View Full Version : Graphic Contest - Week 14 - Magazine Cover

06-05-2006, 09:09 PM
This week's contest will be a magazine cover contest.

Just a few simple rules:
- The theme is a gaming magazine.
- Must not be Serious Sam related.
- Must not have GameMecca's name on it or any GameMecca member's, clan's or guild's name on it. In other words, it can not be Gamemecca related.
- Entries are to be built from scratch, that means open a new blank canvas using the following dimensions (H) 10.5" x (W) 8", in pixels that would be (H)756 x (W) 576 pixels @ 72 pixels per inch and start from scratch adding your text, images, etc ...
- As usual, PM your entry to me in it's full size i.e. (H) 10.5" x (W) 8", in pixels that would be (H)756 x (W) 576 pixels @ 72 pixels per inch and it must be in the .jpg file format.
- Deadline is Friday 6/9/2006 11:00pm EST

DO NOT take a magazine cover and just edit it, START FROM SCRATCH. I want to see YOUR creativity.

These are the links to our previous contest if you need to see how some other were done.
Thread: http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=77255
Poll: http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=77309

06-05-2006, 09:49 PM
This sounds fun!:thumbs:

06-05-2006, 11:49 PM
Here is one I did for a contest at a Website design site.

That is actually Augusta National's Amen Corner (which consist of the 11th, 12th and 13th holes) as the background as seen from space using Google Earth.


06-06-2006, 12:01 AM
Looks very nice Sho, think I saw it at TWC not sure though.:thumbs:

Caged Anger
06-06-2006, 12:11 AM
hmm, a second chance at this, will havce to do mine early though as I grad this friday :D

06-07-2006, 12:16 PM
Well I can't come up with any good ideas yet, good news is it's only Wednesday.:confused: