View Full Version : If it were white

04-19-2006, 01:49 AM
If this happened to a be a black man that was attacked and a group of white punks, what do you think you would be hearing all over the media.

I hope they find some of those punks and bury them in the desert


04-19-2006, 02:17 AM
If this happened to a be a black man that was attacked and a group of white punks, what do you think you would be hearing all over the media.
You better believe it..:(

Ehhh....they're just disadvantaged, frustrated and repressed... that's the standard answer for that type of situation :mad:

04-19-2006, 08:42 PM
If this happened to a be a black man that was attacked and a group of white punks, what do you think you would be hearing all over the media.

Yeah, but the police wouldn't be looking as hard for the guys that did it. Ya gotta wonder why the "group" picked on the dude in the daihatsu... trying to get casino keys? I mean, it's an odd choice.