View Full Version : Al-Zarqawi dead!

06-08-2006, 01:22 PM
Confirmed: The al-Qaida leader in Iraq was killed by a US airstrike. A major victory in the Iraq War.


Let me be the first to say, this is a great victory for our side. I am very glad to hear this news, that that's one less terrorist leader we need to worry about. But, the war is not over yet. There are still many of Zarqawi's followers inside Iraq. Not to mention we must still capture or kill Osama bin Laden, the man responsible for 9/11.

06-08-2006, 01:27 PM

06-08-2006, 01:58 PM
I know this isn't Christian of me, but i'm glad that MF'er is dead and may he rot in hell!

Die Hard
06-08-2006, 02:42 PM
...and three more will replace him!

Caged Anger
06-08-2006, 05:23 PM
...and three more will replace him!

thats what scares me

I find it somewhat funny though....they were pretty sure that he was there...so they drop not one 500lb bomb on him, they drop 2 :D

06-08-2006, 07:11 PM
i dont meant to start stuff, but i think 9/11 was kinda suspicious

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2023320890224991194&q=9%2F11+conspiracy all of THAT cant be purely coincidence

HOWEVER, im still glad that guy is dead, and im not trying to be unpatriotic or anything

06-08-2006, 07:48 PM
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2023320890224991194&q=9%2F11+conspiracy all of THAT cant be purely coincidence

eh, a lot of that has been debunked. they make a point of the second tower falling first. they don't mention that it was hit lower and the support columns probably had to support twice as much weight than the other tower. probably the lower a building is hit the quicker it will go down.

to say though that 9/11 is a hoax, well, try telling the widows that.

06-08-2006, 07:49 PM

You have got to be kidding!

06-08-2006, 07:51 PM
even still...1400 degrees F doesnt melt that kind of steel :P

06-08-2006, 07:54 PM
Interesting video.

06-08-2006, 08:09 PM
PJ if you will buy into that 9/11 hoax stuff, then here is some more crap the very same people are selling.

BTW Don't forget to buy their books.

06-08-2006, 08:11 PM
lol, all im saying is that there were a LOT of "coincidences" that happened. i dont doubt that something DID happen, im just saying its fishy

and what reason would i have to not believe it? i havent seen anything to make me believe otherwise since what i saw that day.

by all means, if you have other stuff to post refuting it, please do, i got LOTS of time to kill before we leave for {DS} lan

06-08-2006, 08:19 PM
i dont meant to start stuff, but i think 9/11 was a hoax

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2023320890224991194&q=9%2F11+conspiracy all of THAT cant be purely coincidence

:confused: Are you serious?

06-08-2006, 08:21 PM
little question: who else than terrorist would have some profit from fall of WTC?

06-08-2006, 08:22 PM
:confused: Are you serious?

i didnt think so either, and i was offened that people said that too, but then i watched at while bored and at work one day

06-08-2006, 08:28 PM
I know this isn't Christian of me, but i'm glad that MF'er is dead and may he rot in hell!

Well said Sho!

LOL, PJ'l_Master you got to be kidding 9/11 a hoax. Please tell us your just trying to get a razz up and not that brainwashed.

06-08-2006, 08:32 PM
Well said Sho!

LOL, PJ'l_Master you got to be kidding 9/11 a hoax. Please tell us your just trying to get a razz up and not that brainwashed.

lol, no, im not brainwashed by any means, but that was some damn convincing stuff, and i would like to see something to refute it still :P

you can never form an opinion unless you know both sides of the story...and i know what ive seen on TV from the news reports and stuff, and i know what i saw in that video. and the video did a far better job of backing up its evidence, that is not to say that it wasnt w/out its flaws of course.

Caged Anger
06-08-2006, 08:42 PM
to say it was a hoax is a bit drastic...but I am willing to hear PJ out when he says there are a lot of coincidences that happened on that day

06-08-2006, 08:45 PM
to say it was a hoax is a bit drastic...but I am willing to hear PJ out when he says there are a lot of coincidences that happened on that day

yea, i kinda agree, im gonna change the post a bit for clarity

06-08-2006, 08:53 PM
even still...1400 degrees F doesnt melt that kind of steel :P

It didn't have to melt to collapse, all it had to do was to get the steel beams hot enough to bend or distort, which 1400 degrees will do, the shear weight from the floors above caused them to bend, once that happens gravity and the enormous weight took care of the rest.
this might clear some things up.


06-08-2006, 09:11 PM
It didn't have to melt to collapse, all it had to do was to get the steel beams hot enough to bend or distort, which 1400 degrees will do, the shear weight from the floors above caused them to bend, once that happens gravity and the enormous weight took care of the rest.
this might clear some things up.


yea, i was wonderin about that too when i saw the video, but it seems like the buildings wouldnt have collapsed on themselves like they did, and no building hit the other smaller building that collapsed, and it still fell (due to a fire apparently)
and there were still the explosions in the video too, that isnt to say those explosions could have been planted by terrorists too, but why would they use those too, and make the buildings collapse like they did, and not explode outwards

06-08-2006, 09:29 PM
those aren't explosions, what do you think would happen with all that weight and pressure coming down, don't you think that some of the debris would be pushed outward

Don't be so gullible and buy into these conspiracy theories.

06-08-2006, 09:32 PM
those aren't explosions, what do you think would happen with all that weight and pressure coming down, don't you think that some of the debris would be pushed outward

Don't be so gullible and buy into these conspiracy theories.
i thought about that too, but there were people talking about hearing them on the streets too and stuff, as well as firefighters in the buildings, etc

06-08-2006, 09:34 PM
and there were still the explosions in the video too, that isnt to say those explosions could have been planted by terrorists too
the concept of the explosions is stoopid. who knows what the flashes of light were. maybe a terrorist strapped himself to the nose cone with a grenade in his teeth. a bomb can only do so much. remember that they blew up a truck in the basement, full of explosives. it made a crater but not much else. you are mistaken in assuming that a missle - launched at almost the exact moment of impact - would have any type of devastating capability compared to the plane. for most explosions it is not the explosion that kills (unless you are right there) but the shrapnel that it shoots out. missle = little bit of shrapnel, lots of damage in small space. big ass plane full of fuel = lots of shrapnel, lots of damage everywhere. fuel burning for 1 hours = collapsed tower.

06-08-2006, 09:51 PM
i meant the other explosions you can see as the tower is falling before the rubble (like 5-10 floors before the collapsing tower)

06-08-2006, 10:03 PM
the building was like a set of cement layers all stacked together. going through the layers are the elevators and also stairwells. Those too are surrounded by concrete to prevent the spread of fires. As the building is falling it would be destroying those shafts. fire would both be able to get inside and also spread outside. I would venture to guess that fuel was able to pour inside the shafts but that there was not enough oxygen to burn it, causing the fire to snuff. (try dropping a match in a milk jug full of gas. it won't explode. i know, I accidentally did this as a kid). Rupture the shafts and all of a sudden you have lots of oxygen which lights up all the gas, causing 'explosions' that can be seen through multiple floors below. This is no conspiracy, just stoopid people with no reasoning ability.

06-08-2006, 10:08 PM
the building was like a set of cement layers all stacked together. going through the layers are the elevators and also stairwells. Those too are surrounded by concrete to prevent the spread of fires. As the building is falling it would be destroying those shafts. fire would both be able to get inside and also spread outside. I would venture to guess that fuel was able to pour inside the shafts but that there was not enough oxygen to burn it, causing the fire to snuff. (try dropping a match in a milk jug full of gas. it won't explode. i know, I accidentally did this as a kid). Rupture the shafts and all of a sudden you have lots of oxygen which lights up all the gas, causing 'explosions' that can be seen through multiple floors below. This is no conspiracy, just stoopid people with no reasoning ability.

im not too sure many people know crazy things like that :P or maybe im just stupid too lol, but it looked like the explosions and stuff were a bit too far down for it to be caused by that, iunno. there was just lots of stuff that seemed all to coincidental, like there was a big explosion 9 seconds before it fell that shook the ground and registered a magnitude 2 earthquake. and if my understanding is correct, the explosion would have to be underground to do that

06-08-2006, 10:17 PM
ok, first off, don't kid yourself, magnitude 2 earthquake is not jack sh1t. Remember that for each magnitude the earthquakes are 10x stronger. So a 2 = .1 of a 3. It barely rates as anything you can feel unless you are close by. Take hundreds of thousands of tons of steel and concrete and drop it 800 feet to the ground and you damn well will have an earthquake that can be felt underground.

06-08-2006, 10:43 PM
From my expierience in the demolition industry I didnt see any thing crazy abnormally odd about the towers falling. The pics of buildings being blown up cannot be used as a comparison as they are carefully planned and the inside of the building prepped. The towers could not have been set with explosives and prepped with out at least one person noticing. The sounds of explosions were more than likely support pillars wrapped in concrete bursting, the sound is familiar. And with the building coming down its the impact on the next floor that does the damage. On multiple story buildings we will trip the top couple and let the impact bring it to us. As the magnitude, We dropped a 75 ton overhead crane at 110 feet and it was felt out to about a 4-6 block radius. Multiply thousands of tons at over 1100 ft. Hope this helped a bit. And to the original topic I have to say good, One down many to go.

06-09-2006, 12:29 AM
I have to agree with Oscar on this. 1400 degrees is not enough to melt steel, but then the steel doesn't need to be liquified for the towers to collapse. All it needed was enough heat for the steel beams to begin to warp and sag. Then the weight from all the upper floors being to cause the support beams to buckle, and then all the fire and debris is pushed in an explosion caused by the pressure. Once those beams being to distort, they are not as strong as they used to be, and cannot support the full load.

Also several factors helped contribute to the South Tower falling before the North Tower, even if the North Tower was hit first. Consider, the jet that hit the second tower hit faster than the plane that struck the tower. Also the fact that the first tower was hit at around the 91st floor. The second tower was hit at around the 81st, that's a good ten-story difference. Finally, the plane that hit the second tower was leaning more than the first plane was, thus more floors on the second tower was hit than the first tower.

06-09-2006, 01:02 AM
mmmmm. :D
