View Full Version : Prey Release Date Announced

04-27-2006, 03:46 PM
They revealed that they're shooting for a July 10 release of Prey.


This comes only a couple days after confirming that they WILL be releasing a demo PRIOR to release! Thank God. Too many mainstream games (especially FPS) are waiting until we after release to get a demo out. What a refreshing change!

04-27-2006, 04:32 PM
The screens like really nice. Shooting peeps on the ceiling will take some getting used to althought I seem to remember another game that had that feature, but I can't quite remember the name of it now. Oh yeah, it was Sammy.

04-27-2006, 04:37 PM
The screens like really nice. Shooting peeps on the ceiling will take some getting used to althought I seem to remember another game that had that feature, but I can't quite remember the name of it now. Oh yeah, it was Sammy.

You could walk on the ceilings in sam?? Like, intentionally, or through 1 of it's 1000 different bugs?

They say that the walking on the ceiling is fairly intuitive, and that the really weird part that plays with your head is when 2 of you are fighting on the ceiling and you kill your opponent and his gun and body fall "up".

04-27-2006, 06:36 PM
Nope, no bug .... this time. :P There were two maps that came with Sam that you could go upside down, We got Skull and Bones & Kunta Kinte (I forget the other name for it, but it is not important).

I'm putting together my new machice together as we post and from the looks of those graphics my old machine would struggle with Prey.

04-27-2006, 06:50 PM
I'm putting together my new machice together as we post and from the looks of those graphics my old machine would struggle with Prey.

Shouldn't run it too bad - it's based on the doom 3 engine, which means it should require specs somewhere in the same range as Quake 4, maybe a bit more.

Didn't realize that you got a new system, but congrats! :thumbs:

I wants me one too, but it's not the priority right now.

04-28-2006, 05:08 PM
This "Super Trailer" got released yesterday, didn't get a chance to watch it til today...woah.

The other trailers have all looked great, but this is just absolutely amazing looking: http://files.filefront.com/SEARCH/;5018455;;/fileinfo.html