View Full Version : 277.5 feet

06-29-2006, 02:15 AM
I'm watching Mindfreak and Criss has this guy training him for a trick, his name is Trigger Gumm and they show this video of him breaking a the world record jumping a motorcycle. This is wild, check out the height he gets. :eek:

At the Crusty Demons Night of Records in Queensland, Australia 36 year old Trigger Gumm from San Clemente, CA. shattered all true and imaginary records for the longest distance motorcycle jump by flying his Etnies/Lost Enterprises/Troy Lee Designs/FMF/Arsenalmx.com 500cc Honda 277.5 feet. In front of an estimated crowd of 35,000 fans, and officials from the Guinness Book of World Records, Trigger jumped his Service Honda, a special construction dirt bike with a Honda CR 250cc body and frame modified to fit a 500cc motor, off a 23 foot tall take off ramp to claim the record he has been eyeing since he was a child looking up to the legendary Evel Knievel. Gumm said "I have owed a Freeride Technology ramp similar to this one in the US for about six years but haven't been able to really find the place that wants such a big jump". The jump was unlike many in the past where the jumper was doing a stunt over cars or other objects while flying 100-200 feet, Trigger was over 75 feet in the air while clearing the 277 plus feet. Trigger has plans of coming home to the US and setting up a jump that would take him beyond 300ft. ... (more)

And to think you looked in here to see 277.5 feet. :P

06-29-2006, 02:22 AM
Damn that was just fricken insane! And he made it look so easy. What a ride that must have been. :eek:

06-29-2006, 03:27 AM
:thumbs: Holy Crap thats one huge jump!

06-29-2006, 05:19 AM
That is BIG air!!:eek:
Looked like he was pitching forward then made a perfect correction. Nicely done!!

sidenote- did you catch that guy jumping the fountains at Caesars Palace. The same place Evel Knieval spilled hard. Only this guy backflipped the jump. Big difference in equipment.

06-29-2006, 12:33 PM
:eek: :eek:
Is this a record??
Nice Job:thumbs:

06-29-2006, 01:42 PM
Holy ****! :eek: