View Full Version : The truth about PETA

06-30-2006, 11:41 AM

This is a very interesting video done by Penn and Teller on the PETA group and what they stand for, what they condone and the lengths they will go to so that all animals are set free.

Do you have a pet dog, cat or bird? If you agree with PETA, then go open the door and set it free. They believe in the total liberation of all animals

Do you have a medical condition and use meds that were developed using the lab testing of animals? If you back PETA you need to stop using them or you are a hypocrite.

06-30-2006, 01:22 PM
Kind of outside what Penn and Teller do but very good and informative. Another case of a good cause gone wild, hopefully a lot of PETA backers will see this and stop sending money to them.

06-30-2006, 03:38 PM
PETA have, to me, always been a bunch of irresponsible hotheads. I may understand advocating animal rights, but these people are insane. Don't even eat animals, wear their fur, or own them as pets?

Animals have been eating other animals ever since the animal kingdom was first created. Carnivorous and omnivoruous species are designed for eating meat specifically, why should humans, an omnivorous species, stop eating other animals because a bunch of loons say so?

For millennia humans depended on the furs and skins of other animals to keep them warm. And with time we have created new clothes, yes, but a lot of clothing products still exist today that were created from animals in the very least. Leather jackets, fur coats, etc.

And what's up with not owning pets? Many pets are adopted that were previously homeless, or worse, mistreated by other people or other stray animals. I have two cats, and I'd say they are perfectly happy living in my house. They came to us, we did not force them to live with us, they chose to. And they seem much happier now than they ever were. And PETA wants us to get rid of our pets. That's like having to say goodbye to a brother or sister, and I cannot do that again.

Goes to show what I really think of PETA. They have never earned my support before, and they never will.

06-30-2006, 03:51 PM
Their ideas and beliefs will attract only a small margin of people anyway. Mainly young, brainless, extremist liberals. You can't just take a natural commodity and say its use is wrong or immoral. If I said that oil use should be boycotted because drilling for oil is detrimental to the environment and start my own group how many people would join. Obviously no one that drives a car or has oil heating in their homes. So who's left? Sacrifices have to be made in order to maintain an orderly society. So PETA is a joke imo.

06-30-2006, 09:08 PM
And that's why I am a centrist Democrat instead of a far-out-there leftist, because too many people are going too far out to the left or the right, going to the extremes to back up their viewpoints. PETA is yet another example. The only people these radical groups are going to get to support them are people who already agree with them.

06-30-2006, 11:21 PM
Like that guy in the video that burned those buildings in protest, he admitting to doing it in court as part of a plea bargain. PETA gave him contributions and also to his dad so they were linked to that. They are not what everyone thinks they are.

That video is rather long at 15 mins, but well worth watching.

06-30-2006, 11:34 PM
i have seen most of the penn & teller shows, all great stuff.
true, peta are nuts, but then they do make some nice photographs... :)

07-01-2006, 04:30 AM
i want more peta!!!

He Is Legend
07-01-2006, 06:22 AM
puppies are cool