View Full Version : Warcraft the Movie!

05-09-2006, 02:38 PM
Yippie...stay away, Uwi Boll!


He Is Legend
05-09-2006, 05:43 PM
oh sheet! :D

05-09-2006, 05:51 PM
I wonder if the 6 million WoW players can step away from the black hole long enough to go see the movie because it has got to be at least 2 hours long, that's an awfully long time to go without a fix.

05-09-2006, 06:28 PM
I wonder if the 6 million WoW players can step away from the black hole long enough to go see the movie because it has got to be at least 2 hours long, that's an awfully long time to go without a fix.

Indeed. Frankly, I'm more wondering how they're going to make it make sense for both groups. You've got the RTS players that have played WarCrafts 1-3, and then the peeps that have played the MMO. The MMO continues the story where WC3's expansion left off. I'm curious where the story of the movie will fall - somewhere in the first 3 game's storyline so that everyone gets it, or something later where you could potentially bewilder some of the fans?

If it involves the undead, then it can be no earlier than the events of WC3.

This, starcraft, and half-life are the 3 games that I've always wanted to see go on the big screen...and the 3 games that I'm most afraid to see go on the big screen...I sure hope they do it right.

05-09-2006, 10:19 PM
I wonder if the 6 million WoW players can step away from the black hole long enough to go see the movie because it has got to be at least 2 hours long, that's an awfully long time to go without a fix.


05-09-2006, 11:01 PM
Indeed. Frankly, I'm more wondering how they're going to make it make sense for both groups. You've got the RTS players that have played WarCrafts 1-3, and then the peeps that have played the MMO. The MMO continues the story where WC3's expansion left off. I'm curious where the story of the movie will fall - somewhere in the first 3 game's storyline so that everyone gets it, or something later where you could potentially bewilder some of the fans?

If it involves the undead, then it can be no earlier than the events of WC3.

This, starcraft, and half-life are the 3 games that I've always wanted to see go on the big screen...and the 3 games that I'm most afraid to see go on the big screen...I sure hope they do it right.

I read on IGN that it will not follow any storyline from any of the game. So I guess its a new game.

05-10-2006, 12:16 AM
I read on IGN that it will not follow any storyline from any of the game. So I guess its a new game.

That would by far the best choice, in my opinion.

05-22-2006, 01:19 AM
Indeed. Frankly, I'm more wondering how they're going to make it make sense for both groups. You've got the RTS players that have played WarCrafts 1-3, and then the peeps that have played the MMO. The MMO continues the story where WC3's expansion left off. I'm curious where the story of the movie will fall - somewhere in the first 3 game's storyline so that everyone gets it, or something later where you could potentially bewilder some of the fans?

If it involves the undead, then it can be no earlier than the events of WC3.

This, starcraft, and half-life are the 3 games that I've always wanted to see go on the big screen...and the 3 games that I'm most afraid to see go on the big screen...I sure hope they do it right.

yea, your missing SOOOOOOO much of the story line

the newest thing is a race of bugs i guess would be the best way to describe it, and in the newest dungeon, you have to go kill an old god, or at least part of him. and you also kill the son and daughter of deathwing

a dungeon w/ medivh is coming soon too, and at the same time that comes out, we'll be able to go to the outlands