View Full Version : Yeah I am in a mood

04-07-2006, 01:13 AM
Sorry America, I am just annoyed this past week on the news. I am curious to know what any of you think about the Illegals becoming Illegal after breaking the law of country. This is such a disgrace in my eyes because not only does it go against everything we stand for but it will kill this countries middle class. If you don't thinks so, consider your job lowering in wage because your company can hire someone for peanuts and not have to offer benifits. This is already happening as the younger Generations are getting screwed when they finish college and there are no jobs to be filled. They get stuck in bad companies because they need work. Even the Unions will die as they are already killing off all the benifits and 401k etc. This is also going to raise taxes because healthcare and everything else can not work with all these people in this country. There simply is not enough.

I am sick and tired of hearing this...
"They do jobs Americans won't"
This statement is BS!!!!
First of all the problem is that Americans won't do the jobs but that the Jobs don't pay Americans enough to do them and live. I swear do any of these people in charge pay attention to real life? The worst is these illegals do not pay taxes and won't when they are here to stay. They put nothing to the system but pull from it with welfare and other things. They bring the standard of living down in areas because they put 20 into a house (this is true in NY and a big problem). They make money here and send it back to their country.

Why is it we always invest in solutions that hurt or bring down this country. We can not even fix things liike education and schools as it is and we are going to keep filling them. As far as work visa's go, there should be none unless the unemployment rate is down to 0.

"they do the jobs American won't"
If I needed work, I would shovel sh%t with my hands if thats what I needed to do to feed my family.

These Illegals are considerewd Minorities also so they will get benifits a white person could never get like free college, medical, etc. We just pay for it all and reap nothing in return but to watch this country turn to sh%t!!!

04-07-2006, 02:40 AM
With great power comes a down fall eventually, for example the Romans once had a great and powerful nation and now does not exist but only memories and now part of history. Corruption in our nation will not last; it will eventually hurt us in the long run.

What makes this a great nation and who does have the power is the working class people and it will turn against any nation because sometime in the future these working class citizens will work together as a working force and turn the tides to prevent these corruption that our nation seems to dwell on without any reservation. This doesn’t mean a revolution but you will see someone that the working class will support to turn the tides in our favor but there is a chance that a great big war will happen before it occurs and I hope it doesn’t but again chances are not good for our future. The weather patterns are changing quickly in our earth and the flow that runs through the Atlantic Ocean to the pacific cost is slowing down and that mean bad weather and possibly cold weather will change the northern part. This means northern part will be covered with snow and it will screw our crops and the population is growing rapidly. How are we going to feed our world and with that comes war besides other things that will affect us. I sometimes wonder how we made it this far but it does give me hope for this world but very little.

One last thing in 1941 dec 7 we enter World War II and you know why? Not only because we had to but mostly because our president needed the votes. Roosevelt Made a promises to us during the time of war never to enter the war. LOL What a fu*ing laugh because the truth is we had no choice but the way it was done when no one warned our Pacific fleet. If you check your history this is know to be true because of the facts and today it is the same bullsh*t. I do not trust my country because of what’s been happening just like 9/11 we knew it was going to happen but why we didn’t do anything and you can take a good fu*king guess why. OIL!!!!!!!

Bigg’s btw how is the wife doing and I do hope the family is doing fine especially the baby.

04-07-2006, 02:47 AM
Weather changes next 100 years you will see a major change so it's a lot sooner then you think also 20 years from now you will see a drop of weather and in some parts will heat up badly. If you don't believe me check it out and do your research this is serious and if we don't do anything about it now then you will see bad sh*t happen not just the weather but the people which is estimated to reach 8 billion within 100 years or less.

04-07-2006, 03:26 AM
quit worrying about the world and start viewing more pron, it gives you a much better outlook. If that doesn't work, just remember Godfathers and the 4 corners of the table :D:P

Danny, these people who skip the lans, have no clue as to what's missed :thumbs: :drink::drink:

04-07-2006, 09:02 AM

04-07-2006, 09:02 AM
Btw it's the Atlantic Ocean where heat is transported north across the equator and it is slowing down.

20 years from now you will worry and my reason is I will begin to support to help earth and to show an example for my nephews who have to live through this that our generation has done.

Pure with your support it only maks us a step closer.

04-07-2006, 03:43 PM
I think we need to worry about the people or society before we worry about earth. That's one thing I could never undertsand about the tree people:) . We can be the only country taking care of things btu until every other country adapts to the procedures it is a waste of time and money. Most important is what if we make earth all nice and we blow our self up with nukes? That's what I mean:eek: .

Anyway, Hi Sas, how ya been? Have not spoke to you in awhile and hope you are making lemonade:thumbs:

04-07-2006, 09:49 PM
Try living over here Biggs, Me and the GF applied for 3 houses.... Each time we have been refused.....

2 weeks later the houses are spoken for by so called "immagrants"....

My GF is 7 months pregnant, and we are still both living with parents because we cannot find somewhere to live, I cannot find a job, because as you say, they will work for peanuts....

The governments of this world are out of there freeking minds, they need to start looking at damn reality...and start looking after there own before they dish out benefits to every tom dick n ****ing harry.

04-07-2006, 11:25 PM
i am the one who worked for peanuts in Ireland. For whole year we got 4 irish man fired in same week they joined, becouse of lazyness. Is that my fault that i come to this country and do **** job for pennies and still happy for that? Just becouse in my country those pennies are big money? In here, i am fed with best, have car, own house, best PC can get for reasonable price, one of best net speeds, blah, blah, blah.... and thats only cuz i work. Is that my fault?
Today i got promotoed to superviser in my work and they are sending me to professional forklift courses, that will take off month learning,,,but still get paid full time. 10 euro an hour, still peanuts, but hey! twice as much as in my first job!
And i am only 21

No i dont work as mad, swetting like pig. No,,, i do my job, finish it at time, and organize work for non-english speaking mates. Cool

Don't expect the best jobs at very first start.... :)
my very first job was binman. And i am proud i've got experience there as well. But they fired my cuz of fight with driver
anyways... stop moaning and do something useful :P

sorry if i misunderstood something,, i red only first and last posts
edit: oh yeah,,, i pay taxes

Caged Anger
04-08-2006, 02:59 AM
Being 17, I guess the way I am supposed to look at this thread's topic as nothing to do with me. I am a kid! Why should I care what kind of state the world is in?

oops, good upbringing I guess has taught me to check on the bigger picture to make sure whats there matches whats being done right now. I will tell you guys, I'm scared sh*tless by the crap I am only seeing tidbits of. I have great ambitions, I wanna go to college and earn my masters in computer information systems, come out and get a job I"m happy to do and get paid to do it. Later I wanna get involved with stocks and start my own business....

This is supposed to be the land of opportunity,

now I have to ask myself....is it even possible anymore?

04-08-2006, 09:06 AM
OK i am going to be careful what i post here because i don't want to argue or for the thread to get locked. :)

Biggs, i agree with you 100% on the migrants and them abusing the system. I can't stand people like that who are able to work and they just won't because they get it for free. As far as people moaning about wages to their employers, it is not your bosses job to make you rich, it's yours. I am not saying you want to be a millionaire and have loads of cash at your disposal but a few lessons in finances can make a big difference (please don't get mad i said that. I know all the sh1t you have been going through recently). I know you probably work your ass off and for some reason there never seems to be enough at the end of the month, but i really do believe if people got just a little bit educated financially they could make a big difference in their lives.

Now shotty. Once again i agree with you on the migrants ESPECIALLY in the UK. Yes they appear to be everywhere and yes i can believe you have had issues with you trying to get a flat. I, myself will have that to look forward to when i get back to the UK but if you looked into it more you could get a flat with no money down. There are ways and i don't mean breaking the law. I can't understand how you find it so difficult to get a job too. Surly there has to be something as they don't give all the jobs away to migrants.

Hybrid. You seem to be doing good for yourself but i get the impression that you want to climb to the top of the ladder in your job and that is great. I wish you all the best. But again, if you looked into good money skills you too could make your money grow and work less and less in the long run of things.

Caged. You have made a very good plan and i think you will do well for yourself in the long run. Starting a business and learning about the stock market is a great way to go. Don't be scared of the world out there, be brave and go for it. Keep your goals in focus and you will do good in your life just as i have in mine, by setting goals for myself.

If i have pi**ed anyone off then i am sorry. I was just giving my opinion. I know the world is full of unfairness and you look around and see people who are working less and they seem to have much more than the hard working citizens who go out and make an honest living out of it. I guess that's life. I, myself have a long way to go in my life but i have realized that with a few changes and a willingness to learn about things (including money) you can have a life of abundance instead of working from day to day scrimping and saving. We can all have all the money and things we want. It just takes learning to have money work for you instead of you working for it.

When i get back to the UK in a few months i will be starting with nothing....and i mean nothing. The exchange rate is bad for the Kiwi doller just now. But myself and my wife both know what we want. We want the nice house and cars one day and the chance to retire early, all of which can be achieved with persistance.

Nothing is impossible.

Die Hard
04-08-2006, 10:12 AM
Don't expect the best jobs at very first start.... :)
my very first job was binman. And i am proud i've got experience there as well. But they fired my cuz of fight with driver
anyways... stop moaning and do something useful :PThat's it in a nutshell. Well done Hybrid :thumbs: