View Full Version : Error after patch

04-23-2006, 09:17 PM
I am having a ton of problems with the 1.2 patch. I just did a clean reinstall of the game, applied the 1.2 patch, and get this error on game startup.

04-23-2006, 09:52 PM
I doubt this is it but make sure you do not have any mods installed. For instance if you had any versions of Q4Max installed it will try to launch it and it is not compatible yet.

I Googled that msg and here are the results:

04-23-2006, 11:20 PM
I had issues with logging into the {DS} server, but then I found I was only missing 1 file.

probably Q4-max leftover, there were 3 hiding in my base folder.

04-24-2006, 12:05 AM
Sal make sure you are selecting the right shortcut to the game.
browse to the game folder and try running it from there. and yes you must remove all q4max files and folders.

any luck?

04-24-2006, 03:06 AM
It's a clean directory, no mods or anything. And I'm clicking the exe right from the folder. Maybe I'll try downloading the patch from another source and see if that does anything.

04-24-2006, 03:44 AM
I finally got it. I checked my folder and for some reason was missing about 6 basic PAK files. I copied them from my recycle bin and can start the game now. Now I get a pure server error when connecting to the DS server but I'll get that one fixed soon.

04-24-2006, 03:14 PM
Heres a link to all pk4's on ds server 192 meg

not sure what dl speed you will get it's on my home network

04-25-2006, 04:21 AM
I downloaded that ZIP and I have all of those files, but still get a pure server error that required files are missing. Any other ideas anyone?

04-25-2006, 04:42 AM
Here is what my folders look like

Quake folder
http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/5232/0103pk.th.jpg (http://img243.imageshack.us/my.php?image=0103pk.jpg)

Q4base folder
http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/7448/0116rs.th.jpg (http://img159.imageshack.us/my.php?image=0116rs.jpg)

Updating Punkbuster to most current version:
Make a PBSetup directory on your C drive, download PBSetup.exe to that dir. and run it.

04-25-2006, 05:10 AM
I downloaded that ZIP and I have all of those files, but still get a pure server error that required files are missing. Any other ideas anyone?

what exactly is the error? Pure server just forces that the default pk4s should be run, otherwise when its off, you can run client side stuff.

04-25-2006, 11:50 AM
Sal what mods did you add to your install? you didnt happen to add q4max did you?. seems your still missing a pk4 thats on the server and not in your q4base. Man this game sux azz :( I set up autodownload and it works but will only do the files that I have in the list and that are on the redirect server.

I tested it by removing map map_tmp02.pk4 and tried to join the server and it downloaded it.

if you can post a pic of your q4base folder

04-25-2006, 02:07 PM
I'll get a pic of my folder when I get home tonight. Thanks guys.

05-06-2006, 05:57 AM
If you are getting a pure server error message then you have a .pk4 file in your baseq4 folder that is different from a .pk4 file that is on the server that you are trying to join. It can have a different name and/or even a different file size and you will get the error message.
This webpage is for Q3, but it is the same in Q4:

There are three different files that you can download to update to v1.2 PR of Quake.
1.2 Point Release Full Patch (win32) (117 MB) (For fresh install)
1.1-1.2 Point Release Upgrade (win32) (21 MB) (For older installs needing to update)
1.2 Point Release Full Patch (linux) (114 MB) (Linux)

If you just re-installed and did not add any other patches then the one you should have used is in bold. That file is named quake4_1[1].2_full.exe and is 117 MB. I'm not sure but if you used the smaller Upgrade patch then you are probably missing files or one is the wrong size or something. I've just reinstalled on my old machine and installed on my new one and both work fine using the method I just described.

This is the link to the file:

These are the files in my Baseq4 folder, check the file names as well as the file size, both are important.

http://img349.imageshack.us/img349/9540/quakeprv129vj.th.jpg (http://img349.imageshack.us/my.php?image=quakeprv129vj.jpg)

If worst comes to worst and you want to try to re-install, then use uninstall Q4 option to uninstall, then delete the entire "id Software" folder and reinstall. Something you are doing is different than what we did.

I also read in a post somewhere else that when you get that message to drop down the console and it is 'supposed' to tell you the name of the file that is giving you problems.

05-09-2006, 05:54 PM
No luck yet?