View Full Version : Which Next-Gen Console do you Want the Most?

05-10-2006, 08:01 PM
Well, which of the three next-gen consoles do you want the most?

I've tried the 360 out and while its graphics are incredible and from what I heard, Live is awesome, thats all there is to it. There are some games that interest me, but they are far and few.

The PS3 really dissapointed me with the $500-$600 price range. I expected $500, but $600 is pushing it for me. On the bright side however, the controller's "six angle" seems cool, but definitely made in reaction to the Wii's controller. The only two PS3 games that I can think of that I really want are the two new FFXIII. The only way I'd buy a system at launch is if it has a "must-have" game out, which it most likely won't.

Wii is definitely what I am looking forward to the most. Some people may say the controller is a gimmick, but look at the DS. I have a lot more fun with my sister's DS than my PSP. And I only have 1 DS game and about 7 PSP games. I am anticipating to see more controller perepherals, such as "The Zapper." http://www.gamespot.com/news/6150205.html
The controller seems really cool to me and makes up for its weaker hardware. Also, while I am sure that it will do horribly for online play as all other Nintendo consoles have, it'll probably be a great party system. The system's sucess obviously lies on the games. While the game selection doesn't interest me too much more than the other two consoles, I've heard it was fun playing with the controller. The most likely cheap price for the console is a definite pro. I'm trying to not waste all my money on games, as I have a huge family and don't buy cheap $1 gifts like I did when I was a kid anymore.

So for me, Wii is the way to go. 360 and PS3 are closely tied, as the 360 will likely go down in price in a year or so.

05-10-2006, 08:30 PM
PC is da best gaming console :wootrock:

05-10-2006, 09:41 PM
Like I said,

First were going for the ps3 but nintendo got me hooked on by their new controller :cool: (just don't know yet for sure)

for all who missed what I mean, look at the Wii-thread post :thumbs:

05-11-2006, 05:11 PM
p3 for me, but I will still use the computer for playing games too.

Finnish Guy
05-11-2006, 09:46 PM
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! :d :)

rancid monkey
05-12-2006, 04:54 PM
PS3 because ive got PS1/PS2 and all my favourite games are on Playstation/PC. Its also a lot better than XobX. Wii is made by nintendo, i've never really liked nintendo consoles (other than handhelds)

Dangerous Dan
05-12-2006, 08:48 PM
Wii :cool:

05-13-2006, 05:16 PM
Wiiiiii sounds very nice 2 me :)

05-13-2006, 10:19 PM
I have read, and experienced a lot of difficulties with the 360, which ended up me returning it for my money back.. The graphics wear great, But the amount of crashes per game, and the ammount of times games froze was unreal..

Dangerous Dan
05-13-2006, 11:40 PM
I have read, and experienced a lot of difficulties with the 360, which ended up me returning it for my money back.. The graphics wear great, But the amount of crashes per game, and the ammount of times games froze was unreal..

this is true, but MS is adressing the problem with a new processor. It has the same specs obviously, but the cooling is supposed to be extremely efficient and quiet.

Dangerous Dan
05-14-2006, 08:00 AM
After playing a few games in High Def with the PS3 at E3....hands down - PS3 :)

so it's $600 worth?

also, is it really that much better than the new 360 games being showcased? (other than heavenly sword obviously, which was arguably game of the show)

05-14-2006, 01:55 PM
I'm going with the Wii. It's a cheap console (well, as cheap as they come these days), and it's innovative and original. I just hope they get some good third-party support this time around. That killed both the 64 and Cube.

05-14-2006, 02:29 PM
so it's $600 worth?

also, is it really that much better than the new 360 games being showcased? (other than heavenly sword obviously, which was arguably game of the show)
Just from looking at the raw processing power of the PS3 the games developed for the console can and will look better than the 360 counterparts.

The Killer Pizza
05-15-2006, 02:14 AM
360 for me Because i want Halo 3!!!!!!

Dangerous Dan
05-15-2006, 03:36 AM
Just from looking at the raw processing power of the PS3 the games developed for the console can and will look better than the 360 counterparts.

maybe, keep in mind that gears of War, which looks absolutely stunning, is only using a single xbox360 processor - it has 3 :eek: once multi-core processing on the 360 takes off, we're also gonna see some amazing things

05-15-2006, 04:27 PM
I'm looking in the Wii's direction cause of the price and the controller looks really kickin'. I'll eventially buy a PS3 cause of MGS4 and FFXIII and all the other franchises I love that are only on the PS but not for 600 bucks hell no. After the 1st price drop I'll consider PS3 but if Wii's gonna be 200 bucks that looks more up my alley.

05-15-2006, 05:44 PM
i would allways vote for xpox but,,,, ps3 will offer free internet resources and will be much much more powerfull,, so yeah,,, ps3
PC and ps3 actually! its no life without PC nowadays,, not for a geekie like mey :-))))

06-23-2006, 11:42 AM
Ps3 Always ;)

06-23-2006, 12:28 PM
I vote for PS3, but I saw to late that there Computers too,...cuz computers are easier and you can do more things then a console....
Can I vote again? :(

08-19-2006, 12:20 AM
PS3 all the way. I even have a special bank account set up, saving for it. But I'm poor, so I'm saving for it in like two years - way after release.

10-25-2006, 06:28 PM
PS3 all the way. I even have a special bank account set up, saving for it. But I'm poor, so I'm saving for it in like two years - way after release.

clearly you are one of the people willing to "work more hours to buy a PS3"

PuRe AnGeL
10-25-2006, 07:40 PM
going for ps3. Heard loads about xbox 360.. and there was something about having to take them back because they had somethin faulty with them? hm.. maybe i heard wrong. But ps3 is looking more better anyway. :)

10-27-2006, 02:07 PM
PS3 would be the best :D
Only one bad thing is,
Playstation 3 = Paystation 3 :rofl:

10-27-2006, 04:09 PM
My thoughts exactly...

Anyway I originally voted for PC but tbh I hardly ever play any PC games except for Sam. So I'm gonna go for the Wii. My biggest gripe with consoles was the controller once immersive (not Doom-like) FPS games became popular. When I had the Sega Genesis I didn't mind the controller. I didn't even mind the N64 controller but when I tried out Halo on the Xbox and some GC shooters I did not enjoy using the analog thumbsticks to aim since I started playing FPS games on the PC.

The mouse controlled aim feels much more intuitive and it comes much more naturally. I think that Nintendo is trying to approach gamers like myself who want to go beyond the thumbsticks and "revolutionize" what it means to game. One of the oldest gaming symbols is the classic controller image. Nintendo is taking a huge step to change that. Perhaps it will not work out to everyone's liking but over time as wireless tracking technology improves I'm sure that "wii-mote" like controllers will dominate the gaming market.

Red Steel is the game that I'm looking forward to the most.

10-27-2006, 05:07 PM

11-06-2006, 04:11 PM
K, reservated the Wii and Zelda...

There goes my life :(

11-06-2006, 05:43 PM
I'll be sticking with my PC for a while, but the only console that has me excited is the Wii. I will probably invest in one after a few months. Definitely looking forward to Red Steel, Zelda, and Mario:Galaxy the most.

11-06-2006, 05:45 PM
Playstation 4

11-07-2006, 02:07 AM
Playstation 4
Hah. Well you might have to wait another 4 years. Hopefully PS4 will offer something TRULY innovative and if it does then the next Nintendo system will have to be able to teleport you into the actual game.

He Is Legend
11-07-2006, 04:15 AM
only thing the ps3 has going for it is the cell processor

everything else just doesnt add up to xbox 360 ;(

11-07-2006, 07:19 AM
None. Well maybe next PSP ^.^
I've vote for Comp btw :thumbs:

11-07-2006, 10:09 AM
only thing the ps3 has going for it is the cell processor

everything else just doesnt add up to xbox 360 ;(

Uhhh, don't know what you have been reading but looking just at the hardware the PS3 of both consoles.

Stats Xbox 360:

1 Terraflop
512Mb GDDR3 @700 mhz, 10mb embedded

2 Terraflop
256 XDR @ 3.2 Ghz and 256 GDDR3 @ 700mhz

These numbers are facts, I'm not a hardware wizkid but double CPU numbers and the 3.2Ghz rampiece are kinda huge differences to deny.

One big advantage for the Xbox 360 is the Live support (if you're interested in online multiplay), but face it: you gotta pay for it also :)

( http://ps3.ign.com/articles/668/668446p1.html )

11-07-2006, 04:33 PM
Uhhh, don't know what you have been reading but looking just at the hardware the PS3 of both consoles.

Stats Xbox 360:

1 Terraflop
512Mb GDDR3 @700 mhz, 10mb embedded

2 Terraflop
256 XDR @ 3.2 Ghz and 256 GDDR3 @ 700mhz

These numbers are facts, I'm not a hardware wizkid but double CPU numbers and the 3.2Ghz rampiece are kinda huge differences to deny.

Take a look at videos and screenshots from the PS3 and Xbox 360. There isn't much of a difference.

He Is Legend
11-07-2006, 05:49 PM
Take a look at videos and screenshots from the PS3 and Xbox 360. There isn't much of a difference.

yeah they are very similar and it wont make any difference , just different games

but i'll favor the xbox 360 for right now

11-07-2006, 06:19 PM
Also most games released on the PS3 will also be released on the 360, except perhaps MGS. But then again Microsoft has Halo and I'm sure that they will launch a few other game title franchises.

He Is Legend
11-07-2006, 07:01 PM
Also most games released on the PS3 will also be released on the 360, except perhaps MGS. But then again Microsoft has Halo and I'm sure that they will launch a few other game title franchises.

halo i heard was coming out for ps3 and xbox 360

11-07-2006, 08:30 PM
Yeah I admit...

In the early stages they'll look almost similair. But did you peepz thought about the fact that it takes some time to know a system. U just can't expect for especially the PS3 that developmentteams know how to handle the 8 cores CPU well. The hardware numbers are clearly in favor of the PS3

Short, I would be really suprised if the PS3 won't blast the 360 graphically away in time being, and all the extra stuff they did to make a very compatible machine shouldn't be denied also :thumbs:

11-07-2006, 11:55 PM
it dosnt really matter... wii owns all.

true :cool:

Finnish Guy
11-12-2006, 08:47 PM
I'll get Wii or X0 at christmas. ;)

11-13-2006, 10:17 PM
Lol Pc Is The Best But IDK About The Poor Lol Pc Rocks But Serious Sam And Counter Strike And Half-life Is What Make's It Rock :)


11-14-2006, 02:53 AM
Lol Pc Is The Best But IDK About The Poor Lol Pc Rocks But Serious Sam And Counter Strike And Half-life Is What Make's It Rock :)

