View Full Version : Astronoid : spaceships racing online from canyons to space at 2000 km/h

04-29-2006, 07:00 PM
Hello everybody :)

After asking here : http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=679311#post679311 , people told me there was no problem to post a thread about a game I love, so here I go :

I discovered Astronoid 8 weeks ago and am really addicted to it. It’s so fun to race online with other peoples. I would like to race with more people, that’s why I come here to recommend it. We aren’t so much players yet because the game has just been released for the first time. The developpers haven’t got any money (nor time) to promote it. That’s why, we, players, decided to help.
It would be very kind of you if you could speak about this game around you, that would be so cool to support an independant game.

http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/2874/01spacebuger3iv.th.jpg (http://img157.imageshack.us/my.php?image=01spacebuger3iv.jpg)http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/3581/hell63od.th.jpg (http://img139.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hell63od.jpg)http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/3765/asterojam163648715ns.th.png (http://img139.imageshack.us/my.php?image=asterojam163648715ns.png)

I’ll try to sum up the idea to you :

Astronoid delivers a multiplayer, high-speed galactic shoot-and-race PC game playable on the Internet. Racing (or shooting) other players online in a space ship with quick and fluid mouse-controlled steering and a 3-D front-seat vantage point, the game begins as simple, arcade-like fun and soon unveils a depth as impressive as the top simulation games.

It’s very innovative because it uses P2P which allows 5000 players to be online at the same time, adding everybody’s CPU and bandwitdh creating a sort of “huge computer”, no more problem of “host” for the game.

Before coming to race with us, have a look at a video, these aren’t official trailers, you will find the official one on the website. These are only classical races, the killkill mode is more impressive !

Astronoid’s website : http://www.astronoid.net/en/accueil/index.html
Official trailer (130mb) : http://download2.astronoid.net/videos/astronoid-ingame1.avi
Players videos : http://realjarod.free.fr/Astronoid/ingame/asteroa.avi (15mb)
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/djean007/_private/courselongwalk.wmv (26mo)

But the best thing to do would be to download it first, it’s free, you can play on 4 planets with 3 different ships. Of course, as usual, if you pay you can have more planets and faster ships. But lots of us only play on the free tracks, and we have fun like this too. But as I’m really addicted, I bought my licence :)

We’re waiting for you !

Best regards,

Snail (don’t hesitate to tell me if you try the game, I’ll be pleased to come and play online with you and give you tips :)

PS : Any feedback would be trully appreciated :)

http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/7676/laspicas1ee.th.png (http://img139.imageshack.us/my.php?image=laspicas1ee.png)http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/2003/surfinbirds1ik.th.png (http://img139.imageshack.us/my.php?image=surfinbirds1ik.png)

04-29-2006, 07:07 PM
Looks interesting. I'll check it out !! :thumbs:

04-30-2006, 01:36 PM
I gave it a shot, download & tryed it for a few hours just not my cup of tea. I guess I like to race more so on the road than in the air. To me it looks like a game from the mid 90's interface wise, but I am not here to bash it. :dunno: I can see some gamers just might like it.

05-01-2006, 09:32 AM
Thanks for the feeback NastyDawg :)
Have you tried it NightBreed ?

NastyDawg, if you told me you only tried it few minutes and it wasn't your cup of tea, I would have said that, as the game is innovative (with mouse control) you should have gave it a longer try... but that doesn't seem to be the case as you tell you played it few hours...
Isn't the mouse control innovative ? It permits, when you drive correctly to have more speed and piloting precision. But people aren't used to it yet, so many people just don't try long enough. But I'm sure in few years, that type of game will be a reference...

Talking about the interface, it was not the most important point for the developpers. They prefered to put all their work on the gameplay, and I think they were right on that point. For me, it's the most important thing in a game.
If they had more money, sure they would do a better interface (which I already find fine for me) and lots of other ideas... this game is just born, wait one year or two to see all the universe Aleph0 wants to create...

Last thing, the most important one, we're they people on servers when you played ? A race without at least 4 other players looses a lot of interest.
If you try a killkill race with more than 4 people, you'll probably change your point of view, it's so great, racing and thunder and lightning everywhere :)

Don't hesitate to give it another try :) We could play together if we try to fix an hour and a date :)
I would be pleased to give you tips :)

I guess I like to race more so on the road than in the air
Sure, I can understand this... you're used to that, and already know how to play that kind of game, but it has been opposite for me, I was waiting for a game like this for ages ;) It's a really new sort of game, and I'm sure it will be a reference in few years and that lots of studios will developp that kind of gameplay...

And again, thank you very much for the feedback :) , I appreciated it ;)

05-01-2006, 04:57 PM
Nope,haven't tried it yet...we've got some really nice weather here in Connecticut so I'm taking advantage of it after work while it lasts..

first rainy day though, I'll give it a spin !!

05-01-2006, 06:00 PM
You're right ! Keep time to take advantage of that :)
Really rainy here for the last two days :(
But sure spring is near...

05-01-2006, 06:40 PM
Just downloaded and got my licenses. I got owned in my first two races. LOL

I'll have to get used to the controls and will give it some practice tonight.

:D :thumbs: :thumbs:

05-01-2006, 09:01 PM
Cooooool :)
I'll be on tracks in few minutes, hoping to meet you there :)
What's your ID ?

The Killer Pizza
05-02-2006, 02:04 AM

I've been wating for a game like this for a long time

i'll d/l it tonight and tell yea what i think tommarow

05-02-2006, 02:42 AM
I'm Tipper, but feel like I am drunk driving LOL. I moved up one spot training and will be playing a bit each day till I get better. Looks like most of the people were on in the afternoon for me. Thats okay, as I need lots of practice first anyway.
:thumbs: :thumbs:

05-02-2006, 07:38 AM
Thanks Killer Pizza :)
It's the same for me since I played my first racing game (not really the first one because the first racing game I ever played was on the first console, don't remember the name, Pong's one).
But it's been more than 15 years (perhaps 20) I'm waiting for a game like that. Even, 5 years ago I wouldn't have dreamt to have this game and playing it online ! Isn't it crazy ??? Technology goes so fast ! I remember the first tape walkman when I was young, you had to rewind to listen your song ;) :lol:
I love playing with australian, american, europeans, etc.

Thanks a lot for the feedbacks guys :)
And Outlaws, don't worry it comes quick, then you will have to manage faster ships...
You're right, most of the players are french yet (the only ones to know about this game) that's why if you want more people on tracks it's better for you to play in the afternoon.
I really hope one day americans will know about this game so you can have competitors in the evening and si I could have some in the night... so depressing to play alone such a great online game ;)

Cheers everybody,

I hope to meet you soon on tracks, my ID is snail1 ! :)

05-07-2006, 08:42 PM
Hello everybody.
Just a little post to tell you that after discussing of the game with lots of people, some said me the game was to slow...

Just wanted to tell you it’s because when you begin, you only have schoolship, then class AI (only 600km/h max), but after 20 races you can drive class X (nearly 2000km/h) or class III, which are more funny. It’s only because people need to learn how to drive those ships.

Have a look at the videos, they are all real ingame videos, and see if it looks slow ! lol

Astronoid is the fastest multiplayer racing game !

Also, some found it boring because they raced alone or with only another person...
The game looses a lot of its interest if there’s not at least 4 persons. Killkill mode with 8 persons is just great, thunder, speed and lightning everywhere ! Great adrenaline for me, but it’s normal, I love racing games ;)

So if you tried the game and found it boring (how can that be possible ??? lol), please have another try and come to play with us. There are peoples on servers right now.

Have a nice week everybody.

06-09-2006, 03:53 PM
Hello everybody,
A little post to let you know that Astronoid 2.0.1 is out.
What’s new about it ? Beginner server is still free and there’s now a new track called moontwist. A really tricky and technical track with buildings and tunnels... don’t try it on rusty tanker ship first ;)
Another new thing is that rusty tanker has been upgraded. The boost is far longer which means the races are lot faster. I had to change all my driving practices, but it’s more fun like this...
You don’t need to download a new version, just run astronoid and the update will be automatic. For those who don’t have astronoid yet and whom are too lazy to search, here’s the link :

Here’s a new players video, it’s on race mode with tiger squale, no weapon, the idea was to show that astronoid is the fastest online racing game, and you have real collision and shooting in it...
Video :

That’s it :)
Hoping to meet some of you on tracks soon,

Have a nice week-end,

