View Full Version : Another Bombing

04-17-2006, 04:44 PM
Looks like more innocent people lost their life to sucidal bombings in Isreal. I cannot imagine what those poeople have to deal with every day in their life. I mean can you imagine going to get something to eat with your family and next thing bang and body parts maybe your are being blown up all over the place. I wonder if this will ever take place in our country and what kind of effect it would have. I don't know about you but all this stuff thats going on in the middle east is sickening. This sort of thing has been happening for years before 9/11. I honestly don't think there can be peace ever so the direction we are going must be considered wrong. We can hope for peace but I just can not see any diplomatic way of doing it. This also goes for Iraq. I think this is going to get much worst unless we actually start treating it like a war as it is and stop with all the political BS.

04-17-2006, 06:26 PM
iraq, looks like we got rid of saddam, so iraq is now safe for terrorist nut-jobs to go there and start recruiting again, also seems like we are stuck in the middle of a civil war, gg!