View Full Version : Manu Propria is looking to join OoD Alliance.

04-10-2006, 01:17 PM
1: What is your guild's name?

Manu Propria of alb/devon

2: Who are the GM contacts?

In game: Chippox Aim: chippoxx MSN/E-mail: chippe@veganet.nu

3: Were you referred to our alliance? If so, by whom? If not, how did you hear about our alliance?

By Sevum from the guild Libellus Sanguinis

4: Did you read and agree to our /as rules? If not, please take a moment to review the link above.

Yes, and we fully agree to all rules.

5: And finally, an opportunity to sell your guild...tell us why we should invite you into our alliance.

We are a Swedish guild coming from the Tintagel cluster, most of us have played together for 2-3 years. We are friendly, easy to deal with and are looking for a friendly alliance to chat with, and exchange RvR information and meet new friends to invite to our group as fill-ins and vice versa.

04-12-2006, 11:42 AM
Ya, Welcome :-)

04-12-2006, 01:22 PM
:wave: welcome to the /as