View Full Version : Installing the Stupid Angry Bot Mod

04-19-2006, 06:25 AM
If you would like to have a way to practice offline, playing against this bot is a good way to do it. It has a few bugs like it camps some spots for a few seconds and runs patterns, but once it locks on to you, it keeps coming until someone is dead. :D

The mod's website:

1) In your Quake 4 folder make a folder called sabot
2) Download Sabot 8 http://quake4.filefront.com/file/Sabota8;52204
3) Extract those files into that sabot folder you made.
4) Download Sabot a9 http://quake4.filefront.com/file/Sabot_a9;61328
5) Extract those files into that sabot folder you made letting it overwrite the old files
6) Look in your C:\Program Files\id Software\Quake 4\sabot\maps\mp folder and delete those old AAS files if you had them leftover from the previous version. This version makes them for you and cannot use the old ones.

From the readme.txt that comes with the mod:

= Using the Mod =
IMPORTANT: Make sure your Quake 4 installation has been updated to version 1.0.4.

1. Installation: Create a folder inside the Quake 4 folder called "sabot" and unzip the files into it.

2. Loading the mod:
Run the batch file "Load Sabot" in the sabot folder. (Best method)
Or load quake 4 and choose sabot from the mods menu.
NOTE: You'll be able to tell if the mod has loaded successfully by typing:
At the console, is should say gamename is "SABot a8".

3. Adding a bot
Start a new multiplayer server
To add a bot bring down the console (via the CTRL-ALT-TILDE (~) keys) and type:
addbot bot_sabot
Note: addbot command works like the spawn command, eg accepts key/value pairs.
Tip: Typing addbot bot_<TAB> will give you a list of bot defs.

4. Removing a bot
Use the console command:
removebot n
Where n is the id of the bot.

That is just a portion of the readme.txt, Read it to find out more like how to set the bot's difficulty level, etc ...

*****These steps are no longed needed***********

Maps have paths that the bot needs to know, that info is stored in a AAS file. Most maps do not come with the AAS data so you have to compile the AAS data for each map using the following command:
runaas /mp/mapname.map

What I did was go to the C:\Program Files\id Software\Quake 4\sabot folder and run the Load SABot.bat file, Q4 will load with the Sabot mod loaded, once it loads drop down the console (~) and type the command for each of the following maps, it takes about a minute for it to do its thing for each map, once it's done with a map then hit the up arrow to pull up the last command and edit it for the next file instead of having to retype the entire command. You can also use the TAB key to help complete the command and to check that the command is correct.

The maps:
l4dm1.map (that 1st letter is a L)
l4dm1a.map (that 1st letter is a L)

**** Those are the maps running on the DS server as of 04/19/06, if you have more maps installed then you will have to figure out their names and do them. *****

Once you compile the AAS files they are stored in the C:\Program Files\id Software\Quake 4\sabot\maps\mp folder
I do not know for sure if it will work like this but i've done all of the above maps and zipped the contents of that folder in the file below. Just extract the contents of the .zip file into the C:\Program Files\id Software\Quake 4\sabot\maps\mp folder. Compiling that shiot took forever to do so say Thank you Sho! :rolleyes:

Let the page load, scroll down and hit the FREE button, in a few seconds your download will be ready, enter the code that appears and the download button. That link will not work for long so you better get it now if you want it.

04-19-2006, 12:57 PM
I havent tried messing with that mod yet. Thanks for the head start Sho

Maybe I can host a server running that mod. Ill keep you posted.

04-19-2006, 03:22 PM
That would be nice. If someone wanted to play they could vote the mod on and then the bot/s until someone else got there. I think if others saw someone on there, they would get on and play too.

I do not know what the default difficulty setting is, but he doesn't miss too often. The best I could was 25 pts before it hit the limit of 30, most of the games I could only get like 15 pts.

04-19-2006, 03:28 PM
maybe the bot is using some aimbot?? will this conflict on the servers??

04-19-2006, 04:02 PM
I guess to some aspect a bot does use or is a aimbot since it is a program that runs on it own .... I think :confused:

will this conflict on the servers??
I'm not clear on what you are asking, but it is server side mod that you activate or deactivate. If the server has it loaded, you do not need to. The only reason you would want to install it is so that you can play on your own server offline. Also this bot only works with PR 1.04 if i'm not mistaken and can not run at the same time as Q4Max since they are both mods.

04-19-2006, 06:00 PM
I have it running on the patched 1.1 server. I am at work so I cant test it. also I didnt do the map thingy that sho mentioned. can some see if they can join. if its not working I will do the maps tonight.

04-19-2006, 06:09 PM
Lastnight as soon as I voted in a bot, the game would lockup because the map's AAS files had not been compiled. You can try, but you have been warned.

04-19-2006, 06:35 PM
I thought it said custom maps? it wont work on the standart q4 maps? they need compiling too?

04-19-2006, 06:44 PM
= Playing custom maps =
Compiling AAS Files: The AI navigation system in Quake 4 relies on its own map of the level you are playing on. Chances are most multiplayer maps weren't created with this in mind but you can force the engine to compile them. They'll be rough, but will work for the most part.
You'll only have to do this once for each map that doesn't have them.
The console command is:
runaas mapname
Where mapname is the name of the custom map.
The quality of the aas file (i.e. incomplete areas for bot) will depend on how the map author has handled patches and models. See below.

You are right, it does say custom maps. BUT other than The Fragging Yard, I could not tell you the names of the maps that comes with Q4 and i'm betting there are not many here who can. As you can see from that list I did all of them including the CTF maps just to be safe.

04-20-2006, 03:33 PM
I'm not clear on what you are asking, but it is server side mod that you activate or deactivate. If the server has it loaded, you do not need to. The only reason you would want to install it is so that you can play on your own server offline. Also this bot only works with PR 1.04 if i'm not mistaken and can not run at the same time as Q4Max since they are both mods.

You run a server with bots and players , i was thinking of punkbuster, maybe he sees it as cheating and kick the bots or lock the game.

04-20-2006, 06:56 PM
Once you update from 1.04 to the newer point releases v1.1 & v1.2 you will have to compile the paths for the bots because starting at PR 1.1 it adds 4 new maps. The new maps names are:
q5ctf6 (q5?, I got this info from filefront so you might check to be sure of the name of this map)

Command example for the map q4dm10:
runaas /mp/q4dm10.map

04-20-2006, 08:56 PM
SABot is not compatible with PR v1.1 and up, they will have to update it too.

04-26-2006, 01:40 AM
SABot has been updated to work with PR 1.2 also, it looks like he is waiting for Filefront to come back online before releasing it.

05-01-2006, 04:47 AM
They have it available for download now. See my first post on how to install the new version, it is much easier now that you don't need to compile do those AAS files. This version does them for you the first time the map loads. ;)