View Full Version : Battlecorp, a massively multiplayer online game

06-23-2006, 02:18 PM

Please forgive us if this post bother either the community or the administrators, but we take advantage of this public space to present to you a new on-line turn by turn wargame : Battlecorp ( www.battlecorp.com )

Battlecorp is not only a massively multiplayer wargame, but also a management game in a persistent futuristic universe.

Features that make Battlecorp unique
- massively multiplayer
- No download or installation needed
- both turn by turn and realtime time management,
- rich and complete game system with easy rules to get started,
- excellent graphics for this kind of games.

Join and developp your own Corporation, create a Consortium (guild) and become one of the leaders of the Battlecorp community.

Here are some screenshots so that you get an idea of Battlecorp :

Wargame part


Management part


We hope you will enjoy it,

The Battlecorp Team

06-23-2006, 02:25 PM
Better ask before posting, cuz this is gonna be a garuanteed bann :)

06-23-2006, 02:26 PM
seeya spammy loozer. next time try making something that doesn't suck to the point where you have to troll the forums.

06-23-2006, 03:34 PM
awe come on....give Rodney a chance :D

06-23-2006, 03:37 PM
awe come on....give Rodney a chance :D


Can we ban him, Uncle Pure? Can we, can we please?

06-23-2006, 03:46 PM

Can we ban him, Uncle Pure? Can we, can we please?


06-23-2006, 09:27 PM
Please forgive us if this post bother either the community or the administrators, but we take advantage of this public space to present to you a new on-line turn by turn wargame
So if you are concerned whether or not this bothers us and/or is against the rules why not be intelligent and ask the admins before advertising your game? This may be public space but rules still apply to all members new or old.

06-26-2006, 11:34 PM

We're sorry about that but we didn't read anything about advertising when we registered !

We don't aim at bothering you, we just thought that members of this forum might have been interested in Battlecorp !

We sincerely apologize for the trouble we've caused on this forum .

The Battlecorp Team.

06-27-2006, 01:33 AM
Well obviously since this thread is still open you *somewhat* have the approval of the admins. Probably because you are still in free beta. As soon as you go live and start charging money then the story may change.

I get the impression that you are a startup group trying to get a game off the ground. Good luck with your endeavor. It would be a good idea to PM or email SALvation about this though since he is the ultimate Lord and Master here.