View Full Version : anyone get this in bf2

05-20-2006, 05:45 AM
invalid cd key

I did a clean install and have not played in a while. I have lots of battle time and at this point about to snap seriously. There is no tech support to call either. I am too mad right now to function and will have to goto sleep now. I honestly want to kill someone from EA.

05-20-2006, 01:16 PM
WOW that sucks, but on another note I think you hit on something, a new game called Kill EA. It could be a FPS type game, go around and kill EA support staff, managment and so on. I think it would be a best seller!:D

05-21-2006, 06:16 PM
OK thanks to google I managed to learn the solution which requires you to edit registry keys.

HKLM-Elecronic arrts---ea games-bf2--ergc

modify string and add your cd key after the x9392

so you will see this string with s9392 and a binch of other numbers. Just delete everything but thex9392 and put your cd key with no spaces in place of the other characters after x9392.