View Full Version : Ram vs Harddisk

05-10-2006, 05:53 PM
I got a nasty error wich just keeps on comming back even after reinstalling windows.

After some playing cs source (and sometimes other programs also give this error but mainly cs) an error about "memory that can't be read", and once it occured the error keeps on comming back.

Now can someone tell me if it's the ram or the harddisk wich gives the error or maybe something else.

05-10-2006, 06:17 PM
Test each stick separately, errors may not show up when testing both sticks at same time.


05-10-2006, 06:36 PM
"Memory" means RAM. The only way it could possibly mean hard drive is if the hdd space containing your pagefile was messed up, but I think you'd probably get an error that specifically mentioned your pagefile or something - I don't think it would actually refer to that as "memory".

SHO's test is a good one. Also, if you are pretty much guarenteed to get this error after playing CS (or something else) just boot up w/ 1 stick and play CS (if that's enough mem to play) and see if it happens. If it does, try the other. Whichever doesn't error, that's the good stick. If both error, you need 2 new sticks.

05-10-2006, 09:56 PM
Thnx for the replies ;)

I used the program to scan but no errors were found. (and for all those others who wanna use it: it takes TIME!)

U can see the error in the picture.

Quake 4 is running on my pc and I just don't think it uses less ram then HL2 (don't know if this is important).

So it is my harddisk after all or might be still my ram not functioning?

05-10-2006, 10:04 PM
eh, anything can cause that error. usually it will be some type of glitch that causes the program to reference an invalid memory address. it is not caused my memory or drive errors. id say to try getting all the latest drivers for your computer, directx, video card, sound card & game, and retry. if that doesn't solve the problem AND you see occasional erratic behavior in other programs, then you might have a hardware issue. you would want to try taking a can of compressed air and blowing out all the dust bunnies from your case, powersupply, fans, etc. there will probably be a lot....

05-10-2006, 11:19 PM
Allready updated everything (including the bios stuff), and also cleaned my pc last month totally (indeed there was a lot of dust), but still nothing :S

05-10-2006, 11:31 PM
Allready updated everything (including the bios stuff), and also cleaned my pc last month totally (indeed there was a lot of dust), but still nothing :S

Did this start to happen after you cleaned your case or before?

05-11-2006, 12:06 AM
Did this start to happen after you cleaned your case or before?

hehe before :D

05-11-2006, 02:18 AM
Ok, it would help knowing your system specs. Like Jim says, many things can give you that error. The problem you are having is that something is loading into memory and staying there so when another app tries to write to it you get therror. Also happends with corrupt files that are left in ram. It is possible that there is a piece of data that is corrupt and when it loads it malfunctions. Does this happen in other apps? If so are they 3d related? I would look to do a reinstall of dx9c and also do a uninstall of all of your drivers, boot up into safe mode and clear out all cache and temp directory's.

something in your pc is corrupt so looking for it can be a hassle. A reinstall of sp2 can also help.

05-11-2006, 02:42 PM
TY and in chronological order (at least a bit)


cpu: amd athlon 2600+
Ram: 2700 333 DDR (1 gig)
vid: 6600 GT nvidia
HD: 80 gb maxtor (7200)

For the softwarepart:

- Installed HL2 also with an other (also legal) copy.
- Got a windows pro cd with sp2 allready on it. (even after complete format and reinstalling no good)
- And other games (quake, ssII silent hill etc.)runs good (except Rome TW gives also such an error) also my browser sometimes just crash (but that is not a memerror)

Death Engineer
05-11-2006, 03:12 PM
Like Jim said, that error can be caused by poorly written software and/or malfunctioning hardware (probably ram, CPU or MB). Does this only happen after you've been running the application for a while? If so, this could indicate a heat related problem. Does it happen in the same place every time? It could be a problem with the software. Memory errors like this can be really tough to track down.

05-11-2006, 03:21 PM
HINT: If more members would use the "My System" feature (look under my avatar) in your profile here, it would speed up the process of diagnosing their problems.

Caged Anger
05-11-2006, 06:51 PM
well, if you are looking for a fix that will cover the problem up, i would suggest a program such as FreeRAM XP Pro:


It will keep track of your memory and help it out some. I know i used one similar to it on ym winME machine that would BSoD every 1/2 hour or so and it cut it down to once every few days (hey, its ME, gimme a break :D)

Worth a try bud :thumbs:

05-11-2006, 07:50 PM
well, if you are looking for a fix that will cover the problem up, i would suggest a program such as FreeRAM XP Pro:


It will keep track of your memory and help it out some. I know i used one similar to it on ym winME machine that would BSoD every 1/2 hour or so and it cut it down to once every few days (hey, its ME, gimme a break :D)

Worth a try bud :thumbs:

Thnx :) This program also clears it once in a while I understand?

Caged Anger
05-11-2006, 10:14 PM
it will clear it every time you tell it to, after so much time has elapsed, or if your free memory drops below a certain amount. Go into the configuration and adjust the preferences to your liking. I can't guarentee it will fix your problem, but it might :)

05-11-2006, 10:23 PM
you might want to do a search & destroy for spyware. look in the software section for some attached threads

05-11-2006, 10:35 PM
Thnx for all the help :)
Tried all but still nothing :(

I'm affraid that I gotta buy a new HD and just go hoping that was the problem :banghead:

Caged Anger
05-11-2006, 11:32 PM
did you do the boot memory check?

also, pop open your command line interface
(Start>Run> Type "command" without the "")
change it to your base HDD directory (I'm assuming its C, so put in "cd c:\" )
then type "chkdsk"

Let that run and make note if it says you have any bad sectors. If it does, then type in "chkdsk /F"
When asked if you wish to run a full scan at the next boot, do so and it will attempt to fix the bad spots or at leats mark them as bad so they don't keep being used by programs ;)

05-12-2006, 12:11 AM
did you do the boot memory check?

also, pop open your command line interface
(Start>Run> Type "command" without the "")
change it to your base HDD directory (I'm assuming its C, so put in "cd c:\" )
then type "chkdsk"

Let that run and make note if it says you have any bad sectors. If it does, then type in "chkdsk /F"
When asked if you wish to run a full scan at the next boot, do so and it will attempt to fix the bad spots or at leats mark them as bad so they don't keep being used by programs ;)

I'll try that :thumbs: