View Full Version : Silent Hill: Yay or Nay?

04-23-2006, 01:08 AM
I say YAY!

To start off after seeing Silent Hill yesterday my hopes for future game adaptations have greatly risen. Not only does the movie stay true to it's video game roots but it's also presented in a a believable manner, unlike Resident Evil or Doom. The visual style is very impressive, the film is shot beautifully, and the CG effects are some of the best I have ever seen. However the script isn't too great and some of the lines are nearly laughable.

Silent Hill starts off very slow and the overall pacing of the film is kinda elongated. At one point I sat through about 20 seconds in pure darkness no dialogue just some sound effects, and near the end there was a scene where the entire screen was white for about 15 seconds before someone started talking. Some of the acting is also not-so great and I was expecting to see a little more action.

However the movie redeems itself with a well though out plotline and a decent cast. The little girl was pretty creepy near the end when she explained what was really the story behind Silent Hill. For those who haven't played any of the games (I've SEEN the games and experienced them but I never actually played through one). For the most part the story of the film is taken from the first two Silent Hill games, and certain elements of SH:3 and SH:4 are also there.

As stated before the hellish "creatures" of SH are all there. Including the infamous Pyramid Head, probably the creepiest/weirdest thing in the movie. Unfortunately his part is relatively short and he is not the main villain of the movie and doesn't really fit in. Overall the movie wasn't too scary, there were a couple gruesome parts but nothing made me jump out of my seat. My favorite part was the Fog-World transformation into the Otherworld. The raw and rusty industrial look of... well.. hell was done really well.

Silent Hill does have a twist ending. I though it was very sad yet clever,and it made me like the movie even more. As far as video game adaptations go Silent Hill is the best one I've ever seen. As far as horror movies go, it's not overly graphic, it does biuld up some tension, and it's not overly predictable. And as far as movies go in general i would give it a 7.5 on a scale of 1-10. I think the characters could have been established better in the beginning of the film and the script could have been more coherent and realistic.

solid snake295
04-23-2006, 02:22 AM
awesome, im gonna go see it when i get a chance :D
nice review :thumbs:

04-24-2006, 07:52 PM
Anyone seen or have this: http://www.konami.com/silenthill/she/ ? It's a PSP "game" that has all sorts of stuff about Silent Hill, like the two comics that were made for it are all on there, all this backstory to the film, etc. or at least that's what the website says. I am a big Silent Hill fan, thinking about getting it. It has the soundtrack to the movie and music from the games on it too, I think. I was thinking about getting the two comics ("The Hunger" and "Dying Inside") but it looks like it'd be cheaper to get the PSP version.

04-24-2006, 09:12 PM
Anyone seen or have this: http://www.konami.com/silenthill/she/ ? It's a PSP "game" that has all sorts of stuff about Silent Hill, like the two comics that were made for it are all on there, all this backstory to the film, etc. or at least that's what the website says. I am a big Silent Hill fan, thinking about getting it. It has the soundtrack to the movie and music from the games on it too, I think. I was thinking about getting the two comics ("The Hunger" and "Dying Inside") but it looks like it'd be cheaper to get the PSP version. I saw it in a local game store for $20 if that helps.

Caged Anger
04-24-2006, 09:47 PM
oooo $20 rack is not the high life by any means

However, it is always a step above the $10 rack at Walmart!

04-26-2006, 10:10 PM
$20 is not much. I actually bought The Silent Hill Experience yesterday, have been sneaking looks at it during work today. Seems like an enormous amount of material for the price. I got ripped and paid $24.95 but oh well. The cool thing is having all the stuff from the movie, it's like having the DVD extras _way_ before the DVD comes out.

06-20-2006, 08:10 PM
Nice movie, seen it yesterday.
Slow start but became better and better.

Seeing the movie i thought thats a familiar face :D , now i know why.

Nice avatar EXE :D :thumbs: Pyramid man