View Full Version : Too short for jail - Fair or B.S.

05-31-2006, 09:08 PM
Sentence for Short Sex Offender Draws Fire

The Associated Press
Friday, May 26, 2006; 10:50 AM

LINCOLN, Neb. -- A judge's decision to sentence a 5-foot-1 man to probation instead of prison for sexually assaulting a child has angered crime victim advocates who say the punishment sends the wrong message.

But supporters of short people say it's about time someone recognizes the unique challenges they face.

Cheyenne County District Judge Kristine Cecava issued the sentence Tuesday. She told Richard W. Thompson that his crimes deserved a long prison sentence but that he was too small to survive in a state prison.

Though he could have been sentenced to 10 years behind bars, he ended up with 10 years of probation instead. On Thursday, the state's attorney general, Jon Bruning, promised to appeal within two weeks, calling the sentence far too lenient.

"I'm concerned about the message this sends to victims and perpetrators," said Marla Sohl with the Nebraska Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Coalition, adding that it shows more concern is being placed on the criminal and his safety in prison than the victim.

But Joe Mangano, secretary of the National Organization of Short Statured Adults, agreed with the judge's assessment that Thompson would face dangers while in prison because of his height.

"I'm assuming a short inmate would have a much more difficult time than a large inmate," said Mangano, who is 5 feet 4 inches tall. "It's good to see somebody looking out for someone who is a short person."

Thompson, 50, had sexual contact over a couple of months last year with a 12-year-old girl, said Sidney Police Chief Larry Cox. He was sentenced on two felony sexual assault charges.

As part of the probation, he will be electronically monitored for the first four months and was told never to be alone with someone under age 18 or date or live with a woman whose children were under 18. He was also ordered to get rid of his pornography.

Thompson's attorney, Donald Miller, had no comment on the ruling. Cheyenne County Attorney Paul Schaub, who prosecuted the case, did not return a call seeking comment. Cecava did not return a message seeking comment.

The judge's reasoning confounded Amy Miller, legal director for the Nebraska chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"I have never heard of anything like this before," she said.

No one has ever come to the ACLU to complain of height discrimination, she said. And using Thompson's height as a reason to avoid sending him to prison is surprising, because neither the U.S. nor state constitution provides protections based on physical stature, she said.

A spokesman for the prison system said Thompson's height would not put him at risk among the state's 4,400 inmates. There are protections available in prison to help inmates who feel threatened, prison spokesman Steve King said, but to his knowledge, no one has ever taken advantage of them based on fears related to their height.

"He's not the shortest guy we have in prison," King said. "We've got some short guys that are as tough as nails. We've got people from all ages, physical stature of all sizes, in general population."

State Sen. Ernie Chambers, a longtime critic of judges, said he was baffled by the sentence.

"If shortness is an excuse and protection from going to prison, short people ought to rob banks and do everything else they would wind up going to prison for," Chambers said. "We're talking here about a crime committed against a child, and shortness is not a defense."


C&P from: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/26/AR2006052600177.html

05-31-2006, 09:42 PM
If you do the crime, you must do the time.

05-31-2006, 09:58 PM
Nah..guys like that need to be out in public..let natural selection take it's course...;)

05-31-2006, 10:09 PM
Cut his balls off..

05-31-2006, 10:27 PM
Cut his balls off..

I was just about to quote billy graham: "I think that whenever a man is found guilty of rape, he should be castrated. That would stop him pretty quickly. -- Billy Graham"

I say that if his height is really an issue, make a "short guy" jail so he can get raped by Billy Bob Jr. instead of Billy Bob himself. I don't know what unique challenges they face in jail, but God knows that it's better than whatever the crap he did to that child.

05-31-2006, 11:44 PM
Cut his balls off..

Ditto, sickos like this need to learn that this crap got to stop!

06-01-2006, 12:16 AM
I voted yes but would rather these bastards get the ddeath penalty. Regarding this subject, it seems to be happening way too much these days and all of these pervs are getting nothing but a slap on the wrist. I'm sorry but this only makes these matters worst as they know they are getting away with it. The system does not work in my eyes and I feel that it is too possible that the judge is a pedophile also and that explains his disregard for what really happend.

Now I look at the victim and victims family and put myself in their shoes. I have a little girl and God forbid something like this ever happends you can all bet that I will not even use the system to get justice. I can not see any parent being able to live with that or child living with that pain for the rest of their life. Sorry I am not having it and would take the law into my own hands and move out of the country the next day.

Death Engineer
06-01-2006, 02:33 AM
Who the freak voted no??

06-01-2006, 11:29 AM
Who the freak voted no??

:wave: Right here..

Pieces of sh!t like this are just a drain on the taxpayers money if we put 'em behind bars..I think the best punishment for cases like this are to let 'em go, let 'em run and let nature take it's course..
I know damn well if one of my family or friends were his victims, I'd be like the Sandman in Logans Run...no runners on my watch..:thumbs: :D

Of course, it'd never happen ( in my lifetime anyway) but it's a helluva nice concept...

wtf...too short... :mad:

06-02-2006, 01:24 AM
Im with Biggs, If it was my daughter the bastard wouldnt make it to court.

06-02-2006, 02:38 AM
Yes, and then you'd find yourself on the run for homicide instead of letting other prisoners have at him. I say cut his b***s off first, then grill him.