View Full Version : brittney spears nude!1!1!!1! (kids go away)

07-01-2006, 04:34 AM
well, she is kind of wacky.
i ghess she is in the process of moving away from a teen queen into
more of a modanna demi moore role.

as long as it involves nudity, i am all for it..... :)

07-01-2006, 04:42 AM
I think she is hot no matter what!!!!:thumbs: Even Pregnant:thumbs:

He Is Legend
07-01-2006, 05:10 AM
oh god

07-01-2006, 09:07 AM
Milf :D

Die Hard
07-01-2006, 12:07 PM
A munter :tongue:

07-01-2006, 01:32 PM
pregnant is better:thumbs: ,at least you dont have to jump off at edge hill:D i dont think you will get that in the states:)

LOL, http://www.smileypad.com/v224/Misc/Smokin.gif

07-01-2006, 11:29 PM
Hi, my mom is Brittney Spears. Wanna see naked pitchers of her when she was pregnant with me?

That kid's gonna have a lot of friends. Or a lot of therapy. Probably both assuming she doesn't drop it off a balcony or leave it sitting in it's car seat on the top of the car as she drives off.

I like her better as a brunette BTW. I hope she's not expecting the change in hair color to make her any smarter.

07-01-2006, 11:39 PM
that doesnt even look like brittney

07-02-2006, 02:37 AM
hrm, is that envy i hear in the sircles voice? bah, i like looking at nude pregnant babes. i think it r teh sexah. so what about her kids. all the money and fame is going to cause problems anyway. for brittney, why is she stupid? fame has got to be like a love hate relationship, both the craving for it and also the resentment as a result of it. so she is screwed up. welcome to the human race.... now more nude pics!!!!

07-02-2006, 03:59 AM
Yes and Brittney should stop being shy and uncover herself. :P

07-02-2006, 05:52 AM
hrm, is that envy i hear in the sircles voice? bah, i like looking at nude pregnant babes. i think it r teh sexah. so what about her kids. all the money and fame is going to cause problems anyway. for brittney, why is she stupid? fame has got to be like a love hate relationship, both the craving for it and also the resentment as a result of it. so she is screwed up. welcome to the human race.... now more nude pics!!!!

Envy? Do I want to be a nude pregnant pop female singer on a magazine cover? Erm, no. Not sure where the envy thing came from. Stupid? Yes, in fact she is. She was caught driving with her child in her lap. Then she was caught driving with her child's car seat facing the wrong way. When she tripped and nearly dropped her child and was saved from falling by her bodyguard, well, okay that could have happened to anyone and it was blown way out of proportion by the press. Honestly though, she's not too bright. But she does spend a lot of time with her kid, so that makes up for a lot. I don't think she's a bad mother. She's just...not too bright.

Congrats on the pregnant fetish. I admit I still thought my wife was beautiful when she was pregnant with my children. Otherwise I really don't get off on pictures of bloated pregnant women though. Not even Brittney. But hey, that's just me.

07-02-2006, 06:21 AM
bloated? that is really a mischaracterization. when your kids were babies, did you ever make any mistakes? were there photographers around to document it?

07-02-2006, 09:24 AM
bloated? that is really a mischaracterization. when your kids were babies, did you ever make any mistakes? were there photographers around to document it?

Sorry, I'm just not into preggos. I don't share the fetish. Motherhood is a wonderful thing but I get no pleasure out of seeing pregnant women naked. The exception to that rule was my wife.

All parents make mistakes. I've made mistakes. But not blatant, stupid, and dangerous ones like driving with my kids in my lap. And I also took the 30 seconds to RTFM for the car seat and I never ever installed the thing backwards. Brittney fails at common sense.