View Full Version : New Samsung HDD - Hybrid

05-18-2006, 06:20 PM

Samsung has announced that its manufactered Hard Drives who's cache uses NAND flash memory will be massivelly made by next - 2007th year. theoritically this kind of HDD should handle bigger speed and spend less energy.

This HDD will contain Samsung 1GB OneNAND (can read at 108MB/s and write at 18MB/s), that will be sticked at HDD's chipset, and will do all cache memory's functions. Theoritically this kind of cache should often completelly stop rotation of HDD's engine (motor), becouse there will be no need to read all the data all the time. Its being prognosed, that in this way we could save the energy (electrical) till even 95%, and lesser the loading time of OS from 8 to 25 seconds, depending on configuration of system.
But as usually in IT industry there will allways be someone to competite, in this case industry's giant - Intel. It's manufactered technology Robson is kindlyssimiliar, but differs from Samsung, who decided to integrate flash memory in the HDD, Intel decided to integrate it into motherboards. That means only that every HDD you own will be able to use this technology. This technology by first time will be used in mobile platform Santa Rosa in begining of year 2007, but knowing Intel speeds we can predict its announcement even faster to avoid competitions.

originaly from boot.lv, translated by me ofcoz x)