View Full Version : male activity scoring system (to make your woman happy!)

04-24-2006, 09:09 PM
In more than 1000 years men have tried to understand the rules for associating with women.
At last there is point system out that can help you understand how it all works.
Remember that in the world of romance there is only one rule that applies: Make your woman happy.
If you do something that she likes you get 1 point.
If not you lose points.
You don't get any points for things she expects from you. Tough show, but thats how it works.

Here is your guide:

The daily chores:

You make your bed +1
You make your bed but forget the decoration pillows 0
You just toss a blanket over the mess -1
You do the dishes +1
You don't do the dishes in a week -5
You forget to put down the toilet seat -5
You replace the toilet paper when itīs empty 0
You don't replace it and use Kleenex instead -1
When your out of Kleenex you just go to the other toilet in the house -2
You go to buy sanitary napkins (With wings) for her +5
Even if it snows +8
But you return with beer -5
And no sanitary napkins -25
You investigate a weird noise at night 0
You investigate a weird noise, and you find something +5
You beat it with a bat +10
Itīs her cat -40

In social life:

You give her attention, but not too much +2
You stay by her side all night 0
You stay by her side for a while, but leave to talk to an old friend -2
Whoīs name is Layla -4
and is an exotic dancer -10
With silicone breasts -18

At her birthday:

You remember her birthday 0
You bye her flowers 0
You invite her out for dinner 0
You invite her out and not at sports bar +2
okay.. it is a sports bar -2
Itīs "Eat all you can for $10" -3
Is a sports bar and you have paint on your head because your favorite team is playing -10

A night out with the guys:

You go out with a friend 0
Your friend is happily married +1
Okay.. Heīs not married -7
And he drives a Ferrari -10
And the license plate says "Sex Beast" -15

A night out with her:

You invite her to the movie theater +2
You see a movie she likes +4
You see a movie that you hate +6
You see a movie that you like -2
Itīs called "Death Cop III" -3
About robots that eat people -9
You lied to her and told her it was a French movie about kids with no parents -15

Your Look:

Your beginning to a visible stomach -15
Your beginning to a visible stomach and exercise to slim up +10
Your beginning to a visible stomach but you just put on jogging pants and large shirts -30
You say "Never mind, you also got one" -800

The biggest question in life:
She ask "Does this dress make me look fat ?:

No -5
You hesitate to answer -10
You answer "Where?" -35
You answer "No, I think itīs your ass" -100
Every other answer -20

When she want to talk about a problem:

You listen with an interested facial expression 0
You listen for more than 30 min +5
You relate to her problems and tellīs her something similar that you have experienced +50
You think of sports and suddenly you hear her ask "Well.. what do you think I should do?" -100
You fell asleep -200

That "time" on the month:

You talk -100
You don't talk -150
You spend time with her -200
You don't spend time with her -500
You are being seen when you are having a good time... GAME OVER - You lose!

04-24-2006, 09:24 PM
:funny: very good ones Jim

Caged Anger
04-24-2006, 09:46 PM
lol, i like the biggest question in life part....


04-25-2006, 01:24 AM
:rofl: Great find :thumbs: :thumbs:

04-25-2006, 01:54 AM
The biggest question in life:
She ask "Does this dress make me look fat ?:

No -5
You hesitate to answer -10
You answer "Where?" -35
You answer "No, I think itīs your ass" -100
Every other answer -20

My dad once responded to this question with "So-so"...

I tell you what - i know THAT answer is unacceptable! :D