purely by their own merits, and not by the color of their skin. That dream still hasn't come true yet, so in the meantime we need affirmative action to level this "acial field".

Unless you're born black, or any other minority living in this country, Sirc and that guy who started this thread, then you can only sit back, scratch your head, and constantly complain about stuff you really don't know about. BY the way... the other day a friend of mine were pulled over in an all white neighborhood (by white cops) in a nice Lexus. Ahhhhh.... just another day in a "no racist" country.....

My last, last post in this thread (no, really :P )...

Mpulse, I don't agree with you, but I apologize for going too far and getting personal. I tend to do that sometimes as many here know. I'm still working on being more mellow. Again, my apologies.

04-07-2006, 10:50 PM
/high five Sirc :D

04-07-2006, 11:56 PM
Apology accepted, Sirc..... and I apologize to all who felt offended by my remarks. Come by anytime @ Mpulse's Place, and have a friendly fragfest. Bullets served piping hot daily..... :D