View Full Version : For Those Of You Who Have HALO..

Burn the Witch
02-14-2003, 02:51 AM
Been playing this pretty much since Halo came out, was originally posted on Gamespy Forums ages ago.

OK, Rules : Blood Gulch, all Vehicles, 4+ people needed really, with 3/4 of the people playing attacking and 1/4 defending ( so with minimum 1 defends 3 attack).

Now the idea is to time how long each person in the team of 1 (lol) survives, the person at the end with longest time wins.

The person defending has Rockets and Unlimited Grenades.


Now, one person has to defend one base, the attackers are not aloud to kill that person at all (it gets better)

You know theres a hole in the top of the bases in blood gulch? Well if your drive a Scorpion backwards up against the base did you know you can launch Ghosts in the hole? (THATS RIGHT BABY! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: )

The idea is to get 3 Ghosts in the hole of one base (whichever the person is defending) in as shorter time possible. The defender CAN ONLY SHOOT WHEN THE ATTACKERS ARE IN GHOSTS AND WARTHOGS, NOT SCORPIONS!

Point System :

Ghost : 1 Point
Warthog : Instant Win
Scorpion : Probably not possible

Incase you wonder if you can get a Warthog on the roof, my team managed to flip a Scorpion (with lots of luck) in the right position, then put a ghost infront of the Scorpion, and get the Warthog on the roof (but I blew them off :lol: ).

OK so if you get onto the roof with a vehicle but fall out (for example the ghost flips in mid air) you need to GET OFF THE ROOF. The only way to score is get the vehicle in the hole straight away or get it onto the roof and drive it in, but remember you can be shot off fairly easily. It is the defenders responsibility to blow vehicles off the roof.

OK, so its way simpler than it sounds, took my friends and myself a while to work out the shooting rules, but now its all we play (that and rally for some reason). Its so much fun I guarantee insane ammounts of laughter!

02-14-2003, 04:06 AM
I don't have an XBox. I'll buy Halo when it is released for the PC. :thumbs:

Burn the Witch
02-15-2003, 12:36 AM
ive now completed half the game in LEGENDARY! (now remember i said this because when you go to play legendary its gonna hurt you :) and Halo is so unbelieveable great you will want to play it. Example : Level 5 : Assault on the Control Room took me 20 Minutes SOLO in easy mode.

in legendary took me 4 1/2 HOURS playing Co-Op!!!!!